54 research outputs found

    Comparison of the CD teams with the control teams based on the variance of the goal differences.

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    <p>In analogy to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0017664#pone-0017664-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a> the average values over the prediction period are given as solid lines. Again no effect is present.</p

    Comparison of the CD (coach dismissal) with the control teams based on the average goal difference.

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    <p>The time axis is shifted with respect to the time of the CD (occurring directly after match day t<sub>CD</sub>) to enable comparison of different events. The average values for the prediction period are included as solid lines. No effect of the CD is present within statistical errors.</p

    Example images of Azan stained longitudinal sections (6 µm) of leech tissue.

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    <p>Tissue was prepared from the central portion of the anterior body containing the cell bodies of salivary gland cells. A - unfed leech, B - leech fed at a human host for 30 min just before being fixed for histological analysis. The arrows point to individual cell bodies of salivary gland cells. bv -blood vessel, m - strands of muscle cells.</p

    Examples of 2 D gels prepared using protein extracts from the central portions of the anterior body parts of an unfed and a fed leech.

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    <p>A - unfed leech, B - leech fed pig blood for 30 min just before being prepared. Proteins had been separated according to their pI by isoelectric focussing (horizontal axis) and subsequently according to their masses by SDS electrophoresis (vertical axis) and silver stained. Spots labeled by black circles were regularly present in samples from unfed as well as from recently fed leeches, while spots labeled by red circles were generally present in unfed leeches but absent in fed leeches. Proteins represented by the spots labeled in red were considered to be secretory salivary gland proteins which are mobilized during feeding and transferred to the host.</p

    Correlation of the deviation from the expectation of points with the expected fitness in a season where a CD takes please.

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    <p>The solid line is the regression line. From this graph the motivation to dismiss a coach can be extracted.</p

    Quantification of protein density in individual salivary gland cell bodies.

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    <p>Mouse skeletal muscle (A) or pig liver (B) were used as reference tissues (for which sample mass, sample volume and protein content had been previously determined) for determining protein densities in leech salivary gland cells (C). Cryo-sections (6 µm) of all three tissue types were mounted onto microscopic slides and simultaneously stained using Bradford reagent. Images were taken using the same settings of microscope and camera. Densitometric analyses were performed on digital images of the reference tissues in the fields a - d. Background (bg) corrected means were used to construct a calibration curve, which was used to read out the protein content of individual cell bodies of leech salivary gland cells using the background corrected density values measured in the fields marked with white squares (C).</p

    Azan stained cross section through the anterior body of a leech (A) and 3 D reconstruction of a tissue block (B) from a tissue cylinder in this area.

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    <p>The salivary gland cells are located in an area between the gastrointestinal lining (encircled by the inner white circle in A) and the body wall muscle layer (outside of the outer white circle in A). The reconstructed tissue block represents approximately 1/12 of the entire tissue in the circumference of the respective tissue layer. bv - blood vessel, m - strands of muscle fibers, n - nephridium, sgc - salivary gland cell.</p

    Relative and absolute protein contents, molecular masses and hypothetical concentrations of individual salivary gland proteins in the circulation of a human host (distribution volume: 5 l).

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    <p>Relative and absolute protein contents, molecular masses and hypothetical concentrations of individual salivary gland proteins in the circulation of a human host (distribution volume: 5 l).</p

    A cluster-randomized controlled study to evaluate a team coaching concept for improving teamwork and patient-centeredness in rehabilitation teams

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    <div><p>Purpose</p><p>Although the relevance of interprofessional teamwork in the delivery of patient-centered care is well known, there is a lack of interventions for improving team interaction in the context of rehabilitation in Germany. The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether a specially developed team coaching concept (TCC) could improve both teamwork and patient-centeredness.</p><p>Method</p><p>A multicenter, cluster-randomized controlled intervention study was conducted with both staff and patient questionnaires. Data was collected at ten German rehabilitation clinics (five clusters) of different indication fields before (t1) and after (t2) the intervention. Intervention clinics received the TCC, while control clinics did not receive any treatment. Staff questionnaires were used to measure internal participation and other aspects of teamwork, such as team organization, while patient questionnaires assessed patient-centeredness. A multivariate analysis of variance was applied for data analysis.</p><p>Results</p><p>In order to analyze the effect of TCC on internal participation and teamwork, 305 questionnaires were included for t1 and 213 for t2 in the staff survey. In the patient survey, 523 questionnaires were included for t1 and 545 for t2. The TCC improved team organization, willingness to accept responsibility and knowledge integration according to staff, with small effect sizes (univariate: <i>η</i><sup><i>2</i></sup><i>=</i>.010–.017), whereas other parameters including internal participation, team leadership and cohesion did not improve due to the intervention. The patient survey did not show any improvements on the assessed dimensions.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>The TCC improved dimensions that were addressed directly by the approach and were linked to the clinics’ needs, such as restructured team meetings and better exchange of information. The TCC can be used to improve team organization, willingness to accept responsibility, and knowledge integration in rehabilitation practice, but some further evaluation is needed to understand contextual factors and processes regarding the implementation of the intervention.</p></div
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