54 research outputs found

    A Conformal Extension Theorem based on Null Conformal Geodesics

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    In this article we describe the formulation of null geodesics as null conformal geodesics and their description in the tractor formalism. A conformal extension theorem through an isotropic singularity is proven by requiring the boundedness of the tractor curvature and its derivatives to sufficient order along a congruence of null conformal geodesic. This article extends earlier work by Tod and Luebbe.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, version as published in JMP, updated reference

    A global conformal extension theorem for perfect fluid Bianchi space-times

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    A global extension theorem is established for isotropic singularities in polytropic perfect fluid Bianchi space-times. When an extension is possible, the limiting behaviour of the physical space-time near the singularity is analysed.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, revised and shortened, improved proof of main theorem, some correction

    A conformal approach for the analysis of the non-linear stability of pure radiation cosmologies

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    The conformal Einstein equations for a tracefree (radiation) perfect fluid are derived in terms of the Levi-Civita connection of a conformally rescaled metric. These equations are used to provide a non-linear stability result for de Sitter-like tracefree (radiation) perfect fluid Friedman-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker cosmological models. The solutions thus obtained exist globally towards the future and are future geodesically complete.Comment: 21 page

    An extension theorem for conformal gauge singularities

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    We analyse conformal gauge, or isotropic, singularities in cosmological models in general relativity. Using the calculus of tractors, we find conditions in terms of tractor curvature for a local extension of the conformal structure through a cosmological singularity and prove a local extension theorem.Comment: 43 pages, no figures, version as published in JMP, small changes, updated reference

    The extended Conformal Einstein field equations with matter: the Einstein-Maxwell field

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    A discussion is given of the conformal Einstein field equations coupled with matter whose energy-momentum tensor is trace-free. These resulting equations are expressed in terms of a generic Weyl connection. The article shows how in the presence of matter it is possible to construct a conformal gauge which allows to know \emph{a priori} the location of the conformal boundary. In vacuum this gauge reduces to the so-called conformal Gaussian gauge. These ideas are applied to obtain: (i) a new proof of the stability of Einstein-Maxwell de Sitter-like spacetimes; (ii) a proof of the semi-global stability of purely radiative Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes.Comment: 29 page