10 research outputs found

    Estrogen and antiestrogen activities of identified substances in the YES and ER CALUX.

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    <p>CAS#… Chemical Abstracts Service Number.</p>a<p>… inhibition of human U2-OS osteosarcoma cell growth at higher concentrations.</p>b<p>… inhibition of yeast growth at higher concentrations.</p

    Androgen and antiandrogen activities of identified substances in the YAS and AR CALUX.

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    <p>CAS#… Chemical Abstracts Service Number.</p>a<p>… inhibition of human U2-OS osteosarcoma cell growth at higher concentrations.</p>b<p>… inhibition of yeast growth at higher concentrations.</p

    Identification of substances in migrates of samples which were hormone active in bioassay analysis.

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    a<p>… identification of the substance verified by comparison to a standard.</p>b<p>… identification of the substances by database comparison of mass spectra, not verified by comparison to a standard.</p><p>LOD…Limit of detection.</p><p>LOQ…Limit of quantification.</p><p>CAS#… Chemical Abstracts Service Number.</p

    Food simulants for the migration of packaging samples.

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    a<p>Sample was previously tested by Kirchnawy et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0100952#pone.0100952-Kirchnawy1" target="_blank">[1]</a> using the YES.</p>b<p>Migration was done at 60°C for 10 days.</p

    Androgen and antiandrogen activity of migrates from plastic samples.

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    a<p>… inhibition of response to DHT in undiluted samples.</p>b<p>… inhibition of yeast growth in undiluted samples.</p><p>−… no antiandrogen activity was detected.</p><p>+… antiandrogen activity in the range of the activity of 0.01 to 0,1 mg/l flutamide.</p><p>++… antiandrogen activity in the range of the activity of 0.1 to 1 mg/l flutamide.</p><p>+++… antiandrogen activity in the range of the activity of 1 to 10 mg/l flutamide.</p

    Estrogen and antiestrogen activity of migrates from plastic samples.

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    a<p>… inhibition of response to 17β-estradiol in undiluted samples.</p>b<p>… inhibition of yeast growth in undiluted samples.</p><p>−… no antiestrogen activity was detected.</p><p>+… antiestrogen activity in the range of the activity of 0.01 to 0.1 mg/l 4-OHT.</p><p>++… antiestrogen activity in the range of the activity of 0.1 to 1 mg/l 4-OHT.</p><p>+++… antiestrogen activity in the range of the activity of 1 to 10 mg/l 4-OHT.</p