322 research outputs found

    Recursion Relations in pp-adic Mellin Space

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    In this work, we formulate a set of rules for writing down pp-adic Mellin amplitudes at tree-level. The rules lead to closed-form expressions for Mellin amplitudes for arbitrary scalar bulk diagrams. The prescription is recursive in nature, with two different physical interpretations: one as a recursion on the number of internal lines in the diagram, and the other as reminiscent of on-shell BCFW recursion for flat-space amplitudes, especially when viewed in auxiliary momentum space. The prescriptions are proven in full generality, and their close connection with Feynman rules for real Mellin amplitudes is explained. We also show that the integrands in the Mellin-Barnes representation of both real and pp-adic Mellin amplitudes, the so-called pre-amplitudes, can be constructed according to virtually identical rules, and that these pre-amplitudes themselves may be re-expressed as products of particular Mellin amplitudes with complexified conformal dimensions.Comment: 45 pages + appendices, several figure

    pp-adic Mellin Amplitudes

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    In this paper, we propose a pp-adic analog of Mellin amplitudes for scalar operators, and present the computation of the general contact amplitude as well as arbitrary-point tree-level amplitudes for bulk diagrams involving up to three internal lines, and along the way obtain the pp-adic version of the split representation formula. These amplitudes share noteworthy similarities with the usual (real) Mellin amplitudes for scalars, but are also significantly simpler, admitting closed-form expressions where none are available over the reals. The dramatic simplicity can be attributed to the absence of descendant fields in the pp-adic formulation.Comment: 60 pages, several figures. v2: Minor typos fixed, references adde

    Adelic Amplitudes and Intricacies of Infinite Products

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    For every prime number pp it is possible to define a pp-adic version of the Veneziano amplitude and its higher-point generalizations. Multiplying together the real amplitude with all its pp-adic counterparts yields the adelic amplitude. At four points it has been argued that the adelic amplitude, after regulating the product that defines it, equals one. For the adelic 5-point amplitude, there exist kinematic regimes where no regularization is needed. This paper demonstrates that in special cases within this regime, the adelic product can be explicitly evaluated in terms of ratios of the Riemann zeta function, and observes that the 5-point adelic amplitude is not given by a single analytic function. Motivated by this fact to study new regularization procedures for the 4-point amplitude, an alternative formalism is presented, resulting in non-constant amplitudes that are piecewise analytic in the three scattering channels, including one non-constant adelic amplitude previously suggested in the literature. Decomposing the residues of these amplitudes into weighted sums of Gegenbauer polynomials, numerical evidence indicates that in special ranges of spacetime dimensions all the coefficients are positive, as required by unitarity.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure

    O(N) and O(N) and O(N)

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    Three related analyses of ϕ4\phi^4 theory with O(N)O(N) symmetry are presented. In the first, we review the O(N)O(N) model over the pp-adic numbers and the discrete renormalization group transformations which can be understood as spin blocking in an ultrametric context. We demonstrate the existence of a Wilson-Fisher fixed point using an ϵ\epsilon expansion, and we show how to obtain leading order results for the anomalous dimensions of low dimension operators near the fixed point. Along the way, we note an important aspect of ultrametric field theories, which is a non-renormalization theorem for kinetic terms. In the second analysis, we employ large NN methods to establish formulas for anomalous dimensions which are valid equally for field theories over the pp-adic numbers and field theories on Rn\mathbb{R}^n. Results for anomalous dimensions agree between the first and second analyses when they can be meaningfully compared. In the third analysis, we consider higher derivative versions of the O(N)O(N) model on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, the simplest of which has been studied in connection with spatially modulated phases. Our general formula for anomalous dimensions can still be applied. Analogies with two-derivative theories hint at the existence of some interesting unconventional field theories in four real Euclidean dimensions.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figure

    Cutting the Coon Amplitude

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    The Coon amplitude is a qq-deformed generalization of the Veneziano amplitude exhibiting a semi-infinite sequence of poles that converge on an accumulation point, from which a branch cut emerges. A number of recent papers have provided compelling evidence that the residues of this amplitude satisfy the positivity requirements imposed by unitarity. This paper investigates whether positivity is also satisfied along the branch cut. It is found that positivity violations occur in a region of the branch cut exponentially close to the accumulation point according to a scale set by qq. The closing section of the paper discusses possible interpretations of this fact and strategies for excising negativity from the partial wave coefficients. An appendix presents derivations of instrumental identities relating the qq-gamma and qq-polygamma functions to the Weierstrass elliptic and quasiperiodic functions.Comment: v2: fixed typo in equation (55), fixed Figure 1, added two references, made the summary of section 2 in the introduction more precise, edited discussion in second bullet point in section 3

    Higher melonic theories

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    We classify a large set of melonic theories with arbitrary qq-fold interactions, demonstrating that the interaction vertices exhibit a range of symmetries, always of the form Z2n\mathbb{Z}_2^n for some nn, which may be 00. The number of different theories proliferates quickly as qq increases above 88 and is related to the problem of counting one-factorizations of complete graphs. The symmetries of the interaction vertex lead to an effective interaction strength that enters into the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the two-point function as well as the kernel used for constructing higher-point functions.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figure

    RG Flows and Fixed Points of O(N)rO(N)^r Models

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    By means of ϵ\epsilon and large NN expansions, we study generalizations of the O(N)O(N) model where the fundamental fields are tensors of rank rr rather than vectors, and where the global symmetry (up to additional discrete symmetries and quotients) is O(N)rO(N)^r, focusing on the cases r≤5r\leq 5. Owing to the distinct ways of performing index contractions, these theories contain multiple quartic operators, which mix under the RG flow. At all large NN fixed points, melonic operators are absent and the leading Feynman diagrams are bubble diagrams, so that all perturbative fixed points can be readily matched to full large NN solutions obtained from Hubbard-Stratonovich transformations. The family of fixed points we uncover extend to arbitrary higher values of rr, and as their number grows superexponentially with rr, these theories offer a vast generalization of the critical O(N)O(N) model. We also study sextic O(N)rO(N)^r theories, whose large NN limits are obscured by the fact that the dominant Feynman diagrams are not restricted to melonic or bubble diagrams. For these theories the large NN dynamics differ qualitatively across different values of rr, and we demonstrate that the RG flows possess a numerous and diverse set of perturbative fixed points beginning at rank four.Comment: 60 pages + appendices and reference
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