57 research outputs found

    Correlation between values of <i>D<sub>b</sub></i>, <i>D<sub>m</sub></i>, <i>D<sub>0</sub></i>, <i>D<sub>1</sub></i>, and <i>D<sub>2</sub></i> and the nidus size evaluated from X-ray angiography data.

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    <p>Correlation between values of <i>D<sub>b</sub></i>, <i>D<sub>m</sub></i>, <i>D<sub>0</sub></i>, <i>D<sub>1</sub></i>, and <i>D<sub>2</sub></i> and the nidus size evaluated from X-ray angiography data.</p

    Mean values and standard error mean of <i>D<sub>b</sub></i> and <i>D<sub>m</sub></i> for statistical fractals obtained by DLA.

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    <p>On the left side of the figure fractals with an image matrix size of 512×512 pixels and 256×512 pixels for the image halves were analyzed. On the right side of the figure fractal analysis based on image matrix size of 364×436 pixels and 182×436 pixels for the image halves showing significant differences in <i>D<sub>b</sub></i> due to image matrix size. Asterisks indicate significant differences in group comparisons: * p<0.05, ** p<0.01.</p

    Mean values of <i>D<sub>b</sub></i> and <i>D<sub>m</sub></i> for the patients’ hemispheres with AVM (P<sub>AVM</sub>), hemispheres without AVM (P<sub>no AVM</sub>) and the entire brain (P<sub>total</sub>).

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    <p>Mean values of <i>D<sub>b</sub></i> and <i>D<sub>m</sub></i> for healthy controls including the left and right hemispheres (HC<sub>left</sub>, HC<sub>right</sub>) and the entire brain (HC<sub>total</sub>). Mean values of <i>D<sub>b</sub></i> and <i>D<sub>m</sub></i> are presented for ten statistical fractals obtained by DLA for images different image matrix sizes. Values are as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM).</p

    The curves in the double logarithmic plots show the relationship between the scales of measurement and object size in one representative patient.

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    <p>Values of <i>FD</i> assessed by means of <i>D<sub>b</sub></i> (left side of the figure) and <i>D<sub>m</sub></i> (right side of the figure) were evaluated from the different slopes using Eq. (3) and (4). The red lines were obtained from the hemisphere with AVM and the black lines were obtained from the hemisphere without AVM demonstrating that <i>FD</i> is sensitive to the vascular complexity due to AVMs.</p

    and .show the standard deviation of the noise for two of six noise tensor elements and that serve as input for Eq. [13].

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    <p>The spatially varying regularization parameter was updated at each iteration step. This is shown for two regions of interest (ROI 1, ROI 2) for the regularization tensor elements and .</p

    Evaluated tractography parameters Mean Length (ML), Track Count (TC), Volume (V), and Voxel Count (VC) for the noise-free phantom, the phantom with overlaid noise from ten measurements (mean ± standard deviation) and the noisy phantom with regularization (mean ± standard deviation).

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    <p>Evaluated tractography parameters Mean Length (ML), Track Count (TC), Volume (V), and Voxel Count (VC) for the noise-free phantom, the phantom with overlaid noise from ten measurements (mean ± standard deviation) and the noisy phantom with regularization (mean ± standard deviation).</p

    Twelve independent components obtained by means of ICA from 12

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    <p>The components IC<sub>1</sub>–IC<sub>6</sub> (upper row) contain information about tissue microstructure and directed diffusion, the components IC<sub>7</sub>–IC<sub>12</sub> (lower row) contain noise information. Images are scaled equally and displayed in inverted view.</p

    Correlation: Increase of activation×less behavioral improvement in the TG.

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    <p>Coordinates (in MNI standard space) and Activation Significance (Z statistics) of Local Maxima of Clusters, Z>2.0, P corrected P = 0.05.</p
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