1,737 research outputs found

    Pairwise interactive knowledge and Nash equilibrium

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    We provide epistemic conditions for Nash equilibrium, which are considerably weaker than thestandard ones by Aumann and Brandenburger (1995). Indeed, we simultaneously replace commonknowledge of conjectures and mutual knowledge of rationality with strictly weaker epistemicconditions of pairwise common knowledge of conjectures and pairwise mutual knowledge ofrationality respectively. It is also shown that, unlike the Aumann and Brandenburger''s conditions,ours do not imply common knowledge of rationality. Surprisingly, they actually do not even implymutual knowledge of rationality.microeconomics ;

    Integration of linked open data in case-based reasoning systems

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    This paper discusses the opportunities of integrating Linked Open Data (LOD) resources into Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems. Upon the application domain travel medicine, we will exemplify how LOD can be used to fill three out of four knowledge containers a CBR system is based on. The paper also presents the applied techniques for the realization and demonstrates the performance gain of knowledge acquisition by the use of LOD

    Scalable Model-Based Management of Correlated Dimensional Time Series in ModelarDB+

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    To monitor critical infrastructure, high quality sensors sampled at a high frequency are increasingly used. However, as they produce huge amounts of data, only simple aggregates are stored. This removes outliers and fluctuations that could indicate problems. As a remedy, we present a model-based approach for managing time series with dimensions that exploits correlation in and among time series. Specifically, we propose compressing groups of correlated time series using an extensible set of model types within a user-defined error bound (possibly zero). We name this new category of model-based compression methods for time series Multi-Model Group Compression (MMGC). We present the first MMGC method GOLEMM and extend model types to compress time series groups. We propose primitives for users to effectively define groups for differently sized data sets, and based on these, an automated grouping method using only the time series dimensions. We propose algorithms for executing simple and multi-dimensional aggregate queries on models. Last, we implement our methods in the Time Series Management System (TSMS) ModelarDB (ModelarDB+). Our evaluation shows that compared to widely used formats, ModelarDB+ provides up to 13.7 times faster ingestion due to high compression, 113 times better compression due to the adaptivity of GOLEMM, 630 times faster aggregates by using models, and close to linear scalability. It is also extensible and supports online query processing.Comment: 12 Pages, 28 Figures, and 1 Tabl

    Knowledge modelling with the open source tool myCBR

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    Building knowledge intensive Case-Based Reasoning applications requires tools that support this on-going process between domain experts and knowledge engineers. In this paper we will introduce how the open source tool myCBR 3 allows for flexible knowledge elicitation and formalisation form CBR and non CBR experts. We detail on myCBR 3 's versatile approach to similarity modelling and will give an overview of the Knowledge Engineering workbench, providing the tools for the modelling process. We underline our presentation with three case studies of knowledge modelling for technical diagnosis and recommendation systems using myCBR 3

    Demystifying McCarthy’s 4 P’s Of The Marketing Mix; To Be Or Not To Be

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    Grace Beke and Christian Bach's poster on marketing mix and McCarthy's schemata

    WiMAX Basics From Deployments to PHY Improvements

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    © ASEE 2014WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is an emerging broadband wireless technology for providing Last mile solutions for supporting higher bandwidth and multiple service classes with various quality of service requirement. The unique architecture of the WiMAX MAC and PHY layers that uses OFDMA to allocate multiple channels with different modulation schema and multiple time slots for each channel allows better adaptation of heterogeneous user’s requirements. The main architecture in WiMAX uses PMP (Point to Multipoint), Mesh mode or the new MMR (Mobile Multi hop Mode) deployments where scheduling and multicasting have different approaches. In PMP SS (Subscriber Station) connects directly to BS (Base Station) in a single hop route so channel conditions adaptations and supporting QoS for classes of services is the key points in scheduling, admission control or multicasting, while in Mesh networks SS connects to other SS Stations or to the BS in a multi hop routes, the MMR mode extends the PMP mode in which the SS connects to either a relay station (RS) or to Bs. Both MMR and Mesh uses centralized or distributed scheduling with multicasting schemas based on scheduling trees for routing. In this paper a broad study is conducted About WiMAX technology PMP and Mesh deployments from main physical layers features with differentiation of MAC layer features to scheduling and multicasting approaches in both modes of operations

    Trade-off between concurrent engineering software tools for utilisation in space education and beyond

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    Concurrent engineering is an approach to the development of complex systems that is char- acterised by direct communication between the disciplines involved. Instead of processing the individual disciplines one after the other, as in sequential design, or processing via a single contact person, as in centralised design, all systems work simultaneously. Learning this inter- action and understanding what information needs to be communicated between disciplines are among the central learning objectives of the course "Spacecraft Design" at Technische Uni- versität Dresden, Institute of Aerospace Engineering. In this course, the students represent different disciplines and work out a mission study that is commissioned by the lecturers. The lecturers thus participate in the development process in the role of customers. Key to the concurrent engineering approach is that each discipline has access to the most current design data at all times. This can be done via a dedicated software solution. Both commercial and open source software tools are available. Within the frame of the above-men- tioned course, several tools have been tested. The covered software solutions comprise ESA Open Concurrent Design Tool (OCDT), RHEA Concurrent Design Platform (CDP), Valispace and IBM Rhapsody. This contribution presents the experience that we gathered with these concurrent engineering software tools. First, the tools are described and their commonalities and distinctions are high- lighted. Subsequently, a detailed trade-off between the tools is being presented. This trade-off will particularly focus on the utilisation of these tools within the scope of course work at univer- sities, as this entails special requirements and boundary conditions, such as very limited time for introducing the software, highly heterogeneous user group, limited utilisation of the software in terms of depth and functionality, to only name a few. Within this contribution, we will also explore alternative approaches, such as using no software at all. The aim of this contribution is to offer other teachers and students some guideline for selecting a concurrent engineering software solution and implementing it in course work, in a way that using the tool itself does not become the central learning challenge of the course. The results might be of interest beyond university courses, as some requirements, like short times to get familiar with the software or certain interface requirements, also apply to other environments in research and development

    Leading the Way of Higher Education into 21st Century

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    It has been 15 to 16 years in the arena of Higher education and counting; started as Financial Aid Counselor and presently as one of the Associate Director of Student Financial Services at a Four year non-profit institution of higher education. It has never crossed my mind to continue my master's degree but in times of difficult economic crisis and high competitors in the job market is inevitable that one cannot be blind to the economic and social environment and fallen behind by not upgrading yourself professionally, to maintain your job and continue be competitive in the job market. One of my biggest flaws in my profession is the lack of knowledge for Technology and its implementation. Therefore, I decided to take one class after almost 20 years on which I have not grabbed or read a book for schoolwork. As I mentioned one time to one of my peers, he advise me to go for Masters in Science in Technology management. I have to thank my colleague to encouraged me in start to register for a graduate course and to my professor for his patience, tolerance and understating by giving me the flexibility and allow me to follow and complete the material of the course at my pace. This course of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, has been an exciting awakening in which had taught me the basic foundations to be able to choose my topic. The topic that I have chosen is leading the way of Higher Education into the 21st century. It has taken me several hours of researching related materials, journals and articles to see what other researchers has observed, wrote, developed and proposed to improve Higher education in the United States; what will take us to be one of the best among others abroad institutions of the world. Where the technology and economic globalization has already reached all facets of our daily lives and where it is time to act now

    Implementing Wireless Capsule Endoscopy WCE In Digestive System Diagnostics

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    The purpose of this research is to discuss the revolutionary endoscopy method WCE that would enhance the diagnostic accuracy and reliability level. Additionally, a comparison has been made with other currently in practice endoscopy methods to single out the strengths and advantages of such endoscopy method. The limitation of this research caused by limited up to date data due to the restrict privacy policy normally adopted by hospitals regarding releasing patients information. This limitation will impose a partially outdated comparison results and conclusions. However, the past trends showed a steady increase in the number of medical facilities that decided to approve the usage of the WCE. These trends are derived from direct interactions with various medical communities. This paper originality and value comes from the fact that increasing number of patients showed a serious reluctant toward continuing all their prescribed medical testing or procedures. Consequently, serious implication can be expected affecting those patients’ health. WCE if understood correctly by both patients and doctors will have a positive impact on the success of diagnostic and treatment statistics

    Logistics and Reverse Logistics of Medication

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    One of the most important process in Industries is Logistics system. Logistics is the managing of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of utilization in order to convene the requirements of trade. Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packaging, and occasionally security. In the proposed methodology, a model is devise with the intention of thoroughly optimizing the process of both logistics and reverse logistics in a given supply chain. With the enlarged ecological concerns greater than the past decade, there is growing recognition that issues of ecological pollution associated industrial development should be deal with all together in the operational process of supply chain management, thus contributing to the initiative of supply chain management. In the same way, all the solutions, including logistics management, for managing the overall lifecycle of products should be integrated in a more comprehensive supply chain procedure
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