32 research outputs found

    A pilot study: supportive care in cancer using auriculotherapy

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    En complĂ©ment d’un traitement par chimiothĂ©rapie anticancĂ©reuse, une petite sĂ©rie de malades a reçu des soins par auriculothĂ©rapie. Les points ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©s par la douleur ressentie Ă  la pression digitale ; le traitement a consistĂ© en la pose d’aiguilles. Dans un nombre de cas, l’anxiĂ©tĂ© et les troubles du sommeil ont Ă©tĂ© rapidement amĂ©liorĂ©s. Dans quelques cas, un effet bĂ©nĂ©fique a Ă©tĂ© ressenti sur la douleur gĂ©nĂ©rale. En termes de qualitĂ© de vie, l’auriculothĂ©rapie semble apporter un bĂ©nĂ©fice Ă  certains malades.As a complement to anti-cancer chemotherapy, a small group of patients received auriculotherapy care. The points were detected by the pain felt through digital pressure. The treatment consisted in setting needles. In a number of cases, anxiety and sleeping problems were rapidly improved. In some cases a beneficial result was felt on overall pain level. In terms of quality of life, auriculotherapy seems to have a beneficial effect on some patients

    Advanced laser-plasma diagnostics for a modular high-repetition-rate plasma electron accelerator

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    We present a laser–plasma electron accelerator module designed to be driven by high-repetition-rate lasers for industrial applications of laser-driven electron beams. It consists of a single vacuum chamber containing all the necessary components for producing, optimizing, and monitoring electron beams generated via laser wakefield acceleration in a gas jet when driven by a suitable laser. The core methods in this paper involve a comprehensive metrological assessment of the driving laser by rigorous temporal laser pulse characterization and contrast measurements, supplemented by detailed spatiotemporal distribution analyses of the laser focus. Results demonstrate the good stability and reproducibility of the laser system, confirming its suitability for advanced scientific and industrial applications. We further demonstrate the functionality of the laser–plasma accelerator module diagnostics, perform target density characterizations, and time-resolved laser–plasma shadowgraphy. Current limitations of the set-up preventing first electron acceleration are analyzed and an outlook for future experiments is given. Our work is a first step towards the wide dissemination of fully integrated laser–plasma accelerator technology

    DNA barcodes reveal deeply neglected diversity and numerous invasions of micromoths in Madagascar

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    International audienceMadagascar is a prime evolutionary hotspot globally, but its unique biodiversity is under threat, essentially from anthropogenic disturbance. There is a race against time to describe and protect the Madagascan endangered biota. Here we present a first molecular characterization of the micromoth fauna of Madagascar. We collected 1572 micromoths mainly using light traps in both natural and anthropogenically disturbed habitats in 24 localities across eastern and northwest Madagascar. We also collected 1384 specimens using a Malaise trap in a primary rain forest at Andasibe, eastern Madagascar. In total, we DNA barcoded 2956 specimens belonging to 1537 Barcode Index Numbers (BINs), 88.4% of which are new to BOLD. Only 1.7% of new BINs were assigned to species. Of 47 different families found, Dryadaulidae, Bucculatricidae, Bedelliidae, Batrachedridae, and Blastobasidae are newly reported for Madagascar and the recently recognized Tonzidae is confirmed. For test faunas of Canada and Australia, 98.9%-99.4% of Macroheterocera BINs exhibited the molecular synapomorphy of a phenylalanine in the 177th complete DNA barcode codon. Non-macroheteroceran BINs could thus be sifted out efficiently in the Malaise sample. The Madagascar micromoth fauna shows highest affinity with the Afrotropics (146 BINs also occur in the African continent). We found 22 recognised pests or invasive species, mostly occurring in disturbed habitats. Malaise trap samples show high temporal turnover and alpha diversity with as many as 507 BINs collected; of these, astonishingly, 499 (98.4%) were novel to BOLD and 292 (57.6%) were singletons. Our results provide a baseline for future surveys across the island.Madagascar est un haut lieu de l'Ă©volution au niveau mondial, mais sa biodiversitĂ© unique est menacĂ©e, essentielle-ment en raison de perturbations anthropogĂ©niques. Une course contre la montre est engagĂ©e pour dĂ©crire et protĂ©ger le biote malgache menacĂ©. Dans ce travail, les auteurs prĂ©sentent une premiĂšre caractĂ©risation molĂ©culaire des « microlĂ©pidoptĂšres » de Madagascar. Les auteurs ont rĂ©coltĂ© 1572 spĂ©cimens en utilisant principalement des piĂšges lumineux (dans des milieux tantĂŽt naturels, tantĂŽt perturbĂ©s par l'Homme) au sein de 24 localitĂ©s dispersĂ©es Ă  travers l'est et le nord-ouest de Madagascar. Ils ont aussi collectĂ© 1384 spĂ©cimens Ă  l'aide d'un piĂšge Malaise dans une forĂȘt primaire humide Ă  Andasibe. Au total, les codes-barres ADN ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©quencĂ©s pour 2956 spĂ©cimens correspondant Ă  1537 BIN, dont 88,4 % sont inĂ©dits dans BOLD. Seuls 1,7 % des nouveaux BIN ont Ă©tĂ© assignĂ©s Ă  une espĂšce connue. Parmi les 47 familles trouvĂ©es, les Dryadaulidae, Bucculatricidae, Bedellii-dae, Batrachedridae et Blastobasidae sont signalĂ©s pour la premiĂšre fois de Madagascar. La faune Ă©tudiĂ©e prĂ©sente la plus grande affinitĂ© avec l'Ă©cozone afrotropicale (dans laquelle se retrouvent 146 BIN). Les auteurs ont trouvĂ© 22 ravageurs connus ou espĂšces envahissantes, principalement dans les habitats perturbĂ©s. Les spĂ©cimens provenant des piĂšges Malaise diffĂšrent au fil du temps et prĂ©sentent une grande diversitĂ© alpha, leur total pouvant atteindre 507 BIN. Parmi ceux-ci, Ă©tonnamment, 499 (98,4 %) sont inĂ©dits dans BOLD et 292 (57,6 %) ont Ă©tĂ© vus une seule fois. Ces rĂ©sultats fournissent un rĂ©fĂ©rentiel pour de futures Ă©tudes dans d'autres rĂ©gions de l'Ăźle

    Hommage Ă  LĂ©on Pressouyre

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    Blary François, Caillaud Denis, Cazes Quitterie, Corvisier Christian, Faucherre Nicolas, Garrigou Grandchamp Pierre, Grabiner Esther, Kimata Motakatsu, Le Pogam Pierre-Yves, Miguet Michel, Polonovski Max, Prigent Daniel, Sire Marie-Anne. Hommage à Léon Pressouyre. In: Bulletin Monumental, tome 168, n°2, année 2010. pp. 131-132