4 research outputs found

    Model Application of Accounting Information Systems of Spare Parts Sales and Purchase on Car Service Company

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze accounting information systems of sales and purchases of spare parts in general car service companies and to identify the problems encountered and the needs of necessary information. This research used literature study to collect data, field study with observation, and design using UML (Unified Modeling Language) with activity diagrams, class diagrams, use case diagrams, database design, form design, display design, draft reports. The result achieved is an application model of accounting information systems of sales and purchases of spare parts in general car service companies. As a conclusion, the accounting information systems of sales and purchases provides ease for management to obtain information quickly and easily as well as the presentation of reports quickly and accurately

    Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pembelian Material pada Perusahaan Kontraktor

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, setiap bidang USAha termasuk juga Perusahaan kontraktormembutuhkan sistem informasi yang dapat menunjang Perusahaan dalam setiap kegiatan operasionalnya.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis, mengidentifikasi kebutuhan informasi, memperbaiki danmerancang sistem informasi akuntansi pembelian material konstruksi yang dibutuhkan oleh pihak manajemenuntuk membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan serta mengatasi masalah yang terdapat dalam sistem yangberjalan pada Perusahaan kontraktor. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data daninformasi, metode analisis meliputi penelitian atas sistem yang sedang berjalan, analisis terhadap temuanpenelitian, identifikasi kebutuhan informasi, dan identifikasi persyaratan sistem, serta metode perancanganterstruktur meliputi pembuatan Object Oriented Anlysis and Design (OOAD) dan Unified Modelling Language(UML). Hasil yang dicapai berupa perbaikan sistem yang berjalan dalam bentuk perancangan aplikasi yangmenginformasikan penomoran dokumen, pengarsipan dokumen, dan laporan yang dihasilkan. Simpulan yangdiperoleh adalah dengan adanya sistem informasi akuntansi pembelian material pada Perusahaan konstruksi inidapat menghasilkan laporan yang dibutuhkan Perusahaan secara cepat, lengkap dan akurat yang dapatdigunakan pihak manajemen dalam proses pengambilan keputusan

    Pengaruh Fitur Desain dan Bahasa terhadap Kepuasan User dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar pada Universitas di Jakarta

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    This research was conducted at the research object that is engaged in educational services is one of the universities in Jakarta, where do research on features or design variables and the variable satisfaction language on the web that support the teaching and learning process at the college. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the learning process on the web, as reference material consideration for the leadership of the university in the policy -making to improve the quality quality teaching and learning process. The method used is literature and literature study, questionnaires to the users who use the web are faculty and students, interviews, data processing method with SPSS and Likert scale. The conclusions resulting from this research is the design and navigation of the questionnaire distributed to faculty and students in the first semesterof 2013/2014 with the hypothesis Ho: no effect, Ha: no effect, in which the basic decision making sig. > then Ho isα= accepted , sig . < then Ho is rejected, the decision sig. = 0.00 then 0.00α < 0.05 then there is the influence of language and design variable to variable satisfaction

    Implementasi Aplikasi Harga Pokok Produksi pada UKM

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    The accuracy of the production cost report is the basis of the control and decision making. Production cost affects the selling price of a product. The purpose of the study is to examine the procedures, forms, and reports relating to accounting information system production cost calculation in SMEs, analyze and design information systems that can support the planning and control of production information system ranging from production planning to report the cost of production by using The weighted average method. The methodologyused is the method of data collection, information and interviews. The method of designing the production cost is Object Oriented and Design. Program language used is Visual Basic. Implementation of the production cost applications in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is to make application of MO estimation recording process and MO rate, cost card standard recording, WIP process recording, the quotation letter of raw materials, receipt of goods recording, the working hours card recording, cash expenditures recording, WIP transfer unit recording (work in process), the process of the final WIP units recording