63 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging Can Visualize Anastomotic Perfusion:A Demonstration in a Porcine Model

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    Background: Intestinal resection causes inevitable vascular damage, which cannot always be seen during an intraoperative clinical assessment of local intestinal perfusion. If left unaltered, impaired perfusion can lead to complications, such as anastomotic leakage (AL). Therefore, we demonstrate the use of a novel laparoscopic laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI)-based approach in order to assess local intestinal perfusion during the construction of intestinal anastomoses. Methods: Three segments were isolated from the small intestine of a pig, while the perfusion of each was compromised by coagulating 7–8 mesenteric arteries. Both clinical assessments and LSCI were used to detect the induced perfusion deficits and to subsequently guide a transection in either a well perfused, marginally perfused, or poorly perfused tissue area within the segment. Bowel ends were then utilized for the creation of three differently perfused anastomoses: well perfused/well perfused (anastomosis segment 1), well perfused/poorly perfused (anastomosis segment 2), and poorly perfused/poorly perfused (anastomosis segment 3). After construction of the anastomoses, a final perfusion assessment using both clinical assessment and LSCI was executed in order to evaluate the vascular viability of the anastomosis. Results: Laparoscopic LSCI enabled continuous assessment of local intestinal perfusion and allowed for detection of perfusion deficits in real time. The imaging feedback precisely guided the surgical procedure, and, when evaluating the final anastomotic perfusion, LSCI was able to visualize the varying degrees of perfusion, whereas standard clinical assessment yielded only minor differences in visual appearance of the tissue. Conclusions: In this technical note, we demonstrate a novel LSCI-based approach for intraoperative perfusion assessment. With its ability to continuously visualize perfusion in real time, laparoscopic LSCI has significant potential for the optimization of anastomotic surgery in the near future

    Elective laparoscopic recto-sigmoid resection for diverticular disease is suitable as a training operation

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    Some authors state that elective laparoscopic recto-sigmoid resection is more difficult for diverticular disease as compared with malignancy. For this reason, starting laparoscopic surgeons might avoid diverticulitis, making the implementation phase unnecessary long. The aim of this study was to determine whether laparoscopic resection for diverticular disease should be included during the implementation phase. All consecutive patients who underwent an elective laparoscopic recto-sigmoid resection in our hospital for diverticulitis or cancer from 2003 to 2007 were analysed. A total of 256 consecutive patients were included in this prospective cohort study. One hundred and fifty-one patients were operated on for diverticulitis and 105 for cancer. There was no significant difference in operation time (168 vs. 172 min), blood loss (189 vs. 208 ml), conversion rates (9.9% vs. 11.4%), hospital stay (8 vs. 8 days), total number of peroperative (2.3% vs. 1.6%) or postoperative complications (21.9% vs. 26.9%). The occurrence of anastomotic leakages was associated with higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification, which differed between the groups (86.8% vs. 64.8% ASA I-II, p < 0.001). Since there are no differences in operation time, blood loss, conversion rate and total complications, there is no need to avoid laparoscopic recto-sigmoid resection for diverticular disease early in the learning curve

    Robust nuclear lamina-based cell classification of aging and senescent cells

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    Changes in the shape of the nuclear lamina are exhibited in senescent cells, as well as in cells expressing mutations in lamina genes. To identify cells with defects in the nuclear lamina we developed an imaging method that quantifies the intensity and curvature of the nuclear lamina. We show that this method accurately describes changes in the nuclear lamina. Spatial changes in nuclear lamina coincide with redistribution of lamin A proteins and local reduction in protein mobility in senescent cell. We suggest that local accumulation of lamin A in the nuclear envelope leads to bending of the structure. A quantitative distinction of the nuclear lamina shape in cell populations was found between fresh and senescent cells, and between primary myoblasts from young and old donors. Moreover, with this method mutations in lamina genes were significantly distinct from cells with wild-type genes. We suggest that this method can be applied to identify abnormal cells during aging, in in vitro propagation, and in lamina disorders

    Metrics of the Gynecologic Oncology Literature Focused on Cited Utilization and Costs

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    OBJECTIVE: The newest findings on literature utilization relevant to gynecologic oncology were published by Thomson Reuters during June 2013 as determinants of journal standing. Our objective was to assess the different metrics reported for relative impact and cost for journals relevant to gynecologic oncology. METHODS: 55 journals were evaluated for Impact Factor (IF), 5Year IF, Immediacy Index, Cited Half Life, Eigenfactor (EF) Score, Article Influence (AI) scores and subscription costs obtained from publisher information. RESULTS: CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians had the highest IF (101.78) & AI (24.502). The top EF cancer-specific journals were the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research and Oncogene. Rankings for Gynecologic Oncology (409 articles, 18,243 citations) were IF=3.929, 43/55, EF=0.038, 28/55, and AI=1.099, 44/55, all higher than the previous year. The IF improved from the 5year IF in 31 journals, including Gynecologic Oncology, 29/31. Subscription costs for Gynecologic Oncology compared favorably to other journals. CONCLUSIONS: The high utilization of review information in CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians and Nature Review Cancer illustrated by the IF coupled with a relatively low number of articles and short cited half life indicates that they serve as a leading source of quoted cancer statistics (CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians). Rankings for Gynecologic Oncology and the International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer have improved. Regardless of specialty size, the Impact Factor for Gynecologic Oncology is respectably strong. The decreased IF in 44% of the journals may reflect the international economy\u27s effect on cancer research

    Relationship satisfaction in couples confronted with colorectal cancer: the interplay of past and current spousal support

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    Based on attribution theory, this study hypthesized that past spousal supportiveness may act as a moderator of the link between one partner’s current support behavior and the other partner’s relationship satisfaction. A sample of 88 patients with colorectal cancer and their partners completed questionnaires approximately 3 and 9 months after diagnosis. The data were analyzed employing dyadic data analytic approaches. In the short-term, spousal active engagement—which involved discussing feelings and engaging in joint problem solving—was positively associated with relationship satisfaction in patients as well as in partners, but only when past spousal support was relatively low. Spousal protective buffering—which involved hiding worries and fears and avoiding talking about the disease—was negatively associated with relationship satisfaction in patients, again only when past spousal support was relatively low. If past spousal support was high, participants rated the quality of their relationship relatively high, regardless of their partner’s current support behavior. Over time, past spousal supportiveness was not found to mitigate the negative association between spousal protective buffering and relationship satisfaction. Overall, our results indicate that relationship satisfaction can be maintained if past spousal supportiveness is high even if the partner is currently not very responsive to the individual’s needs, at least in the short-term

    Application of laser speckle contrast imaging in laparoscopic surgery

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    Anastomotic leakage is a worldwide problem in gastrointestinal surgery which seems to be related to the state of microcirculation. Laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) could give surgeons insight in the state of microcirculation to attune the site of anastomosis. This work studies the feasibility of LSCI as a tool for this purpose. An experimental setup was developed using a commercially available laparoscopic video system. Laser speckle contrast imaging is capable of detecting ischemic areas on the large intestine. Further research and development are required before adaptation of this technique in the operating room

    National implementation of an optimal standardised technique for right-sided colon cancer:protocol of an interventional sequential cohort study (Right study)

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    Purpose: Minimally invasive right hemicolectomy (MIRH) is the cornerstone of treatment for patients with right-sided colon cancer. This operation has evolved during recent decades, with many innovations and improvements but this has also resulted in high variability of uptake with subsequent substantial variableness. The aim of this ongoing study is to identify current surgical variations, determine the most optimal and standardised MIRH and nationally train and implement that technique to improve short-term clinical and long-term oncological outcomes. Methods: The Right study is a national multicentre prospective interventional sequential cohort study. Firstly, current local practice was evaluated. Subsequently, a standardised surgical technique for right-sided colon cancer was determined using the Delphi consensus method, and this procedure was trained during hands-on courses. The standardised MIRH will be implemented with proctoring (implementation cohort), after which the performance will be monitored (consolidation cohort). Patients who will receive a minimally invasive (extended) right hemicolectomy for cT1-3N0-2M0 colon cancer will be included. The primary outcome is patient safety reflected in the 90-day overall complication rate according to the Clavien–Dindo classification. Secondary outcomes will include intraoperative complications, 90-day mortality rate, number of resected tumour-positive lymph nodes, completeness of mesocolic excision, surgical quality score, locoregional and distant recurrence and 5-year overall survival. A total number of 1095 patients (365 per cohort) will be included. Discussion: The Right study is designed to safely implement the best surgical practice concerning patients with right-sided colon cancer aiming to standardise and improve the surgical quality of MIRH at a national level. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04889456, May 2021.</p

    Nationwide standardization of minimally invasive right hemicolectomy for colon cancer and development and validation of a video-based competency assessment tool (the Right study)

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    BACKGROUND: Substantial variation exists when performing a minimally invasive right hemicolectomy (MIRH) due to disparities in training, expertise and differences in implementation of innovations. This study aimed to achieve national consensus on an optimal and standardized MIRH technique for colon cancer and to develop and validate a video-based competency assessment tool (CAT) for MIRH. METHOD: Statements covering all elements of MIRH were formulated. Subsequently, the Delphi technique was used to reach consensus on a standardized MIRH among 76 colorectal surgeons from 43 different centres. A CAT was developed based on the Delphi results. Nine surgeons assessed the same 12 unedited full-length videos using the CAT, allowing evaluation of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: After three Delphi rounds, consensus (≄80% agreement) was achieved on 23 of the 24 statements. Consensus statements included the use of low intra-abdominal pressure, detailed anatomical outline how to perform complete mesocolic excision with central vascular ligation, the creation of an intracorporeal anastomosis, and specimen extraction through a Pfannenstiel incision using a wound protector. The CAT included seven consecutive steps to measure competency of the MIRH and showed high consistency among surgeons with an overall ICC of 0.923. CONCLUSION: Nationwide consensus on a standardized and optimized technique of MIRH was reached. The CAT developed showed excellent interrater reliability. These achievements are crucial steps to an ongoing nationwide quality improvement project (the Right study).</p

    Nationwide standardization of minimally invasive right hemicolectomy for colon cancer and development and validation of a video-based competency assessment tool (the Right study)

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    BACKGROUND: Substantial variation exists when performing a minimally invasive right hemicolectomy (MIRH) due to disparities in training, expertise and differences in implementation of innovations. This study aimed to achieve national consensus on an optimal and standardized MIRH technique for colon cancer and to develop and validate a video-based competency assessment tool (CAT) for MIRH. METHOD: Statements covering all elements of MIRH were formulated. Subsequently, the Delphi technique was used to reach consensus on a standardized MIRH among 76 colorectal surgeons from 43 different centres. A CAT was developed based on the Delphi results. Nine surgeons assessed the same 12 unedited full-length videos using the CAT, allowing evaluation of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: After three Delphi rounds, consensus (≄80% agreement) was achieved on 23 of the 24 statements. Consensus statements included the use of low intra-abdominal pressure, detailed anatomical outline how to perform complete mesocolic excision with central vascular ligation, the creation of an intracorporeal anastomosis, and specimen extraction through a Pfannenstiel incision using a wound protector. The CAT included seven consecutive steps to measure competency of the MIRH and showed high consistency among surgeons with an overall ICC of 0.923. CONCLUSION: Nationwide consensus on a standardized and optimized technique of MIRH was reached. The CAT developed showed excellent interrater reliability. These achievements are crucial steps to an ongoing nationwide quality improvement project (the Right study).</p

    A multi-centred randomised trial of radical surgery versus adjuvant chemoradiotherapy after local excision for early rectal cancer

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    Background: Rectal cancer surgery is accompanied with high morbidity and poor long term functional outcome. Screening programs have shown a shift towards more early staged cancers. Patients with early rectal cancer can potentially benefit significantly from rectal preserving therapy. For the earliest stage cancers, local excision is sufficient when the risk of lymph node disease and subsequent recurrence is below 5 %. However, the majority of early cancers are associated with an intermediate risk of lymph node involvement (5-20 %) suggesting that local excision alone is not sufficient, while completion radical surgery, which is currently standard of care, could be a substantial overtreatment for this group of patients. Methods/Study design: In this multicentre randomised trial, patients with an intermediate risk T1-2 rectal cancer, that has been locally excised using an endoluminal technique, will be randomized between adjuvant chemo-radiotherapylimited to the mesorectum and standard completion total mesorectal excision (TME). To strictly monitor the risk of locoregional recurrence in the experimental arm and enable early salvage surgery, there will be additional follow up with frequent MRI and endoscopy. The primary outcome of the study is three-year local recurrence rate. Secondary outcomes are morbidity, disease free and overall survival, stoma rate, functional outcomes, health related quality of life and costs. The design is a non inferiority study with a total sample size of 302 patients. Discussion: The results of the TESAR trial will potentially demonstrate that adjuvant chemoradiotherapy is an oncological safe treatment option in patients who are confronted with the difficult clinical dilemma of a radically removed intermediate risk early rectal cancer by polypectomy or transanal surgery that is conventionally treated with subsequent radical surgery. Preserving the rectum using adjuvant radiotherapy is expected to significantly improve morbidity, function and quality of life if compared to completion TME surgery. Trial registration:NCT02371304, registration date: February 2015
