10 research outputs found

    Incubation Behaviour of Common Eiders Somateria Mollissima in the Central Baltic: Nest Attendance and Loss in Body Mass

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    Here we present the recording of body mass change and weight loss during incubation in a Common Eider Somateria mollissima colony at Christiansø in the Central Baltic (55°19'N 15°11'E). The study was conducted during April and May 2015 and a total number of four birds were followed (two were lost due to predation and three due to power outages). Body mass and nesting behaviour was recorded electronically over a period of 26-27 days using automatic poultry scales and a surveillance video camera. During incubation, the eiders underwent a 28-37% loss in body mass and left the nest on average 13 times (range: 7-17 times) for a period of 7-70 min. In general, birds with high initial body mass left their nest for a shorter total time than birds with lower initial body mass. The recorded daily changes in body mass indicate that the eiders foraged during the incubation period, not just leaving the nest for rehydration or in response to disturbance, which improve our current understanding of eider incubation behaviour. Such information is important to fully understanding of eider breeding biology in order to better conserve and manage the species during its breeding seasons where individual birds undergo extreme stress that may affect reproductive outcome and adult survival

    Integrated analysis of environmental and genetic influences on cord blood DNA methylation in new-borns

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    Epigenetic processes, including DNA methylation (DNAm), are among the mechanisms allowing integration of genetic and environmental factors to shape cellular function. While many studies have investigated either environmental or genetic contributions to DNAm, few have assessed their integrated effects. Here we examine the relative contributions of prenatal environmental factors and genotype on DNA methylation in neonatal blood at variably methylated regions (VMRs) in 4 independent cohorts (overall n = 2365). We use Akaike’s information criterion to test which factors best explain variability of methylation in the cohort-specific VMRs: several prenatal environmental factors (E), genotypes in cis (G), or their additive (G + E) or interaction (GxE) effects. Genetic and environmental factors in combination best explain DNAm at the majority of VMRs. The CpGs best explained by either G, G + E or GxE are functionally distinct. The enrichment of genetic variants from GxE models in GWAS for complex disorders supports their importance for disease risk

    Common eider (somateria mollissima) body condition and parasitic load during a mortality event in the baltic proper

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    During late spring of 2007 and 2015, we observed unusually high mortality of Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) on Christiansø in the Baltic Proper. The number of dead birds (2007: 125; 2015: 110) composed 5–10% of the total colony. In 2015, we collected 15 (12 adult females, three subadult males) of the 110 recently deceased Common Eiders for detailed autopsy. The average body mass of t

    Underlying-event properties in pp and p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

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    We report about the properties of the underlying event measured with ALICE at the LHC in pp and p−Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=5.02 TeV. The event activity, quantified by charged-particle number and summed-pT densities, is measured as a function of the leading-particle transverse momentum (ptrigT). These quantities are studied in three azimuthal-angle regions relative to the leading particle in the event: toward, away, and transverse. Results are presented for three different pT thresholds (0.15, 0.5, and 1 GeV/c) at mid-pseudorapidity (|η|10 GeV/c, whereas for lower ptrigT values the event activity is slightly higher in p−Pb than in pp collisions. The measurements are compared with predictions from the PYTHIA 8 and EPOS LHC Monte Carlo event generators

    Underlying-event properties in pp and p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

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    We report about the properties of the underlying event measured with ALICE at the LHC in pp and p−Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=5.02 TeV. The event activity, quantified by charged-particle number and summed-pT densities, is measured as a function of the leading-particle transverse momentum (ptrigT). These quantities are studied in three azimuthal-angle regions relative to the leading particle in the event: toward, away, and transverse. Results are presented for three different pT thresholds (0.15, 0.5, and 1 GeV/c) at mid-pseudorapidity (|η|10 GeV/c, whereas for lower ptrigT values the event activity is slightly higher in p−Pb than in pp collisions. The measurements are compared with predictions from the PYTHIA 8 and EPOS LHC Monte Carlo event generators

    Dielectron production at midrapidity at low transverse momentum in peripheral and semi-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

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    The first measurement of the e+e− pair production at low lepton pair transverse momentum (pT,ee) and low invariant mass (mee) in non-central Pb−Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=5.02 TeV at the LHC is presented. The dielectron production is studied with the ALICE detector at midrapidity (|ηe|<0.8) as a function of invariant mass (0.4≤mee<2.7 GeV/c2) in the 50−70% and 70−90% centrality classes for pT,ee<0.1 GeV/c, and as a function of pT,ee in three mee intervals in the most peripheral Pb−Pb collisions. Below a pT,ee of 0.1 GeV/c, a clear excess of e+e− pairs is found compared to the expectations from known hadronic sources and predictions of thermal radiation from the medium. The mee excess spectra are reproduced, within uncertainties, by different predictions of the photon−photon production of dielectrons, where the photons originate from the extremely strong electromagnetic fields generated by the highly Lorentz-contracted Pb nuclei. Lowest-order quantum electrodynamic (QED) calculations, as well as a model that takes into account the impact-parameter dependence of the average transverse momentum of the photons, also provide a good description of the pT,ee spectra. The measured ⟨p2T,ee⟩−−−−−√ of the excess pT,ee spectrum in peripheral Pb−Pb collisions is found to be comparable to the values observed previously at RHIC in a similar phase-space region

    Dielectron production at midrapidity at low transverse momentum in peripheral and semi-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

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    The first measurement of the e+e− pair production at low lepton pair transverse momentum (pT,ee) and low invariant mass (mee) in non-central Pb−Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=5.02 TeV at the LHC is presented. The dielectron production is studied with the ALICE detector at midrapidity (|ηe|<0.8) as a function of invariant mass (0.4≤mee<2.7 GeV/c2) in the 50−70% and 70−90% centrality classes for pT,ee<0.1 GeV/c, and as a function of pT,ee in three mee intervals in the most peripheral Pb−Pb collisions. Below a pT,ee of 0.1 GeV/c, a clear excess of e+e− pairs is found compared to the expectations from known hadronic sources and predictions of thermal radiation from the medium. The mee excess spectra are reproduced, within uncertainties, by different predictions of the photon−photon production of dielectrons, where the photons originate from the extremely strong electromagnetic fields generated by the highly Lorentz-contracted Pb nuclei. Lowest-order quantum electrodynamic (QED) calculations, as well as a model that takes into account the impact-parameter dependence of the average transverse momentum of the photons, also provide a good description of the pT,ee spectra. The measured ⟨p2T,ee⟩−−−−−√ of the excess pT,ee spectrum in peripheral Pb−Pb collisions is found to be comparable to the values observed previously at RHIC in a similar phase-space region

    Symmetry plane correlations in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

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    A newly developed observable for correlations between symmetry planes, which characterize the direction of the anisotropic emission of produced particles, is measured in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=2.76 TeV with ALICE. This so-called Gaussian Estimator allows for the first time the study of these quantities without the influence of correlations between different flow amplitudes. The centrality dependence of various correlations between two, three and four symmetry planes is presented. The ordering of magnitude between these symmetry plane correlations is discussed and the results of the Gaussian Estimator are compared with measurements of previously used estimators. The results utilizing the new estimator lead to significantly smaller correlations than reported by studies using the Scalar Product method. Furthermore, the obtained symmetry plane correlations are compared to state-of-the-art hydrodynamic model calculations for the evolution of heavy-ion collisions. While the model predictions provide a qualitative description of the data, quantitative agreement is not always observed, particularly for correlators with significant non-linear response of the medium to initial state anisotropies of the collision system. As these results provide unique and independent information, their usage in future Bayesian analysis can further constrain our knowledge on the properties of the QCD matter produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions

    Measurement of the radius dependence of charged-particle jet suppression in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV

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    The ALICE Collaboration reports a new differential measurement of inclusive jet suppression using pp and Pb–Pb collision data at center-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon collision sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV. Charged-particle jets are reconstructed using the anti-kTk_{\rm T} algorithm with resolution parameters RR = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 in pp collisions and RR = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 in central (0–10\%), semi-central (30–50\%), and peripheral (60–80\%) Pb–Pb collisions. The analysis uses a novel approach based on machine learning to mitigate the influence of jet background in central heavy-ion collisions, which enables measurements of inclusive jet suppression for jet pT40p_{\rm T} \ge 40 GeV/cc in central collisions at a resolution parameter of RR = 0.6. This is the lowest value of jet pTp_{\rm T} achieved for inclusive jet measurements at RR = 0.6 at the LHC, and is an important step for discriminating different models of jet quenching in the quark-gluon plasma. The transverse momentum spectra, nuclear modification factors, and derived cross section and nuclear modification factor ratios for different jet resolution parameters of charged-particle jets are presented and compared to model predictions. A mild dependence of the nuclear modification factor ratios on collision centrality and resolution parameter is observed. The results are compared to a variety of jet quenching models with varying levels of agreement, demonstrating the effectiveness of this observable to discriminate between models.The ALICE Collaboration reports a new differential measurement of inclusive jet suppression using pp and Pb-Pb collision data at center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collision sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV. Charged-particle jets are reconstructed using the anti-kTk_{\rm T} algorithm with resolution parameters R=R = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 in pp collisions and R=R = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 in central (0-10%), semi-central (30-50%), and peripheral (60-80%) Pb-Pb collisions. The analysis uses a novel approach based on machine learning to mitigate the influence of jet background in central heavy-ion collisions, which enables measurements of inclusive jet suppression for jet pT40p_{\rm T} \geq 40 GeV/cc in central collisions at a resolution parameter of R=0.6R = 0.6. This is the lowest value of jet pTp_{\rm T} achieved for inclusive jet measurements at R=0.6R=0.6 at the LHC, and is an important step for discriminating different models of jet quenching in the quark-gluon plasma. The transverse momentum spectra, nuclear modification factors, and derived cross section and nuclear modification factor ratios for different jet resolution parameters of charged-particle jets are presented and compared to model predictions. A mild dependence of the nuclear modification factor ratios on collision centrality and resolution parameter is observed. The results are compared to a variety of jet quenching models with varying levels of agreement, demonstrating the effectiveness of this observable to discriminate between models

    Direct observation of the dead-cone effect in quantum chromodynamics

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    At particle collider experiments, elementary particle interactions with large momentum transfer produce quarks and gluons (known as partons) whose evolution is governed by the strong force, as described by the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) [1]. The vacuum is not transparent to the partons and induces gluon radiation and quark pair production in a process that can be described as a parton shower [2]. Studying the pattern of the parton shower is one of the key experimental tools in understanding the properties of QCD. This pattern is expected to depend on the mass of the initiating parton, through a phenomenon known as the dead-cone effect, which predicts a suppression of the gluon spectrum emitted by a heavy quark of mass m and energy E, within a cone of angular size m/E around the emitter [3]. A direct observation of the dead-cone effect in QCD has not been possible until now, due to the challenge of reconstructing the cascading quarks and gluons from the experimentally accessible bound hadronic states. Here we show the first direct observation of the QCD dead-cone by using new iterative declustering techniques [4, 5] to reconstruct the parton shower of charm quarks. This result confirms a fundamental feature of QCD, which is derived more generally from its origin as a gauge quantum field theory. Furthermore, the measurement of a dead-cone angle constitutes the first direct experimental observation of the non-zero mass of the charm quark, which is a fundamental constant in the standard model of particle physics.The direct measurement of the QCD dead cone in charm quark fragmentation is reported, using iterative declustering of jets tagged with a fully reconstructed charmed hadron.In particle collider experiments, elementary particle interactions with large momentum transfer produce quarks and gluons (known as partons) whose evolution is governed by the strong force, as described by the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). These partons subsequently emit further partons in a process that can be described as a parton shower which culminates in the formation of detectable hadrons. Studying the pattern of the parton shower is one of the key experimental tools for testing QCD. This pattern is expected to depend on the mass of the initiating parton, through a phenomenon known as the dead-cone effect, which predicts a suppression of the gluon spectrum emitted by a heavy quark of mass mQm_{\rm{Q}} and energy EE, within a cone of angular size mQm_{\rm{Q}}/EE around the emitter. Previously, a direct observation of the dead-cone effect in QCD had not been possible, owing to the challenge of reconstructing the cascading quarks and gluons from the experimentally accessible hadrons. We report the direct observation of the QCD dead cone by using new iterative declustering techniques to reconstruct the parton shower of charm quarks. This result confirms a fundamental feature of QCD. Furthermore, the measurement of a dead-cone angle constitutes a direct experimental observation of the non-zero mass of the charm quark, which is a fundamental constant in the standard model of particle physics