17 research outputs found

    Evaluating dispersal potential of an invasive fish by the use of aerobic scope and osmoregulation capacity

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    Non-indigenous species (NIS) can impact marine biodiversity and ecosystem structure and function. Once introduced into a new region, secondary dispersal is limited by the physiology of the organism in relation to the ambient environment and by complex interactions between a suite of ecological factors such as presence of predators, competitors, and parasites. Early prediction of dispersal potential and future 'area of impact' is challenging, but also a great asset in taking appropriate management actions. Aerobic scope (AS) in fish has been linked to various fitness-related parameters, and may be valuable in determining dispersal potential of aquatic invasive species in novel environments. Round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, one of the most wide-ranging invasive fish species in Europe and North America, currently thrives in brackish and fresh water, but its ability to survive in high salinity waters is unknown to date. We show that AS in round goby is reduced by 30% and blood plasma osmolality increased (indicating reduced capacity for osmoregulation) at salinities approaching oceanic conditions, following slow ramping (5 PSU per week) and subsequent long-term acclimation to salinities ranging between 0 and 30 PSU (8 days at final treatment salinities before blood plasma osmolality measurements, 12-20 additional days before respirometry). Survival was also reduced at the highest salinities yet a significant proportion (61%) of the fish survived at 30 PSU. Reduced physiological performance at the highest salinities may affect growth and competitive ability under oceanic conditions, but to what extent reduced AS and osmoregulatory capacity will slow the current 30 km year-1 rate of advance of the species through the steep salinity gradient from the brackish Baltic Sea and into the oceanic North Sea remains speculative. An unintended natural experiment is in progress to test whether the rate of advance slows down. At the current rate of advance the species will reach the oceanic North Sea by 2018/2019, therefore time for taking preventative action is short

    Behavioural salinity preference of juvenile yellow perch <i>Perca flavescens</i>

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    The present study determined the behavioural salinity preference of a freshwater stock of juvenile yellow perch Perca flavescens acclimated to salinities of 0 and 10. The preferred salinities ranged between 7·3 and 13·0 (mean ± s.d. = 10·4 ± 1·7; n = 13) with no significant effect of acclimation salinity. The results showed that juvenile P. flavescens prefers near isoosmotic salinities, which could be due to a lowered energetic cost of osmoregulation

    Comparison of the organic matrix found in intestinal CaCO<sub>3</sub> precipitates produced by several marine teleost species

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    Marine bony fish poses the unique ability to hydrate from imbibed seawater. They accomplish this, in part, by the precipitation of inorganic carbonate mineral in their intestine, which lowers luminal osmotic pressure and allows for water uptake. It has recently been described that in the Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) this Ca(Mg)CO3 precipitation occurs under the regulation of an organic matrix. To date no investigations have aimed to determine if this phenomenon applies more generally to marine fish. Here, intestinally derived precipitates were collected from gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus), white grunt (Haemulon plumieri), European flounder (Platichthys flesus), as well as Gulf toadfish, and their matrices were extracted. The ability of these matrices to regulate CaCO3 production was determined using an in vitro calcification assay, which revealed that the matrix derived from each of the tested species increased precipitation at low concentrations, while inhibiting it at higher concentrations in full agreement with the earlier studies on toadfish. Matrix extracted from European flounder precipitates was then analyzed by mass spectrometry, leading to the identification of over 50 unique proteins. When the identities of these proteins were compared to previous investigation of toadfish precipitate matrix, nearly 35% were found to overlap between the flounder and toadfish analyses, suggesting conserved mechanisms of precipitation control. The effects of using different sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solutions during precipitate purification on the resulting organic matrix are also discussed