7 research outputs found

    Préparation de polymères imprimés de sucres par mini- émulsion «one pot» et l’approche semi-covalente en surface

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    Dans le but de mimer les récepteurs naturels, la technique d’impression moléculaire a été développée dans les années 1970. Elle consiste à imprimer une molécule cible, dans une matrice polymérique. Après extraction de cette molécule cible, appelée également template, des sites, possédant une complémentarité de forme avec la molécule template, sont libérés. Dans cette optique, au cours de mes travaux de thèse, une nouvelle technique d’impression moléculaire a été développée. Elle consiste à combiner l’approche semi-covalente et la polymérisation en mini-émulsion. La technique de polymérisation en mini-émulsion permet de préparer des particules nanométriques, imprimées en surface, homogènes en taille sans broyage et tamisage. L’extraction du template, lié par des fonctions esters dans la matrice polymérique, est effectuée dans des conditions basiques afin de libérer les sites de reconnaissance en surface possédant des acides carboxyliques. Des mono- et disaccharides ont été choisis comme système modèle. Une nouvelle méthodologie de synthèse de sucres polymérisables et tensioactifs a été développée. La préparation de nouveaux récepteurs artificiels de sucres, de capacités et de sélectivités intéressantes, selon la formulation choisie, ont été préparés et caractérisés. Les éventuelles applications de ces polymères imprimés sont vastes. Ils peuvent, en effet, être utilisés comme détecteurs, groupement protecteur temporaire de sucres et comme nanoréacteur.In order to mimic the biological receptors, molecular imprinted techniques have been developed in the 70’s. These techniques rely on the molecular impression of a template molecule inside a polymeric matrix. After the extraction of this molecule, binding sites complementary to the template, are created. In this aim, a new mini-emulsion technique that combines the surface imprinting and the semi-covalent approach has been developed. This technique of polymerization provides nanometric size and homogeneous particles, without any grinding or sieving. The template hydrolysis and extraction, linked by ester functions to the polymeric matrix, was performed in basic conditions to liberate the binding cavities with carboxylic acid functions. As model system, sugars were chosen. A new methodology for synthesizing polymerizable sugars has been developed and the preparation of new artificial sugars receptors, with good uptake and selectivity, were obtained. Many possible applications of these imprinted polymers are envisioned such as sensors, protecting group or nanoreactor

    Preparation of molecular imprinted polymers of mono-and disaccharides by a surface semi-covalent approach and one pot mini-emulsion polymerization

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    Dans le but de mimer les récepteurs naturels, la technique d'impression moléculaire a été développée dans les années 1970. Elle consiste à imprimer une molécule cible, dans une matrice polymérique. Après extraction de cette molécule cible, appelée égalemeIn order to mimic the biological receptors, molecular imprinted techniques have been developed in the 70 s. These techniques rely on the molecular impression of a template molecule inside a polymeric matrix. After the extraction of this molecule, bindin

    Preparation of molecular imprinted polymers of mono-and disaccharides by a surface semi-covalent approach and one pot mini-emulsion polymerization

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    Dans le but de mimer les récepteurs naturels, la technique d'impression moléculaire a été développée dans les années 1970. Elle consiste à imprimer une molécule cible, dans une matrice polymérique. Après extraction de cette molécule cible, appelée également template, des sites, possédant une complémentarité de forme avec la molécule template, sont libérés. Dans cette optique, au cours de mes travaux de thèse, une nouvelle technique d'impression moléculaire a été développée. Elle consiste à combiner l'approche semi-covalente et la polymérisation en mini-émulsion. La technique de polymérisation en mini-émulsion permet de préparer des particules nanométriques, imprimées en surface, homogènes en taille sans broyage et tamisage. L'extraction du template, lié par des fonctions esters dans la matrice polymérique, est effectuée dans des conditions basiques afin de libérer les sites de reconnaissance en surface possédant des acides carboxyliques. Des mono- et disaccharides ont été choisis comme système modèle. Une nouvelle méthodologie de synthèse de sucres polymérisables et tensioactifs a été développée. La préparation de nouveaux récepteurs artificiels de sucres, de capacités et de sélectivités intéressantes, selon la formulation choisie, ont été préparés et caractérisés. Les éventuelles applications de ces polymères imprimés sont vastes. Ils peuvent, en effet, être utilisés comme détecteurs, groupement protecteur temporaire de sucres et comme nanoréacteur.In order to mimic the biological receptors, molecular imprinted techniques have been developed in the 70 s. These techniques rely on the molecular impression of a template molecule inside a polymeric matrix. After the extraction of this molecule, binding sites complementary to the template, are created. In this aim, a new mini-emulsion technique that combines the surface imprinting and the semi-covalent approach has been developed. This technique of polymerization provides nanometric size and homogeneous particles, without any grinding or sieving. The template hydrolysis and extraction, linked by ester functions to the polymeric matrix, was performed in basic conditions to liberate the binding cavities with carboxylic acid functions. As model system, sugars were chosen. A new methodology for synthesizing polymerizable sugars has been developed and the preparation of new artificial sugars receptors, with good uptake and selectivity, were obtained. Many possible applications of these imprinted polymers are envisioned such as sensors, protecting group or nanoreactor

    Counterion of chitosan influences thermodynamics of association of siRNA with a chitosan-based siRNA carrier

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    International audiencePurposeThe work aimed to compare quality of a siRNA carrier prepared with chitosan of two different sources having similar degree of deacetylation and molecular weights. Differences were analyzed from thermodynamic characteristics of interactions with siRNA.MethodsThe siRNA carrier (chitosan-coated poly(isobutylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles) was prepared with home-prepared, CSLab, and commercial, CSCom, chitosans. Chitosan counterion was identified and chitosans CSCommod1 and CSCommod2 were obtained from CSCom exchanging counterion with that found on CSLab. Carrier quality was checked considering the size, zeta potential and siRNA association capacity by gel electrophoresis. Thermodynamic parameters of interactions between siRNA and chitosans in solution or immobilized at the carrier surface were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC).ResultsCSLab and CSCommod2 having a high content of acetate counterion associated better siRNA than CSCom and CSCommod1 which counterion included mainly chloride. ITC measurements indicated that siRNA interactions with chitosan and the siRNA carrier were driven by entropic phenomena including dehydration, but thermodynamic parameters of interactions clearly differed according to the nature of the counterion of chitosan. The influence of chitosan counterions was interpreted considering their different lyotropic character.ConclusionAssociation of siRNA with our siRNA carrier was influenced by the nature of counterions associated with chitosan. Driven by entropic phenomena including dehydration, interactions were favored by acetate counterion. Although more work would be needed to decipher the influence of the counterion of chitosan during association with siRNA, it was pointed out as a new critical attribute of chitosan to consider while formulating siRNA carrier with this polysaccharide

    Nanoparticles facing the gut barrier: retention or mucosal absorption? Mechanisms and dependency to nanoparticle characteristics

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    International audienceA better knowledge on influence of nanomedicine characteristics on their biological efficacy and safety is expected to accelerate their clinical translation. This work aimed understanding of the oral fate of polymer-based nanomedicines designed with different characteristics. The influence of nanoparticle characteristics (size, zeta potential, molecular architecture surface design) was explored on biological responses evaluating their retention and absorption by rat jejunum using the Ussing chamber experimental model. Thermodynamic aspects of interactions between nanoparticles and model mucins were elucidated by isothermal titration calorimetry. The retention on mucosa varied between nanoparticles from 18.5 to 97.3 % of the initial amount after a simulation considering the entire jejunum length. Different mechanisms were proposed which promoted mucosal association or oppositely precluded any interactions. Strikingly, mucosal retention was profoundly affected by the size and nature of interactions with the mucus which depended on the nature of the coating material, but not on the zeta potential. The nanoparticle absorption simulated along the whole length of the intestine was low (0.01 to almost 3% of the initial amounts). A saturable mechanism including an upper nanoparticle size limit was evidenced but, needs now to be further elucidated. This work showed that the molecular design and formulation of nanoparticles can guide mechanisms by which nanoparticles interact with the mucosa. The data could be useful to formulators to address different oral drug delivery challenges ranging from the simple increase of residence time and proximity to the absorptive epithelium and systemic delivery using the most absorbed nanoparticles