2 research outputs found

    Daily Trends and Source Apportionment of Ultrafine Particulate Mass (PM<sub>0.1</sub>) over an Annual Cycle in a Typical California City

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    Toxicology studies indicate that inhalation of ultrafine particles (<i>D</i><sub>p</sub> < 0.1 μm) causes adverse health effects, presumably due to their large surface area-to-volume ratio that can drive heterogeneous reactions. Epidemiological associations between ultrafine particles and health effects, however, have been difficult to identify due to the lack of appropriate long-term monitoring and exposure data. The majority of the existing ultrafine particle epidemiology studies are based on exposure to particle number, although an independent analysis suggests that ultrafine particle mass (PM<sub>0.1</sub>) correlates better with particle surface area. More information is needed to characterize PM<sub>0.1</sub> exposure to fully evaluate the health effects of ultrafine particles using epidemiology. The present study summarizes 1 year of daily PM<sub>0.1</sub> chemistry and source apportionment at Sacramento, CA, USA. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was used to resolve PM<sub>0.1</sub> source contributions from old-technology diesel engines, residential wood burning, rail, regional traffic, and brake wear/road dust. Diesel PM<sub>0.1</sub> and total PM<sub>0.1</sub> concentrations were reduced by 97 and 26%, respectively, as a result of the adoption of cleaner diesel technology. The strong linear correlation between PM<sub>0.1</sub> and particle surface area in central California suggests that the adoption of clean diesel engines reduced particle surface area by similar amounts. PM<sub>0.1</sub> sulfate reduction occurred as a result of reduced primary particle surface area available for sulfate condensation. The current study demonstrates the capability of measuring PM<sub>0.1</sub> source contributions over a 12 month period and identifies the extended benefits of emissions reduction efforts for diesel engines on ambient concentrations of primary and secondary PM<sub>0.1</sub>

    Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Motor Oil Particles Causes Selective Depletion of Branched and Less Cyclic Hydrocarbons

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    Motor oil serves as a useful model system for atmospheric oxidation of hydrocarbon mixtures typical of anthropogenic atmospheric particulate matter, but its complexity often prevents comprehensive chemical speciation. In this work we fully characterize this formerly “unresolved complex mixture” at the molecular level using recently developed soft ionization gas chromatography techniques. Nucleated motor oil particles are oxidized in a flow tube reactor to investigate the relative reaction rates of observed hydrocarbon classes: alkanes, cycloalkanes, bicycloalkanes, tricycloalkanes, and steranes. Oxidation of hydrocarbons in a complex aerosol is found to be efficient, with approximately three-quarters (0.72 ± 0.06) of OH collisions yielding a reaction. Reaction rates of individual hydrocarbons are structurally dependent: compared to normal alkanes, reaction rates increased by 20–50% with branching, while rates decreased ∼20% per nonaromatic ring present. These differences in rates are expected to alter particle composition as a function of oxidation, with depletion of branched and enrichment of cyclic hydrocarbons. Due to this expected shift toward ring-opening reactions heterogeneous oxidation of the unreacted hydrocarbon mixture is less likely to proceed through fragmentation pathways in more oxidized particles. Based on the observed oxidation-induced changes in composition, isomer-resolved analysis has potential utility for determining the photochemical age of atmospheric particulate matter with respect to heterogeneous oxidation