136 research outputs found

    Identity – A critical but neglected construct in cognitive-behaviour therapy

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    In cognitive-behaviour therapy attention paid to the self and identity has primarily involved self-representations (the Me-Self) rather than how the self is experienced (the I-Self). Within the I-Self experiences vary on a continuum from pre-reflective consciousness (raw experienced perceptions and states of being) to self-awareness (permitting reflection on and evaluation of subjective experience). There is considerable evidence that the I-Self is affected in many if not all disorders, and I review illustrative studies of OCD, eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, PTSD, and personality disorder. These indicate that patients often experience themselves as being defective in various ways, or as having an unstable or contradictory I-Self. Recognition of this neglected aspect of patients' experience has major implications for assessment and treatment. For example, acknowledgment that their sense of self may fluctuate dramatically from moment to moment, may be fragmented, or may consist of a sense of emptiness, may help to build a more empathic therapeutic relationship. If frightening or distressing pre-reflective experiences are the cause of avoidance or other maladaptive coping strategies, conscious attention paid to them in therapy may help to better integrate the I-Self and Me-Self, restoring a sense of predictability and control

    Inaccuracy in the Scientific Record and Open Postpublication Critique

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    There is growing evidence that the published psychological literature is marred by multiple errors and inaccuracies and often fails to reflect the changing nature of the knowledge base. At least four types of error are common—citation error, methodological error, statistical error, and interpretation error. In the face of the apparent inevitability of these inaccuracies, core scientific values such as openness and transparency require that correction mechanisms are readily available. In this article, I reviewed standard mechanisms in psychology journals and found them to have limitations. The effects of more widely enabling open postpublication critique in the same journal in addition to conventional peer review are considered. This mechanism is well established in medicine and the life sciences but rare in psychology and may assist psychological science to correct itself

    Regaining Consensus on the Reliability of Memory

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    In the last 20 years, the consensus about memory being essentially reliable has been neglected in favor of an emphasis on the malleability and unreliability of memory and on the public’s supposed unawareness of this. Three claims in particular have underpinned this popular perspective: that the confidence people have in their memory is weakly related to its accuracy, that false memories of fictitious childhood events can be easily implanted, and that the public wrongly sees memory as being like a video camera. New research has clarified that all three claims rest on shaky foundations, suggesting there is no reason to abandon the old consensus about memory being malleable but essentially reliable

    The memory and identity theory of ICD-11 complex posttraumatic stress disorder

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    The 11th version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) includes complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) as a separate diagnostic entity alongside posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). ICD-11 CPTSD is defined by six sets of symptoms, three that are shared with PTSD (reexperiencing in the here and now, avoidance, and sense of current threat) and three (affective dysregulation, negative self-concept, and disturbances in relationships) representing pervasive "disturbances in self-organization" (DSO). There is considerable evidence supporting the construct validity of ICD-11 CPTSD, but no theoretical account of its development has thus far been presented. A theory is needed to explain several phenomena that are especially relevant to ICD-11 CPTSD such as the role played by prolonged and repeated trauma exposure, the functional independence between PTSD and DSO symptoms, and diagnostic heterogeneity following trauma exposure. The memory and identity theory of ICD-11 CPTSD states that single and multiple trauma exposure occur in a context of individual vulnerability which interact to give rise to intrusive, sensation-based traumatic memories and negative identities which, together, produce the PTSD and DSO symptoms that define ICD-11 CPTSD. The model emphasizes that the two major and related causal processes of intrusive memories and negative identities exist on a continuum from prereflective experience to full self-awareness. Theoretically derived implications for the assessment and treatment of ICD-11 CPTSD are discussed, as well as areas for future research and model testing. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

    The Role of Intrusive Imagery in Hoarding Disorder

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    Despite the incidence of trauma in the histories of people with Hoarding Disorder (HD), reexperiencing symptoms, namely intrusive images, have not been investigated in the condition. To address this, 27 individuals who met DSM-5 criteria for HD and 28 community controls (CCs) were interviewed about (a) their everyday experiences of intrusive imagery, and (b) the unexpected images they experience when discarding high- and low-value possessions. Compared to CCs, everyday images described by the HD group were more frequent, had a greater negative valence, and were associated with greater interference in everyday life and attempts to avoid the imagery. With regard to discard-related imagery, a MANOVA followed up with mixed ANOVAs showed that HD participants reported more negative experiences of intrusive imagery in comparison with CCs during recent episodes of discarding objects of low subjective value. However, HD and CC participants both experienced positive imagery when discarding high-value objects. CC participants reported greater avoidance of imagery in the high-value object condition, but imagery-avoidance did not change between conditions for HD participants. The findings are discussed, particularly in relation to the potential of imagery-based interventions for HD

    Remembering the earthquake: intrusive memories of disaster in a rural Italian community

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    Background: Disasters can have long-lasting impacts on mental health. Intrusive memories have been found to be common and persistent in the aftermath of earthquakes. / Objective: To explore, using diaries, intrusive memories’ presence, content, characteristics, and relationship with probable post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a small rural community exposed to mass destruction and loss of life. / Methods: Survivors of the 2016–2017 Central Italy earthquakes (N = 104) were first interviewed to investigate the presence of intrusive memories of the disaster. Those that reported intrusive memories were subsequently asked to complete a 7-day paper-and-pen diary tracking their spontaneous memories of the earthquake events. / Results: Twenty months after the earthquakes, 49% (n = 51) of the sample reported having experienced intrusive memories post-earthquake and 38% (n = 39) reported at least one intrusive memory in their diaries. Memories were rated as being distressing, vivid, and experienced as a mixture of images and thoughts. The content of intrusive memories generally focused on sensations and experiences during the earthquake. Other common categories of content were the material environment and physical objects as well as human loss & death. Several memories had a social focus. A minority of memories contained more positive content as well as content from before and after the earthquake. Some participants (28%) experienced repeated intrusive memories of the same content. Memories of participants with and without probable PTSD did not significantly differ on characteristics or content. / Conclusions: Intrusive memories can be common, distressing, and persistent occurrences following disasters, even in survivors not suffering from probable PTSD

    Intrusive Images in Psychological Disorders: Characteristics, Neural Mechanisms, and Treatment Implications

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    Involuntary images and visual memories are prominent in many types of psychopathology. Patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, other anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, and psychosis frequently report repeated visual intrusions corresponding to a small number of real or imaginary events, usually extremely vivid, detailed, and with highly distressing content. Both memory and imagery appear to rely on common networks involving medial prefrontal regions, posterior regions in the medial and lateral parietal cortices, the lateral temporal cortex, and the medial temporal lobe. Evidence from cognitive psychology and neuroscience implies distinct neural bases to abstract, flexible, contextualized representations (C-reps) and to inflexible, sensory-bound representations (S-reps). We revise our previous dual representation theory of posttraumatic stress disorder to place it within a neural systems model of healthy memory and imagery. The revised model is used to explain how the different types of distressing visual intrusions associated with clinical disorders arise, in terms of the need for correct interaction between the neural systems supporting S-reps and C-reps via visuospatial working memory. Finally, we discuss the treatment implications of the new model and relate it to existing forms of psychological therapy

    Cost-effectiveness of ‘screen-and-treat’ interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder following major incidents

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    Objectives Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is commonly experienced in the aftermath of major incidents such as terrorism and pandemics. Well-established principles of response include effective and scalable treatment for individuals affected by PTSD. In England, such responses have combined proactive outreach, screening and evidence-based interventions (a ‘screenand-treat’ approach), but little is known about its costeffectiveness. The objective of this paper is to report the first systematic attempt to assess the cost-effectiveness of this approach. Methods A decision modelling analysis was undertaken to estimate the costs per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained from a screen-and-treat approach compared with treatment-as-usual, the latter involving identification of PTSD by general practitioners and referral to psychological therapy services. Model input variables were drawn from relevant empirical studies in the context of terrorism and the unit costs of health and social care in England. The model was run over a 5-year time horizon for a hypothetical cohort of 1000 exposed adults from the perspective of the National Health Service and Personal Social Services in England. Results The incremental cost per QALY gained was £7931. This would be considered cost-effective 88% of the time at a willingness-to-pay threshold of £20 000 per QALY gained, the threshold associated with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in England. Sensitivity analysis confirmed this result was robust. Conclusions A screen-and-treat approach for identifying and treating PTSD in adults following terrorist attacks appears cost-effective in England compared with treatment-as-usual through conventional primary care routes. Although this finding was in the context of terrorism, the implications might be translatable into other major incident-related scenarios including the current COVID-19 pandemic

    Testing predictions from the Memory and Identity Theory of ICD-11 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Measurement development and initial findings  

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    Background: The ‘Memory and Identity Theory’ of ICD-11 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) was recently published but has not yet been subjected to empirical testing. The objective of this study was to evaluate newly developed measures of memory and identity disturbances and test hypothesized structural relations between these constructs and CPTSD symptoms. Methods: Self-report data were collected from a nationwide sample of adults living in Ukraine (N = 2050) in September 2023. Exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the latent structure of the newly developed measures, and structural equation modeling was used to test the associations between memory and identity disturbances and CPTSD symptoms. Results: 90 % of participants experienced a lifetime trauma, and 9.2 % screened positive for ICD-11 CPTSD. Results indicated that the newly developed measures of memory and identity problems possessed satisfactory psychometric properties, and all but one of the model-implied structural associations were observed. Conclusion: This study provides initial empirical support for the Memory and Identity theory of ICD-11 CPTSD, indicating that the basis of this disorder lies in distinct memory and identity processes. Several effects not predicted by the theory were observed, and these can provide the basis for further model testing and refinement.</p