4 research outputs found

    An exploration of service design jam and its ability to foster social enterprise

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    Social enterprises (SE) are valued as innovative solutions to complex problems but require conditions to nurture and support them. Most support systems rely on individuals who already have an SE idea, and there is very little research on understanding what conditions can support to cultivate the willingness and motivation to engage individuals in this activity. An exploratory study was led to understand whether a particular event, Service Design Jam, can provide such conditions. The paper introduces the study of the Lufbra Jam, organised at Loughborough University, from which two social enterprises, Crop Club in 2013, and FrenPals in 2014 emerged. Through literature review desirability and feasibility were extrapolated as key variables to the formation process of social enterprises. A focus group with three Lufbra Jam organisers was led to identify important organisational elements of the Jam that were perceived to have an impact on the formation of the successful SE thus influencing the perception of desirability and feasibility of SE in individuals. The integration of the two created a thematic matrix that was used to analyse findings from the research with the participants of the two successful SE Cases. The research findings suggest that Lufbra Jam enabled individuals to identify socially and environmentally focused issues and formulate service solutions that they deemed to be desirable and feasible. It also provided an insight that winning and an enterprising workshop were important SDJ elements that helped teams to recognise their service ideas not only as feasible solutions but as SE opportunity for the team to take forward

    Fusion systems over a Sylow p-subgroup of G 2 (p) G2(p)

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    For S a Sylow p-subgroup of the group G2 (p) for p odd, up to isomorphism of fusion systems, we determine all saturated fusion systems F on S with O p (F) = 1. For p≠7, all such fusion systems are realized by finite groups whereas for p=7 there are 29 saturated fusion systems of which 27 are exotic

    Fusion systems on maximal class 3-groups of rank two revisited

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    We complete the determination of saturated fusion systems on maximal class 3-groups of rank two

    Cancer Drugs Fund requires further reform.

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    [First paragraph] The reforms to the Cancer Drugs Fund implemented in July were an excellent opportunity to generate evidence on the effectiveness of new cancer drugs.1 Unlike under the previous arrangements, data on patients’ outcomes will have to be collected for all drugs funded by the scheme. However, the reforms’ stated reliance on “real world” (observational) data will not generate reliable evidence of effectiveness. We propose an alternative model, using timely randomised controlled trials within routinely collected data sources, to establish which drugs are relatively effective. The current arrangement encourages early access to drugs, with high prices but uncertain benefits, whereas our proposal will provide high quality evidence for future decisions and therefore larger gains in population health