3 research outputs found

    MOESM17 of BMC ecology image competition 2017: the winning images

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    Additional file 17. Breeding terns. “Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea) mate for life. They breed on the ground and both sexes share incubation duties. This photo taken in Svalbard shows that vocal communication between mates is very important to coordinate parental efforts in order to achieve a successful reproduction. But this is not all. Finding a good place where to breed may be hard in human-modified landscapes. This couple of Arctic terns found a clever solution to solve this difficult problem: they made their own house on an abandoned shovel.” Attribution: David Costantini (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France)

    MOESM22 of BMC ecology image competition 2017: the winning images

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    Additional file 22. Dolphin school. “This photograph represents a part of a >100 individuals group of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the oceanic waters of Madeira. It is difficult to describe the experience of being among these animals in their natural environment, everything is chaotic they swim around you, jump, the females approach you with their calves, it’s an overwhelming amazing experience.” Attribution: Diogo Sayanda (University of Lisbon, Portugal)