118 research outputs found

    Molecular methods for identification of pathogenic factors associated with ink disease of chestnut

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    The culture of the chestnut tree is extremely important in the northern region of Portugal, occupying a significant proportion of useful agricultural area. The annual average chestnut production in Portugal can reach 20 000 tons. New plantation areas have increased in the last few decades. However the ink disease caused by the oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi has damage and killed many trees and up to now no concrete solutions have been offered to control the illness. As a consequence, the disease propagation in the orchards of chestnut trees has been causing severe productivity and yield breaks. tn addition to the economical losses, the importance of sociological and landscape aspects for the region cannot be neglected

    Potencial nutricional e de saúde da castanha europeia

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    Chestnut is a crisp, sweet soft fruit that has already played an important role in the feeding of many European regions and is still a very popular fruit. Classical analyzes were used to determine the chemical and nutritional composition of European sweet chestnut. Already, for the determination of the starch content, we use the Lintner polarimetric method. However, the amylose/amylopectin ratio of the starch was measured by gel filtration chromatography. The values for the chemical composition of sweet chestnut were found very interesting, particularly, the values of vitamin C such as the abundance of mineral salts. Were also surprising the starch value and in this the amylose/amylopectin ratio, when compared with the same ratio in most cereals. The amylose/amylopectin ratio of European sweet chestnut starch may help us to explain many of its beneficial nutritional properties and may prove to be of great importance in the industrial use of chestnut. Due to the chemical and nutritional characteristics, European sweet chestnut is a recommended food, especially for patients with high cholesterol, diabetics, and patients suffering from celiac disease, since the chestnut does not have gluten. The aim of this work is to evaluate the nutritional and health potential of sweet chestnut being a great part of the results presented the fruit of bibliographical research.O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o potencial nutricional e de saúde da castanha doce europeia, sendo grande parte dos resultados apresentados fruto de pesquisa bibliográfica. A castanha é um fruto suave e doce que já desempenhou um papel importante na alimentação de muitas regiões europeias continuando a ser um fruto muito popular. Análises clássicas foram usadas para determinar a composição química e nutricional da castanha europeia. Já para a determinação do teor de amido, utilizou-se o método polarimétrico de Lintner. A amilose/amilopectina do amido foram determinadas por cromatografia de filtração em gel, sendo posteriormente calculada a sua relação. Dos valores para a composição química da castanha, pesquisados na bibliografia, são de realçar os valores de vitamina C e a abundância de sais minerais. Também é importante o valor de amido e neste a razão amilose/amilopectina, quando comparado com a mesma proporção na maioria dos cereais. A relação amilose/amilopectina do amido de castanha-europeia pode ajudar-nos a explicar muitas das suas propriedades nutricionais benéficas e pode revelar-se de grande importância no uso industrial da castanha. Devido às suas características químicas e nutricionais, a castanha europeia é um alimento recomendado especialmente para pacientes com colesterol alto, diabéticos e pacientes que sofrem de doença celíaca, uma vez que a castanha não tem glúten.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marcadores moleculares para la caracterización de Phytophthora

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    En la actualidad se dispone de varias técnicas que permiten revelar variabilidades a nivel de DNA. Características del DNA que diferencian dos o más individuos y que se heredan genéticamente, son conocidas como marcadores moleculares. Los principales tipos de marcadores moleculares pueden ser clasificados en dos grupos, según la metodología utilizada para identificarlos: Hibridación o amplificación del DNA.Interregue IIIA, COMBATINTA- Combate à doença da Tinta do castanheiro e outras culturas regionais por padrões moleculares.-SP2.P11/02” INTERREG III-A, financiado com fundos FEDER, em colaboração com a Universidade de Salamanc

    Sistema de resposta ao ácido oleico em Sascharomyces cerevisiae

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    Os peroxissomas são organitos com membrana simples, que nos seres eucariotas intervém em numerosas vias metabólicas (Lazarow e Fujiki, 1985). Nos peroxissomas encontram-se enzimas necessárias para a IS-oxidação dos ácidos gordos, destacando-se também a presença de catalases que decompõem o H20 2 produzido neste processo. Estes organitos desempenham outra>~ funções dependendo elo organismo e elo estado de diferenciação celular; dentro destas funções inclui-se a contribuição para a biogénese elo colesterol e ácidos biliares em eucariotas superiores ou o crescimento dos organismos metanotróficos em metanol ou metilaminas (Lazarow e Fujiki, 1985). Como ret1exo desta t1exibilidade metabólica está a capacidade de compartimentalizaçã

    Enzimas β-Glucanases: aplicações da hidrólise de polissacarídeos /β-Glucanases enzymes – Appliance of polysaccharides hydrolisis

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    The enzymatic degradation of polysaccharides is accomplished through the action of several hydrolases with different specificities and way of action. For this reason, there is now a growing interest in the study of these enzymes related to its potential industry. The β-glucanases enzymes belong to this group of hydrolases because of its ability to hydrolyze glycosidiclinkages β-D-glucosides 1,3-β-glucans and 1,6-β-glucans. Its applications are fairly comprehensive, with utility from conventional industry to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry

    In Silico characterization of the Phytopathogenic efector, avr3a, from Phytophthora cinnamomi

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    Phytophthora cinnamomi is an Oomycete considered one of the most widespread and destructive pathogens on the planet. Its geographic presence is cosmopolitan and the range of hosts is regarded as one of the largest. This pathogen causes enormous economic damages to important cultures worldwide; this has helped to attract the attention of the scientific community. It is the causal agent of chestnut “ink” disease (Castanea sativa Miller). The chestnut tree has different applications, besides chestnut and wood, it plays an important role in soil ecology and biodiversity. Therefore it is important to know the molecular mechanisms (genes and proteins) that are the basis of the Castanea sativa infestation process by Phytophthora cinnamomi and the nature of the pathogen-host interaction in order to establish strategies to combat and control this parasite. With bioinformatics tools, we were able to identify and characterize the Avr3a gene in genomic sequences of P. cinnamomi deposited in the Databases. This gene encodes a recognized 209 aminoacids, protein in the host cytoplasm where it triggers cell death.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bioinformatics tools for identification of pathogenic factors

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    The culture of the chestnut tree is extremely important in the northern region of Portugal, occupying a significant! proportion of useful agricultural area. The annual average chestnut production in Portugal can reach 20 000 tons. New plantation areas have increased in the last law decades. However the ink disease caused by the oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi has damage and killed many trees and up to now no concrete solutions have been offered to control the illness. As a consequence, the disease propagation in the orchards 01 chestnut trees has been causing severe productivity and yield breaks. ln addition to the economical lasses, the importance of sociological and landscape aspects for the region cannot be neglecte

    Bioinformatics: new tools and applications in life science and personalized medicine

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    While we have a basic understanding of the functioning of the gene when coding sequences of specific proteins, we feel the lack of information on the role that DNA has on specific diseases or functions of thousands of proteins that are produced. Bioinformatics combines the methods used in the collection, storage, identification, analysis, and correlation of this huge and complex information. All this work produces an “ocean” of information that can only be “sailed” with the help of computerized methods. The goal is to provide scientists with the right means to explain normal biological processes, dysfunctions of these processes which give rise to disease, and approaches that allow the discovery of new medical cures. Recently, sequencing platforms, a large scale of genomes and transcriptomes, have created new challenges not only to the genomics but especially for bioinformatics. The intent of this article is to compile a list of tools and information resources used by scientists to treat information from the massive sequencing of recent platforms to new generations and the applications of this information in different areas of life sciences including medicine.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2019).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A importância alimentar da castanha

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    Neste trabalho pretendemos caracterizar a castanha quanto a alguns aspectos da sua composição química e valor nutricional. Para além das análises clássicas na determinação da composição química e nutricional da castanha, rocorremos ao método polarimétrico de Lintner para a quantificação do amido e à cromatografia de filtração sobre gel para a determinação da relação amilose/amilopectina do amido. na composição química da castanha são de relçar os valores de vitamina C e de sais minerais, para além do teor em amido, e neste, da elevada relação amilose/amilopectina quando comparada com a mesma relação na maioria dos cerais

    Transformação da castanha

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    Da apreciação global dos resultados podemos concluir que a farinha de castanha tem boas potencialidades para uma utilização como ingrediente na formulação de produtos obtidos por novas tecnologias, nomeadamente pela extrusão-cozedura