6 research outputs found

    Evolution of internal gravity waves in meso-scale eddies

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    We investigate the effect of wave-eddy interaction and dissipation of internal gravity waves propagating in a coherent meso-scale eddy simulated using a novel numerical model called the Internal Wave Energy Model based on the six-dimensional radiative transfer equation. We use an idealized mean flow structure and stratification, motivated by observations of a coherent eddy in the Canary Current System. In a spin-down simulation using the Garret-Munk model spectrum as initial conditions, we find that wave energy decreases at the eddy rim. Lateral shear leads to wave energy gain due to a developing horizontal anisotropy outisde the eddy and at the rim, while vertical shear leads to wave energy loss which is enhanced at the eddy rim. Wave energy loss by wave dissipation due to vertical shear dominates over horizontal shear. Our results show similar behaviour of the internal gravity wave in a cyclonic as well as an anticyclonic eddy. Wave dissipation by vertical wave refraction occurs predominantly at the eddy rim near the surface, where related vertical diffusivities range from κ≈O(10−7)\kappa \approx \mathcal{O}(10^{-7}) to O(10−5) m2s−1\mathcal{O}(10^{-5}) \, \rm m^2s^{-1}

    Changes in Global Ocean Circulation due to Isopycnal Diffusion

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    We investigate changes in the ocean circulation due to the variation of isopycnal diffusivity (k(iso)) in a global non-eddy-resolving model. Although isopycnal diffusion is thought to have minor effects on interior density gradients, the model circulation shows a surprisingly large sensitivity to the changes: with increasing k(iso), the strength of the Atlantic residual overturning circulation (AMOC) and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) transport weaken. At high latitudes, the isopycnal diffusion diffuses temperature and salinity upward and poleward, and at low latitudes downward close to the surface. Increasing isopycnal diffusivity increases the meridional isopycnal fluxes whose meridional gradient is equatorward, hence leading to a negative contribution to the flux divergence in the tracer equations and predominant cooling and freshening equatorward of 40 degrees. The effect on temperature overcompensates the countering effect of salinity diffusion, such that the meridional density differences decrease, along with which ACC and AMOC decrease. We diagnose the adjustment process to the new equilibrium with increased isopycnal diffusion to assess how the other terms in the tracer equations react to the increased k(iso). It reveals that around +/- 40 degrees latitude, the cooling induced by the increased isopycnal flux is only partly compensated by warming by advection, explaining the net cooling. Overall, the results emphasize the importance of isopycnal diffusion on ocean circulation and dynamics, and hence the necessity of its careful representation in models. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The effect of mixing by mesoscale eddies, represented as diffusion along surfaces of constant density in models, on the ocean circulation is not well understood. Here, we show that an increase in the eddy diffusivity in different setups of a global ocean model leads to a surprisingly large change of the ocean circulation. The strength of the Atlantic overturning circulation and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current decrease. We find that the interior ocean becomes cooler and fresher and that the temperature effect on density dominates over salinity, resulting in a decrease in the density gradients. Our results point out the importance of eddy diffusion on ocean circulation, and hence the necessity of its correct representation in ocean and climate models

    Gravity Wave Generation in Balanced Sheared Flow Revisited

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    The generation of internal gravity waves from an initially geostrophically balanced flow is diagnosed in nonhydrostatic numerical simulations of shear instabilities for varied dynamical regimes. A nonlinear decomposition method up to third order in the Rossby number (Ro) is used as the diagnostic tool for a consistent separation of the balanced and unbalanced motions in the presence of their nonlinear coupling. Wave emission is investigated in an Eady-like and a jet-like flow. For the jet-like case, geostrophic and ageostrophic unstable modes are used to initialize the flow in different simulations. Gravity wave emission is in general very weak over a range of values for Ro. At sufficiently high Ro, however, when the condition for symmetric instability is satisfied with negative values of local potential vorticity, significant wave emission is detected even at the lowest order. This is related to the occurrence of fast ageostrophic instability modes, generating a wide spectrum of waves. Thus, gravity waves are excited from the instability of the balanced mode to lowest order only if the condition of symmetric instability is satisfied and ageostrophic unstable modes obtain finite growth rates

    Gravity Wave Emission by Shear Instability

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    A comparison of methods to balance geophysical flows

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    We compare a higher-order asymptotic construction for balance in geophysical flows with the method of ‘optimal balance’, a purely numerical approach to separating inertia–gravity waves from vortical modes. Both methods augment the linear geostrophic mode with dependent inertia–gravity wave mode contributions, the so-called slaved modes, such that the resulting approximately balanced states are characterized by very small residual wave emission during subsequent time evolution. In our benchmark setting – the single-layer rotating shallow water equations in the quasi-geostrophic regime – the performance of both methods is comparable across a range of Rossby numbers and for different initial conditions. Cross-balancing, i.e. balancing the model with one method and diagnosing the imbalance with the other, suggests that both methods find approximately the same balanced state. Our results also reinforce results from previous studies suggesting that spontaneous wave emission from balanced flow is very small. We further compare two numerical implementations of each of the methods: one pseudospectral, and the other a finite difference scheme on the standard C-grid. We find that a state that is balanced relative to one numerical scheme is poorly balanced for the other, independent of the method that was used for balancing. This shows that the notion of balance in the discrete case is fundamentally tied to a particular scheme

    Substantial Sub-Surface Chlorophyll Patch Sustained by Vertical Nutrient Fluxes in Fram Strait Observed With an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    We present results from a coordinated frontal survey in Fram Strait in summer 2016 using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) combined with shipboard and zodiac-based hydrographic measurements. Based on satellite information, we identified a front between warm Atlantic Water and cold Polar Water. The AUV, equipped with oceanographic and biogeochemical sensors, profiled the upper 50 m along a 10 km-long cross-front oriented transect resulting in a high-resolution snapshot of the upper ocean. The transect was dominated by a 6 km-wide, 10 m-thick subsurface patch of high chlorophyll, located near the euphotic depth within a band of cold water. Nitrate was depleted in the surface, but abundant below the pycnocline. Potential vorticity and Richardson number estimates indicate conditions favorable for vertical mixing, which indicates that the high chlorophyll patch may have been sustained by upward nitrate fluxes. Our observations underline the complex hydrographic and biogeochemical structure in a region featuring fronts and meanders, and further underline the patchy and small-scale nature of subsurface phytoplankton blooms potentially fueled by submesoscale dynamics, which are easily missed by traditional surveys and satellite missions