27,924 research outputs found

    Peeling and Sliding in Nucleosome Repositioning

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    We investigate the mechanisms of histone sliding and detachment with a stochastic model that couples thermally-induced, passive histone sliding with active motor-driven histone unwrapping. Analysis of a passive loop or twist defect-mediated histone sliding mechanism shows that diffusional sliding is enhanced as larger portions of the DNA is peeled off the histone. The mean times to histone detachment and the mean distance traveled by the motor complex prior to histone detachment are computed as functions of the intrinsic speed of the motor. Fast motors preferentially induce detachment over sliding. However, for a fixed motor speed, increasing the histone-DNA affinity (and thereby decreasing the passive sliding rate) increases the mean distance traveled by the motor.Comment: 5 pp, 4 fig

    The effects of ground hydrology on climate sensitivity to solar constant variations

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    The effects of two different evaporation parameterizations on the climate sensitivity to solar constant variations are investigated by using a zonally averaged climate model. The model is based on a two-level quasi-geostrophic zonally averaged annual mean model. One of the evaporation parameterizations tested is a nonlinear formulation with the Bowen ratio determined by the predicted vertical temperature and humidity gradients near the earth's surface. The other is the linear formulation with the Bowen ratio essentially determined by the prescribed linear coefficient

    Chapman-Enskog expansion about nonequilibrium states: the sheared granular fluid

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    The Chapman-Enskog method of solution of kinetic equations, such as the Boltzmann equation, is based on an expansion in gradients of the deviations fo the hydrodynamic fields from a uniform reference state (e.g., local equilibrium). This paper presents an extension of the method so as to allow for expansions about \emph{arbitrary}, far-from equilibrium reference states. The primary result is a set of hydrodynamic equations for studying variations from the arbitrary reference state which, unlike the usual Navier-Stokes hydrodynamics, does not restrict the reference state in any way. The method is illustrated by application to a sheared granular gas which cannot be studied using the usual Navier-Stokes hydrodynamics.Comment: 23 pages, no figures. Submited to PRE Replaced to correct misc. errors Replaced to correct misc. errors, make notation more consistant, extend discussio

    Temporal Dynamics of Photon Pairs Generated by an Atomic Ensemble

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    The time dependence of nonclassical correlations is investigated for two fields (1,2) generated by an ensemble of cold Cesium atoms via the protocol of Duan et al. [Nature Vol. 414, p. 413 (2001)]. The correlation function R(t1,t2) for the ratio of cross to auto-correlations for the (1,2) fields at times (t1,t2) is found to have a maximum value Rmax=292(+-)57, which significantly violates the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality R<=1 for classical fields. Decoherence of quantum correlations is observed over 175 ns, and is described by our model, as is a new scheme to mitigate this effect.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Heralded Entanglement between Atomic Ensembles: Preparation, Decoherence, and Scaling

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    Heralded entanglement between collective excitations in two atomic ensembles is probabilistically generated, stored, and converted to single photon fields. By way of the concurrence, quantitative characterizations are reported for the scaling behavior of entanglement with excitation probability and for the temporal dynamics of various correlations resulting in the decay of entanglement. A lower bound of the concurrence for the collective atomic state of 0.9\pm 0.3 is inferred. The decay of entanglement as a function of storage time is also observed, and related to the local dynamics.Comment: 4 page

    Flow field predictions for a slab delta wing at incidence

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    Theoretical results are presented for the structure of the hypersonic flow field of a blunt slab delta wing at moderately high angle of attack. Special attention is devoted to the interaction between the boundary layer and the inviscid entropy layer. The results are compared with experimental data. The three-dimensional inviscid flow is computed numerically by a marching finite difference method. Attention is concentrated on the windward side of the delta wing, where detailed comparisons are made with the data for shock shape and surface pressure distributions. Surface streamlines are generated, and used in the boundary layer analysis. The three-dimensional laminar boundary layer is computed numerically using a specially-developed technique based on small cross-flow in streamline coordinates. In the rear sections of the wing the boundary layer decreases drastically in the spanwise direction, so that it is still submerged in the entropy layer at the centerline, but surpasses it near the leading edge. Predicted heat transfer distributions are compared with experimental data

    Magnetically-induced reconstructions of the ground state in a few-electron Si quantum dot

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    We report unexpected fluctuations in the positions of Coulomb blockade peaks at high magnetic fields in a small Si quantum dot. The fluctuations have a distinctive saw-tooth pattern: as a function of magnetic field, linear shifts of peak positions are compensated by abrupt jumps in the opposite direction. The linear shifts have large slopes, suggesting formation of the ground state with a non-zero angular momentum. The value of the momentum is found to be well defined, despite the absence of the rotational symmetry in the dot.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to PR