48 research outputs found

    Interactive solution-adaptive grid generation

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    TURBO-AD is an interactive solution-adaptive grid generation program under development. The program combines an interactive algebraic grid generation technique and a solution-adaptive grid generation technique into a single interactive solution-adaptive grid generation package. The control point form uses a sparse collection of control points to algebraically generate a field grid. This technique provides local grid control capability and is well suited to interactive work due to its speed and efficiency. A mapping from the physical domain to a parametric domain was used to improve difficulties that had been encountered near outwardly concave boundaries in the control point technique. Therefore, all grid modifications are performed on a unit square in the parametric domain, and the new adapted grid in the parametric domain is then mapped back to the physical domain. The grid adaptation is achieved by first adapting the control points to a numerical solution in the parametric domain using control sources obtained from flow properties. Then a new modified grid is generated from the adapted control net. This solution-adaptive grid generation process is efficient because the number of control points is much less than the number of grid points and the generation of a new grid from the adapted control net is an efficient algebraic process. TURBO-AD provides the user with both local and global grid controls

    Interactive grid generation for turbomachinery flow field simulations

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    The control point form of algebraic grid generation presented provides the means that are needed to generate well structured grids for turbomachinery flow simulations. It uses a sparse collection of control points distributed over the flow domain. The shape and position of coordinate curves can be adjusted from these control points while the grid conforms precisely to all boundaries. An interactive program called TURBO, which uses the control point form, is being developed. Basic features of the code are discussed and sample grids are presented. A finite volume LU implicit scheme is used to simulate flow in a turbine cascade on the grid generated by the program

    Dynamics of local grid manipulations for internal flow problems

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    The control point method of algebraic grid generation is briefly reviewed. The review proceeds from the general statement of the method in 2-D unencumbered by detailed mathematical formulation. The method is supported by an introspective discussion which provides the basis for confidence in the approach. The more complex 3-D formulation is then presented as a natural generalization. Application of the method is carried out through 2-D examples which demonstrate the technique

    Implementation of control point form of algebraic grid-generation technique

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    The control point form (CPF) provides explicit control of physical grid shape and grid spacing through the movement of the control points. The control point array, called a control net, is a space grid type arrangement of locations in physical space with an index for each direction. As an algebraic method CPF is efficient and works well with interactive computer graphics. A family of menu-driven, interactive grid-generation computer codes (TURBO) is being developed by using CPF. Key features of TurboI (a TURBO member) are discussed and typical results are presented. TurboI runs on any IRIS 4D series workstation

    Interactive solution-adaptive grid generation procedure

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    TURBO-AD is an interactive solution adaptive grid generation program under development. The program combines an interactive algebraic grid generation technique and a solution adaptive grid generation technique into a single interactive package. The control point form uses a sparse collection of control points to algebraically generate a field grid. This technique provides local grid control capability and is well suited to interactive work due to its speed and efficiency. A mapping from the physical domain to a parametric domain was used to improve difficulties encountered near outwardly concave boundaries in the control point technique. Therefore, all grid modifications are performed on the unit square in the parametric domain, and the new adapted grid is then mapped back to the physical domain. The grid adaption is achieved by adapting the control points to a numerical solution in the parametric domain using control sources obtained from the flow properties. Then a new modified grid is generated from the adapted control net. This process is efficient because the number of control points is much less than the number of grid points and the generation of the grid is an efficient algebraic process. TURBO-AD provides the user with both local and global controls

    Application of a lower-upper implicit scheme and an interactive grid generation for turbomachinery flow field simulations

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    A finite-volume lower-upper (LU) implicit scheme is used to simulate an inviscid flow in a tubine cascade. This approximate factorization scheme requires only the inversion of sparse lower and upper triangular matrices, which can be done efficiently without extensive storage. As an implicit scheme it allows a large time step to reach the steady state. An interactive grid generation program (TURBO), which is being developed, is used to generate grids. This program uses the control point form of algebraic grid generation which uses a sparse collection of control points from which the shape and position of coordinate curves can be adjusted. A distinct advantage of TURBO compared with other grid generation programs is that it allows the easy change of local mesh structure without affecting the grid outside the domain of independence. Sample grids are generated by TURBO for a compressor rotor blade and a turbine cascade. The turbine cascade flow is simulated by using the LU implicit scheme on the grid generated by TURBO

    Composite grid and finite-volume LU implicit scheme for turbine flow analysis

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    A composite grid was generated in an attempt to improve grid quality for a typical turbine blade with large camber in terms of mesh control, smoothness, and orthogonality. This composite grid consists of the C grid (or O grid) in the immediate vicinity of the blade and the H grid in the upstream region and in the middle of the blade passage between the C grids. It provides a good boundary layer resolution around the leading edge region for viscous calculation, has orthogonality at the blade surface and slope continuity at the C-H (or O-H) interface, and has flexibility in controlling the mesh distribution in the upstream region without using excessive grid points. This composite grid eliminates the undesirable qualities of a single grid when generated for a typical turbine geometry. A finite-volume lower-upper (LU) implicit scheme can be used in solving for the turbine flows on the composite grid. This grid has a special grid node that is connected to more than four neighboring nodes in two dimensions and to more than six nodes in three dimensions. But the finite-volume approach poses no problem at the special point because each interior cell has only four neighboring cells in two dimensions and only six cells in three dimensions. The finite-volume LU implicit scheme was demonstrated to be robust and efficient for both external and internal flows in a broad flow regime

    Surface modeling and grid generation for aeropropulsion CFD

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    The efforts in geometry modeling and grid generation at the NASA Lewis Research Center, as applied to the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis of aeropropulsion systems, are presented. The efforts are mainly characterized by a focus on the analysis of components of an aeropropulsion system, which involve turbulent viscous flow with heat transfer and chemistry. Thus, this discussion will follow that characterization and will sequence through the components of typical propulsion systems consisting of inlets, compressors, combustors, turbines, and nozzles. For each component, some applications of CFD analysis will be presented to show how CFD is used to compute the desired performance information, how geometry modeling and grid generation are performed, and what issues have developed related to geometry modeling and grid generation. The discussion will illustrate the following needs related to geometry modeling and grid generation as observed in aeropropulsion analysis: (1) accurate and efficient resolution of turbulent viscous and chemically-reacting flowfields; (2) easy-to-use interfaces with CAD data for automated grid generation about complex geometries; and (3) automated batch grid generation software for use with design and optimization software

    Interactive Software System Developed to Study How Icing Affects Airfoil Performance (Phase 1 Results)

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    SmaggIce (Surface Modeling and Grid Generation for Iced Airfoils), which is being developed at the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, is an interactive software system for data probing, boundary smoothing, domain decomposition, and structured grid generation and refinement. All these steps are required for aerodynamic performance prediction using structured, grid-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD), as illustrated in the following figure. SmaggIce provides the underlying computations to perform these functions, as well as a graphical user interface to control and interact with them, and graphics to display the results

    User Manual for Beta Version of TURBO-GRD: A Software System for Interactive Two-Dimensional Boundary/ Field Grid Generation, Modification, and Refinement

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    TURBO-GRD is a software system for interactive two-dimensional boundary/field grid generation. modification, and refinement. Its features allow users to explicitly control grid quality locally and globally. The grid control can be achieved interactively by using control points that the user picks and moves on the workstation monitor or by direct stretching and refining. The techniques used in the code are the control point form of algebraic grid generation, a damped cubic spline for edge meshing and parametric mapping between physical and computational domains. It also performs elliptic grid smoothing and free-form boundary control for boundary geometry manipulation. Internal block boundaries are constructed and shaped by using Bezier curve. Because TURBO-GRD is a highly interactive code, users can read in an initial solution, display its solution contour in the background of the grid and control net, and exercise grid modification using the solution contour as a guide. This process can be called an interactive solution-adaptive grid generation