12 research outputs found

    Bioinformatic analysis of bacterial and eukaryotic amino- terminal signal peptides

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    SPdb – a signal peptide database

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    BACKGROUND: The signal peptide plays an important role in protein targeting and protein translocation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. This transient, short peptide sequence functions like a postal address on an envelope by targeting proteins for secretion or for transfer to specific organelles for further processing. Understanding how signal peptides function is crucial in predicting where proteins are translocated. To support this understanding, we present SPdb signal peptide database , a repository of experimentally determined and computationally predicted signal peptides. RESULTS: SPdb integrates information from two sources (a) Swiss-Prot protein sequence database which is now part of UniProt and (b) EMBL nucleotide sequence database. The database update is semi-automated with human checking and verification of the data to ensure the correctness of the data stored. The latest release SPdb release 3.2 contains 18,146 entries of which 2,584 entries are experimentally verified signal sequences; the remaining 15,562 entries are either signal sequences that fail to meet our filtering criteria or entries that contain unverified signal sequences. CONCLUSION: SPdb is a manually curated database constructed to support the understanding and analysis of signal peptides. SPdb tracks the major updates of the two underlying primary databases thereby ensuring that its information remains up-to-date

    Modeling Escherichia coli signal peptidase complex with bound substrate: determinants in the mature peptide influencing signal peptide cleavage

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    Background: Type I signal peptidases (SPases) are essential membrane-bound serine proteases responsible for the cleavage of signal peptides from proteins that are translocated across biological membranes. The crystal structure of SPase in complex with signal peptide has not been solved and their substrate-binding site and binding specificities remain poorly understood. We report here a structure-based model for Escherichia coli DsbA 13–25 in complex with its endogenous type I SPase. Results: The bound structure of DsbA 13–25 in complex with its endogenous type I SPase reported here reveals the existence of an extended conformation of the precursor protein with a pronounced backbone twist between positions P3 and P1'. Residues 13–25 of DsbA occupy, and thereby define 13 subsites, S7 to S6', within the SPase substrate-binding site. The newly defined subsites, S1' to S6' play critical roles in the substrate specificities of E. coli SPase. Our results are in accord with available experimental data. Conclusion: Collectively, the results of this study provide interesting new insights into the binding conformation of signal peptides and the substrate-binding site of E. coli SPase. This is the first report on the modeling of a precursor protein into the entire SPase binding site. Together with the conserved precursor protein binding conformation, the existing and newly identified substrate binding sites readily explain SPase cleavage fidelity, consistent with existing biochemical results and solution structures of inhibitors in complex with E. coli SPase. Our data suggests that both signal and mature moiety sequences play important roles and should be considered in the development of predictive tools.7 page(s

    Flanking signal and mature peptide residues influence signal peptide cleavage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Signal peptides (SPs) mediate the targeting of secretory precursor proteins to the correct subcellular compartments in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Identifying these transient peptides is crucial to the medical, food and beverage and biotechnology industries yet our understanding of these peptides remains limited. This paper examines the most common type of signal peptides cleavable by the endoprotease signal peptidase I (SPase I), and the residues flanking the cleavage sites of three groups of signal peptide sequences, namely (i) eukaryotes (Euk) (ii) Gram-positive (Gram+) bacteria, and (iii) Gram-negative (Gram-) bacteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, 2352 secretory peptide sequences from a variety of organisms with amino-terminal SPs are extracted from the manually curated SPdb database for analysis based on physicochemical properties such as p<it>I</it>, aliphatic index, GRAVY score, hydrophobicity, net charge and position-specific residue preferences. Our findings show that the three groups share several similarities in general, but they display distinctive features upon examination in terms of their amino acid compositions and frequencies, and various physico-chemical properties. Thus, analysis or prediction of their sequences should be separated and treated as distinct groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the peptide segment recognized by SPase I extends to the start of the mature protein to a limited extent, upon our survey of the amino acid residues surrounding the cleavage processing site. These flanking residues possibly influence the cleavage processing and contribute to non-canonical cleavage sites. Our findings are applicable in defining more accurate prediction tools for recognition and identification of cleavage site of SPs.</p

    A comprehensive assessment of N-terminal signal peptides prediction methods

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    Background: Amino-terminal signal peptides (SPs) are short regions that guide the targeting of secretory proteins to the correct subcellular compartments in the cell. They are cleaved off upon the passenger protein reaching its destination. The explosive growth in sequencing technologies has led to the deposition of vast numbers of protein sequences necessitating rapid functional annotation techniques, with subcellular localization being a key feature. Of the myriad software prediction tools developed to automate the task of assigning the SP cleavage site of these new sequences, we review here, the performance and reliability of commonly used SP prediction tools. Results: The available signal peptide data has been manually curated and organized into three datasets representing eukaryotes, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These datasets are used to evaluate thirteen prediction tools that are publicly available. SignalP (both the HMM and ANN versions) maintains consistency and achieves the best overall accuracy in all three benchmarking experiments, ranging from 0.872 to 0.914 although other prediction tools are narrowing the performance gap. Conclusion: The majority of the tools evaluated in this study encounter no difficulty in discriminating between secretory and non-secretory proteins. The challenge clearly remains with pinpointing the correct SP cleavage site. The composite scoring schemes employed by SignalP may help to explain its accuracy. Prediction task is divided into a number of separate steps, thus allowing each score to tackle a particular aspect of the prediction.12 page(s

    IL-1β, IL-6, and RANTES as Biomarkers of Chikungunya Severity

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    Little is known about the immunopathogenesis of Chikungunya virus. Circulating levels of immune mediators and growth factors were analyzed from patients infected during the first Singaporean Chikungunya fever outbreak in early 2008 to establish biomarkers associated with infection and/or disease severity.Adult patients with laboratory-confirmed Chikungunya fever infection, who were referred to the Communicable Disease Centre/Tan Tock Seng Hospital during the period from January to February 2008, were included in this retrospective study. Plasma fractions were analyzed using a multiplex-microbead immunoassay. Among the patients, the most common clinical features were fever (100%), arthralgia (90%), rash (50%) and conjunctivitis (40%). Profiles of 30 cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors were able to discriminate the clinical forms of Chikungunya from healthy controls, with patients classified as non-severe and severe disease. Levels of 8 plasma cytokines and 4 growth factors were significantly elevated. Statistical analysis showed that an increase in IL-1beta, IL-6 and a decrease in RANTES were associated with disease severity.This is the first comprehensive report on the production of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors during acute Chikungunya virus infection. Using these biomarkers, we were able to distinguish between mild disease and more severe forms of Chikungunya fever, thus enabling the identification of patients with poor prognosis and monitoring of the disease

    A workflow for mutation extraction and structure annotation

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    10.1142/S0219720007003119Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology561319-1337JBCB


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    AllerTool: a web server for predicting allergenicity and allergic cross-reactivity in proteins Vol. 23 no. 4 2007, pages 504–506 doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btl62