4 research outputs found

    Physical activity in metabolic syndrome

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    Obesity has become one of the global epidemics, contributing to the burden of disease in society, increasing the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular and liver diseases. Inadequate energy balance resulting from excessive energy intake and insufficient physical activity (PA) is one of the main factors contributing to the incidence of obesity and the development of metabolic syndrome (MetS). Treatment options for obesity include lifestyle modifications, pharmacotherapy and bariatric surgery, with the latter being the most effective treatment. Lifestyle interventions involving increased PA and reduced caloric intake improve metabolic outcomes. Early implementation of exercise leads to improved physical fitness, better glycemic control and lipid profile. Undertaking systematic PA is associated with better quality of life, improves insulin sensitivity, causes additional weight loss, reduces its adverse effects on bone mass and results in better body composition. In this narrative review we summarized the current state of knowledge on the impact of PA on the components of MetS and the latest recommendations for PA in patients with MetS

    Zapobieganie rozwojowi cukrzycy typu 2. Stanowisko grupy ekspertów wsparte przez Sekcję Farmakoterapii Sercowo-Naczyniowej Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego

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    Type 2 diabetes is responsible for approximately 90% of all diabetes worldwide and it is a global public health problem. This is a chronic, progressive, metabolic disease characterised by hyperglycaemia, which leads to microangiopathic and macroangiopathic complications. Subjects with type 2 diabetes have increased mortality and a reduced life expectancy compared with those without diabetes. Strong evidence supports the fact that identification of type 2 diabetes risk factors and early intervention influencing the modifiable ones can reduce incidence rate of diabetes and prevalence of its complications. There are many advantages of such interventions for patients (prolonged life expectancy, improvement of life quality) and for the whole society (reduction of the costs). Therefore the guidelines for the prevention of type 2 diabetes are needed. Experts of the Polish Cardiac Society Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy reviewed recently published clinical studies regarding the prevention of type 2 diabetes and prepared their recommendations. The guidelines are designed to assist clinicians and other healthcare workers to make evidence based management decisions. The strategies are grouped broadly into interventions that aim to change lifestyle through physical activity and diet, interventions based on drug administration (pharmacotherapy) and surgical interventions