28 research outputs found

    The D2-Law of Droplet Evaporation When Calculating the Droplet Evaporation Process of Liquid Containing Solid State Catalyst Particles

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    The review presents the D2-law of droplet evaporation, which is used to describe the spraying process involving the evaporation of droplets. This law, the subject of numerous publications, can be successfully applied to describe the droplet evaporation process under various conditions, including the calculations of the process of feeding the boiler with a liquid that contains catalyst particles. To date, not a lot of work has been devoted to this issue. The paper is a continuation of previous research concerning the spraying of liquids with a catalyst, which improves the efficiency of the process. The conducted analysis showed that the experimental data from previously published work are very compatible with the data obtained from the D2-law of droplet evaporation. At the standard speed of about 20 m/s of an aerosol flowing through a dust duct, droplets in the stream should be observed up to a distance of 1 m from the outlet of the apparatus supplying the system. Under such flow conditions, a droplet’s lifetime must be above 0.05 s. The dependence between a droplet’s lifetime and its diameter and temperature was determined. The obtained results confirmed that the effective droplet diameter is above 30 µm. Such droplets must be generated and then fed to the boiler for the catalyst to work properly. This law is an engineering approach to the problem, which uses relatively simple model equations in order to determine the evaporation time of a droplet

    Distributed control systems integration and management with an ontology-based multi-agent system

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    The purpose of this study is to create, analyze and reuse an ontology-based approach during implementation of a multi-agent system (MAS) capable of integrating different elements of a distributed control system (DCS). Ontology is considered as knowledge about a particular domain. It includes static description of the domain’s structure and properties, by means of which it is possible to define the domain’s dynamic states, transitions between those states and conditions of those transitions. Because of that, it is possible to analyze such ontology in terms of modal logic in predicate logic settings

    Food certification systems as a necessary condition to obtain increase of beef trade with Turkey

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    Według danych Tureckiego Ministerstwa Rolnictwa popyt na żywność wzrastał w latach 2007-2012 o 14%, a w kolejnych latach po ok. 6% rocznie [6]. Tendencja ta ma się utrzymać także w latach 2016-2017. Polska w ostatnim okresie zajmuje 18 miejsce pod względem importu oraz 21 pod względem eksportowym wśród partnerów wymiany handlowej Turcji [10]. W wyniku wieloletniej pracy hodowców i przemysłu mięsnego, polska wołowina odznacza się określonymi cechami sensorycznymi i walorami odżywczymi, w tym odpowiednim poziomem kruchości oraz soczystości, a przy tym zachowuje wysoką, a co najważniejsze powtarzalną jakość. Dobra perspektywa wielopłaszczyznowej współpracy z Turcją wynika także z bardzo zbliżonej kultury biznesu producentów europejskich, w tym polskich i tureckich oraz doświadczeń nabytych we współpracy w świecie biznesu. Stabilny i relatywnie szybki rozwój tureckiej gospodarki, perspektywa przystąpienia do Unii Europejskiej i postępujący wzrost poziomu zamożności tureckiego społeczeństwa stwarza duże możliwości eksportu polskiego mięsa wołowego na rynek Turcji.According to the data of the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, the food demand increased both during the 2007-2012 period (14%) and during following years (6% per year). The tendency is expected to be observed also during 2016-2017 period. Poland, among Turkey trade partners, is currently 18th country in the classification of import and 21st country in the classification of export. As a result of many years of meat industry development, Polish beef is characterized by specific sensory features and nutritional value, while especially important is its tenderness and juiciness, as well as is characterized by high and repeatable quality. The prospect of multi- dimensional cooperation with Turkey results also from the similar business culture of European traders (including Polish and Turkish ones) and experiences associated with business cooperation. The stable and relatively fast development of Turkish economy, the chance of joining European Union and increase of the wealth of Turkish society are factors resulting in possibilities of increasing export of Polish beef to Turkey

    Investigation of Raney catalyst

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    W pracy przeprowadzono sonochemiczną aktywację katalizatora Raney’a stosując czas ekspozycji 10 min i 20 min. Następnie suszono próbki obserwując ich zachowanie. Wykonano zdjęcia próbek stosując mikroskop optyczny, które potwierdziło wpływ sonochemicznej aktywacji na wymiar ziaren katalizatora Raney’a. Wyznaczono również zbadanie charakterystyk termiczne wytypowanych próbek. Badania przeprowadzono techniką różnicowej analizy termicznej sprzężonej z termograwimetrią (DTA/TG), za pomocą różnicowego analizatora termicznego Labsys.The sono-chemical activation of a Raney catalyst over 10 min or 20 min were performed. The samples were then dried and changes occurring during the drying process observed. Images obtained with optical microscopy confirmed the influence of sono-chemical activation on the grain size of the Raney catalyst. The thermal characteristics of the selected samples were investigated using Differential Thermal Analysis coupled with ThermoGravimetry (DTA/TG)

    Fine Diffraction Effects in Si Single Crystals Implanted with Fast Ar Ions and Annealed

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    The paper presents high-resolution X-ray diffraction studies performed for Si single crystal: as-grown, implanted with a 5×1014\text{}^{14} ions· cm2\text{}^{-2} dose of 3 MeV/n Ar ions, as well as implanted and annealed in a very high vacuum. The results are discussed on the basis of rocking curves and the mathematical analysis of the reciprocal space maps. It is shown that the lattice parameter is increased in an implanted part of the crystal, but long distance lattice curvature is not present. After annealing full relaxation of the crystal is stated

    The Radiopharmaceuticals Production and Research Centre established by the Heavy Ion Laboratory of the University of Warsaw

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    The Radiopharmaceuticals Production and Research Centre was recently installed on the premises of the Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw. Equipped with a medical PETtrace p/d cyclotron , radiochemistry synthesis and dispensing units and a modern quality control laboratory the Centre is intended to produce regularly for commercial purposes the classic PET radiopharmaceuticals ( such -as e.g. FDG- ). Situated on the largest Warsaw scientific campus OCHOTA, an important part of the Centre’s activities will also be devoted to the production of known species for preclinical studies and research into innovative radiopharmaceuticals in collaboration with other scientific units of this Campus as well as with members of the Warsaw Consortium for PET Collaboration. Research into the accelerator production route of 99mTc will also begin shortly