432 research outputs found

    Stressors and resilience are associated with well-being in young adult college students

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    Objective: The purposes were to describe stressors and resilience behaviors of college students and examine the relationships among stressors, resilience, and well-being. Hypothesis: Resilience will modify the relationship between stressors and well-being. Participants: The sample included 1,010 college students, ages 18–26, from an urban Midwestern university. Methods: A secondary analysis of cross-sectional data from an anonymous survey was conducted using multiple regression and simple slopes analysis. Results: Resilience did not modify the relationship between stressors and well-being. Stressors (ÎČ = −.44, p \u3c .0001) and resilience (ÎČ = .33, p \u3c .0001) accounted for 42% of the variance in well-being (adjusted R2 = .42, F2,999 = 365.98, p \u3c .0001). The most frequently endorsed stressors were sleep problems, anxiety, and relationships. Conclusions: Stressors and resilience warrant special attention in the allocation of resources and development of programs to improve student well-being

    Taxonomic status of Myotis occultus

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    The taxonomic status of the Arizona myotis (Myotis occultus) is uncertain. Although the taxon was described as a distinct species and currently is regarded as such by some authors, others have noted what they interpreted as intergradation with the little brown bat (M. lucifugus carissima) near the Colorado-New Mexico state line. In this study, we used protein electrophoresis to compare bats of these nominal taxa. We examined 20 loci from 142 specimens referable to M. occultus and M. lucifugus from New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. Nine of the 20 loci were polymorphic. Results show that there were high similarities among samples, no fixed alleles, and minor divergence from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Our results suggest that the two nominal taxa represent only one species and that M. occultus should be regarded as a subspecies of M. lucifugus

    Violent victimization among immigrants: Using the National Violent Death Reporting System to examine foreign-born homicide victimization in the United States

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    Limited research attention has focused on homicides involving foreign-born victims. Using data from the National Violent Death Reporting System, we examined 9428 homicides that occurred in 2017 in the United States across 32 states and D.C. Approximately 8% of homicide victims were foreign-born. Homicide victimization rates were substantially lower for foreign-born persons, compared to U.S.-born persons. However, foreign-born persons from Honduras, El Salvador, and Jamaica had a substantially higher risk of homicide victimization. Notably, few homicides involving foreign-born victims were gang- or drug-trade-related. With the growing number of immigrants in the United States, policy and prevention efforts should be guided by research

    Lunar surface mechanical properties

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    The surface material at the Surveyor 5 site is granular and slightly cohesive. Spacecraft footpads plowed trenches in this material as the spacecraft slid during landing. For a compressible soil model, a static bearing capacity of 2.7 newtons/cm^2 gave best agreement with the observations. Static firing of the vernier engines against the surface moved surface particles; a crater 20 cm in diameter and about 1 cm deep was produced, apparently at engine shutdown. The permeability of the soil to gases, to a depth of about 25 cm, is 1 × 10^(−8) cm^2, corresponding to soil particles mostly 2 to 60 ÎŒ in diameter

    Mechanical Activation of Al-Oxyhydroxide Minerals – Physicochemical Changes, Reactivity and Relevance to Bayer Process

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    Overview of our research on ‘structure and reactivity’ of gibbsite and boehmite under varied conditions of mechanical activation, e.g. milling energy and presence of a second phase is presented. Bulk and surface changes induced in the solids by milling are characterized in terms of morphology, particle size distribution, specific surface area and nature of porosity, crystallite size and zeta potential. Results on enhanced amorphisation of gibbsite in presence of a second phase (quartz, hematite etc), changes in zeta potential of gibbsite due to loss of texture during milling and anomalous decrease in surface area of boehmite during milling are reported. Reactivity of the activated solids in sodium hydroxide and variation in thermal transformation temperatures is correlated with physicochemical characteristics of the samples and plausible explanation for the observed correlations presented. Significance of the results with specific reference to bauxite and alumina processing in Bayer process is highlighted

    Artificial Nightlight Alters the Predator–Prey Dynamics of an Apex Carnivore

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    Artificial nightlight is increasingly recognized as an important environmental disturbance that influences the habitats and fitness of numerous species. However, its effects on wide‐ranging vertebrates and their interactions remain unclear. Light pollution has the potential to amplify land‐use change, and as such, answering the question of how this sensory stimulant affects behavior and habitat use of species valued for their ecological roles and economic impacts is critical for conservation and land‐use planning. Here, we combined satellite‐derived estimates of light pollution, with GPS‐data from cougars Puma concolor (n = 56), mule deer Odocoileus hemionus (n = 263) and locations of cougar‐killed deer (n = 1562 carcasses), to assess the effects of light exposure on mammal behavior and predator–prey relationships across wildland–urban gradients in the southwestern United States. Our results indicate that deer used the anthropogenic environments to access forage and were more active at night than their wildland conspecifics. Despite higher nightlight levels, cougars killed deer at the wildland–urban interface, but hunted them in the relatively darkest locations. Light had the greatest effect of all covariates on where cougars killed deer at the wildland–urban interface. Both species exhibited functional responses to light pollution at fine scales; individual cougars and deer with less light exposure increasingly avoided illuminated areas when exposed to greater radiance, whereas deer living in the wildland–urban interface selected elevated light levels. We conclude that integrating estimates of light pollution into ecological studies provides crucial insights into how the dynamic human footprint can alter animal behavior and ecosystem function across spatial scales
