562 research outputs found

    Realistic Area-Law Bound on Entanglement from Exponentially Decaying Correlations

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    A remarkable feature of typical ground states of strongly-correlated many-body systems is that the entanglement entropy is not an extensive quantity. In one dimension, there exists a proof that a finite correlation length sets a constant upper-bound on the entanglement entropy, called the area law. However, the known bound exists only in a hypothetical limit, rendering its physical relevance highly questionable. In this paper, we give a simple proof of the area law for entanglement entropy in one dimension under the condition of exponentially decaying correlations. Our proof dramatically reduces the previously known bound on the entanglement entropy, bringing it, for the first time, into a realistic regime. The proof is composed of several simple and straightforward steps based on elementary quantum information tools. We discuss the underlying physical picture, based on a renormalization-like construction underpinning the proof, which transforms the entanglement entropy of a continuous region into a sum of mutual informations in different length scales and the entanglement entropy at the boundary

    Addressing individual atoms in optical lattices with standing-wave driving fields

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    A scheme for addressing individual atoms in one- or two-dimensional optical lattices loaded with one atom per site is proposed. The scheme is based on position-dependent atomic population transfer induced by several standing-wave driving fields. This allows various operations important in quantum information processing, such as manipulation and measurement of any single atom, two-qubit operations between any pair of adjacent atoms, and patterned loading of the lattice with one atom per every nth site for arbitrary n. The proposed scheme is robust against considerable imperfections and actually within reach of current technology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; minor revision

    Generation of Atomic Cluster States through the Cavity Input-Output Process

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    We propose a scheme to implement a two-qubit controlled-phase gate for single atomic qubits, which works in principle with nearly ideal success probability and fidelity. Our scheme is based on the cavity input-output process and the single photon polarization measurement. We show that, even with the practical imperfections such as atomic spontaneous emission, weak atom-cavity coupling, violation of the Lamb-Dicke condition, cavity photon loss, and detection inefficiency, the proposed gate is feasible for generation of a cluster state in that it meets the scalability criterion and it operates in a conclusive manner. We demonstrate a simple and efficient process to generate a cluster state with our high probabilistic entangling gate

    Two-dimensional imaging of gauge fields in optical lattices

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    We propose a scheme to generate an arbitrary Abelian vector potential for atoms trapped in a two-dimensional optical lattice. By making the optical lattice potential dependent on the atomic state, we transform the problem into that of a two-dimensional imaging. It is shown that an arbitrarily fine pattern of the gauge field in the lattice can be realized without need of diffraction-limited imaging.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    An emergent geometric description for a topological phase transition in the Kitaev superconductor model

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    Resorting to Wilsonian renormalization group (RG) transformations, we propose an emergent geometric description for a topological phase transition in the Kitaev superconductor model. An effective field theory consists of an emergent bulk action with an extra dimension, an ultraviolet (UV) boundary condition for an initial value of a coupling function, and an infrared (IR) effective action with a fully renormalized coupling function. The bulk action describes the evolution of the coupling function along the direction of the extra dimension, where the extra dimension is identified with an RG scale and the resulting equation of motion is nothing but a β\beta-function. In particular, the IR effective field theory turns out to be consistent with a Callan-Symanzik equation which takes into account both the bulk and IR boundary contributions. This derived Callan-Symanzik equation gives rise to a metric structure. Based on this emergent metric tensor, we uncover the equivalence of the entanglement entropy between the emergent geometric description and the quantum field theory in the vicinity of the quantum critical point.Comment: Two figures adde