38,240 research outputs found

    Strong and Electromagnetic Decays of Two New Lambdac∗Lambda_c^* Baryons

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    Two recently discovered excited charm baryons are studied within the framework of Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. We interpret these new baryons which lie 308 \MeV and 340 \MeV above the Λc\Lambda_c as I=0I=0 members of a P-wave spin doublet. Differential and total decay rates for their double pion transitions down to the Λc\Lambda_c ground state are calculated. Estimates for their radiative decay rates are also discussed. We find that the experimentally determined characteristics of the Λc∗\Lambda_c^* baryons may be simply understood in the effective theory.Comment: 16 pages with 4 figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-191

    Radiative Transitions in Heavy Mesons in a Relativistic Quark Model

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    The radiative decays of D∗D^*, B∗B^*, and other excited heavy mesons are analyzed in a relativistic quark model for the light degrees of freedom and in the limit of heavy quark spin-flavor symmetry. The analysis of strong decays carried out in the corresponding chiral quark model is used to calculate the strong decays and determine the branching ratios of the radiative D∗D^* decays. Consistency with the observed branching ratios requires the inclusion of the heavy quark component of the electromagnetic current and the introduction of an anomalous magnetic moment for the light quark. It is observed that not only DD, but also BB meson transitions within a heavy quark spin multiplet are affected by the presence of the heavy quark current.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX. Submitted to Physical Review

    Doping - dependent superconducting gap anisotropy in the two-dimensional 10-3-8 pnictide Ca10_{10}(Pt3_3As8_8)[(Fe1−x_{1-x}Ptx_{x})2_2As2_2]5_5

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    The characteristic features of Ca10_{10}(Pt3_3As8_8)[(Fe1−x_{1-x}Ptx_x)2_2As2_2]5_5 ("10-3-8") superconductor are relatively high anisotropy and a clear separation of superconductivity and structural/magnetic transitions, which allows studying the superconducting gap without complications due to the coexisting order parameters. The London penetration depth, measured in underdoped single crystals of 10-3-8 (x=x = 0.028, 0.041, 0.042, and 0.097), shows behavior remarkably similar to other Fe-based superconductors, exhibiting robust power-law, Δλ(T)=ATn\Delta \lambda(T) = A T^n. The exponent nn decreases from 2.36 (x=x = 0.097, close to optimal doping) to 1.7 (x=x = 0.028, a heavily underdoped composition), suggesting that the superconducting gap becomes more anisotropic at the dome edge. A similar trend is found in low-anisotropy superconductors based on BaFe2_2As2_2 ("122"), implying that it is an intrinsic property of superconductivity in iron pnictides, unrelated to the coexistence of magnetic order and superconductivity or the anisotropy of the normal state. Overall this doping dependence is consistent with s±s_{\pm} pairing competing with intra-band repulsion

    Holography with Gravitational Chern-Simons Term

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    The holographic description in the presence of gravitational Chern-Simons term is studied. The modified gravitational equations are integrated by using the Fefferman-Graham expansion and the holographic stress-energy tensor is identified. The stress-energy tensor has both conformal anomaly and gravitational or, if re-formulated in terms of the zweibein, Lorentz anomaly. We comment on the structure of anomalies in two dimensions and show that the two-dimensional stress-energy tensor can be reproduced by integrating the conformal and gravitational anomalies. We study the black hole entropy in theories with a gravitational Chern-Simons term and find that the usual Bekenstein-Hawking entropy is modified. For the BTZ black hole the modification is determined by area of the inner horizon. We show that the total entropy of the BTZ black hole is precisely reproduced in a boundary CFT calculation using the Cardy formula.Comment: 19 pages, Latex; v3: minor corrections, some clarification

    Stability of inflating branes in a texture

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    We investigate the stability of inflating branes embedded in an O(2) texture formed in one extra dimension. The model contains two 3-branes of nonzero tension, and the extra dimension is compact. When the gravitational perturbation is applied, the vacuum energy which is responsible for inflation on the branes stabilizes the branes if the symmetry-breaking scale of the texture is smaller than some critical value. This critical value is determined by the particle-hierarchy scale between the two branes, and is smaller than the 5D Planck-mass scale. The scale of the vacuum energy can be considerably low in providing the stability. This stability story is very different from the flat-brane case which always suffers from the instability due to the gravitational perturbation.Comment: 16 pages, 5 eps figures, revte

    Analytical treatment of SUSY Quasi-normal modes in a non-rotating Schwarzschild black hole

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    We use the Fock-Ivanenko formalism to obtain the Dirac equation which describes the interaction of a massless 1/2-spin neutral fermion with a gravitational field around a Schwarzschild black hole (BH). We obtain approximated analytical solutions for the eigenvalues of the energy (quasi-normal frequencies) and their corresponding eigenstates (quasi-normal states). The interesting result is that all the excited states [and their supersymmetric (SUSY) partners] have a purely imaginary frequency, which can be expressed in terms of the Hawking temperature. Furthermore, as one expects for SUSY Hamiltonians, the isolated bottom state has a real null energy eigenvalue.Comment: Version to be published in European Physical Journal

    Dissipation of the sectored heliospheric magnetic field near the heliopause: a mechanism for the generation of anomalous cosmic rays

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    The recent observations of the anomalous cosmic ray (ACR) energy spectrum as Voyagers 1 and 2 crossed the heliospheric termination shock have called into question the conventional shock source of these energetic particles. We suggest that the sectored heliospheric magnetic field, which results from the flapping of the heliospheric current sheet, piles up as it approaches the heliopause, narrowing the current sheets that separate the sectors and triggering the onset of collisionless magnetic reconnection. Particle-in-cell simulations reveal that most of the magnetic energy is released and most of this energy goes into energetic ions with significant but smaller amounts of energy going into electrons. The energy gain of the most energetic ions results from their reflection from the ends of contracting magnetic islands, a first order Fermi process. The energy gain of the ions in contracting islands increases their parallel (to the magnetic field B{\bf B}) pressure p∥p_\parallel until the marginal firehose condition is reached, causing magnetic reconnection and associated particle acceleration to shut down. The model calls into question the strong scattering assumption used to derive the Parker transport equation and therefore the absence of first order Fermi acceleration in incompressible flows. A simple 1-D model for particle energy gain and loss is presented in which the feedback of the energetic particles on the reconnection drive is included. The ACR differential energy spectrum takes the form of a power law with a spectral index slightly above 1.5. The model has the potential to explain several key Voyager observations, including the similarities in the spectra of different ion species.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; shortened abstract; degraded figure qualit

    The Generation of Magnetic Fields Through Driven Turbulence

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    We have tested the ability of driven turbulence to generate magnetic field structure from a weak uniform field using three dimensional numerical simulations of incompressible turbulence. We used a pseudo-spectral code with a numerical resolution of up to 1443144^3 collocation points. We find that the magnetic fields are amplified through field line stretching at a rate proportional to the difference between the velocity and the magnetic field strength times a constant. Equipartition between the kinetic and magnetic energy densities occurs at a scale somewhat smaller than the kinetic energy peak. Above the equipartition scale the velocity structure is, as expected, nearly isotropic. The magnetic field structure at these scales is uncertain, but the field correlation function is very weak. At the equipartition scale the magnetic fields show only a moderate degree of anisotropy, so that the typical radius of curvature of field lines is comparable to the typical perpendicular scale for field reversal. In other words, there are few field reversals within eddies at the equipartition scale, and no fine-grained series of reversals at smaller scales. At scales below the equipartition scale, both velocity and magnetic structures are anisotropic; the eddies are stretched along the local magnetic field lines, and the magnetic energy dominates the kinetic energy on the same scale by a factor which increases at higher wavenumbers. We do not show a scale-free inertial range, but the power spectra are a function of resolution and/or the imposed viscosity and resistivity. Our results are consistent with the emergence of a scale-free inertial range at higher Reynolds numbers.Comment: 14 pages (8 NEW figures), ApJ, in press (July 20, 2000?
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