196 research outputs found

    Soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of spin crossover Fe-compounds: Persistent high spin configurations under soft X-ray irradiation

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    Metal-organic complex exhibiting spin crossover (SCO) behavior has drawn attention for its functionality as a nanoscale spin switch. The spin states in the metal ions can be tuned by external stimuli such as temperature or light. This article demonstrates a soft X-ray?induced excited spin state trapping (SOXEISST) effect in Hofmann-like SCO coordination polymers of FeII (4-methylpyrimidine)2 [Au(CN)2 ]2 and FeII (pyridine)2 [Ni(CN)4 ]. A soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) study on these polymers showed that the high spin configuration (HS; S = 2) was prevalent in Fe2+ ions during the measurement even at temperatures much lower than the critical temperatures (>170 K), manifesting HS trapping due to the X-ray irradiation. This is in strong contrast to the normal SCO behavior observed in FeII (1,10-phenanthroline)2 (NCS)2, implying that the structure of the ligand chains in the polymers with relatively loose Fe-N coordination might allow a structural adaptation to stabilize the metastable HS state under the soft X-ray irradiation. (C) 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerlan

    Influence of oxygen vacancy on the electronic structure of HfO2_2 film

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    We investigated the unoccupied part of the electronic structure of the oxygen-deficient hafnium oxide (HfO1.8_{\sim1.8}) using soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at O KK and Hf N3N_3 edges. Band-tail states beneath the unoccupied Hf 5dd band are observed in the O KK-edge spectra; combined with ultraviolet photoemission spectrum, this indicates the non-negligible occupation of Hf 5dd state. However, Hf N3N_3-edge magnetic circular dichroism spectrum reveals the absence of a long-range ferromagnetic spin order in the oxide. Thus the small amount of dd electron gained by the vacancy formation does not show inter-site correlation, contrary to a recent report [M. Venkatesan {\it et al.}, Nature {\bf 430}, 630 (2004)].Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of the Effect of Rh Doping in Sr\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eIrO\u3csub\u3e4\u3c/sub\u3e

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    We investigate the effect of Rh doping in Sr2IrO4 using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). We observed appearance of new electron-addition states with increasing Rh concentration (x in Sr2Ir1−xRhxO4) in accordance with the concept of hole doping. The intensity of the hole-induced state is however weak, suggesting weakness of charge transfer (CT) effect and Mott insulating ground states. Also, Ir Jeff = 1/2 upper Hubbard band shifts to lower energy as x increases up to x = 0.23. Combined with optical spectroscopy, these results suggest a hybridisation-related mechanism, in which Rh doping can weaken the (Ir Jeff = 1/2)–(O 2p) orbital hybridisation in the in-planar Rh-O-Ir bond networks

    Wide-gap photoluminescence control of quantum dots through atomic interdiffusion and bandgap renormalization

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    Bandgap and photoluminescence (PL) energy control of epitaxially grown II-VI quantum dots (QDs) are highly desirable for applications in optoelectronic devices, yet little work has been reported. Here, we present a wide tunability of PL emission for CdTe/ZnTe QDs through an impurity-free vacancy disordering method. To induce compressive stress at the dielectric layer/ZnTe interface, a SiO2 film is deposited onto the samples, followed by rapid thermal annealing to induce atomic interdiffusion. After the heat treatment, the PL spectra of the intermixed QDs show pronounced blueshifts in peak energy as large as similar to 200 meV because of the reduced bandgap renormalization and decreased quantum confinement effects in addition to the dominant atomic interdiffusion effect. In addition, we present a thorough investigation on the modified physical properties of the intermixed QDs, including their lattice structure, thermal escape energy, and carrier dynamics, through quantitative X-ray and optical characterizations

    Microspinning: Local Surface Mixing via Rotation of Magnetic Microparticles for Efficient Small-Volume Bioassays

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    The need for high-throughput screening has led to the miniaturization of the reaction volume of the chamber in bioassays. As the reactor gets smaller, surface tension dominates the gravitational or inertial force, and mixing efficiency decreases in small-scale reactions. Because passive mixing by simple diffusion in tens of microliter-scale volumes takes a long time, active mixing is needed. Here, we report an efficient micromixing method using magnetically rotating microparticles with patterned magnetization induced by magnetic nanoparticle chains. Because the microparticles have magnetization patterning due to fabrication with magnetic nanoparticle chains, the microparticles can rotate along the external rotating magnetic field, causing micromixing. We validated the reaction efficiency by comparing this micromixing method with other mixing methods such as simple diffusion and the use of a rocking shaker at various working volumes. This method has the potential to be widely utilized in suspension assay technology as an efficient mixing strategy

    Electronic structures of hexagonal RMnO3 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, and Ho) thin films

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    We investigated the electronic structure of multiferroic hexagonal RMnO3 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, and Ho) thin films using both optical spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. Using artificially stabilized hexagonal RMnO3, we extended the optical spectroscopic studies on the hexagonal multiferroic manganite system. We observed two optical transitions located near 1.7 eV and 2.3 eV, in addition to the predominant absorption above 5 eV. With the help of first-principles calculations, we attribute the low-lying optical absorption peaks to inter-site transitions from the oxygen states hybridized strongly with different Mn orbital symmetries to the Mn 3d3z2-r2 state. As the ionic radius of the rare earth ion increased, the lowest peak showed a systematic increase in its peak position. We explained this systematic change in terms of a flattening of the MnO5 triangular bipyramid