647 research outputs found

    Chromium coated silicon nitride electron beam exit window

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    A Si3N4 membrane with a thin Cr coating is proposed and demonstrated as an electron beam exit window. On average, 85% electron power transmission efficiency was achieved with a 1 μm thick Si3N4 membrane coated with 1 μm thick Cr and the membrane sustained a beam current of up to 3 mA at 60 keV electron energy for the continuous operation of 3 min. However, for an uncoated membrane of same thickness, the average electron power transmission efficiency was 71% and the maximum beam current sustained was 800 μA. It was also shown that a one micron thick Si3N4 square membrane window of 10 mm × 10 mm could withstand a differential pressure of 1.3 bars.The work carried out at Brunel University was co-funded by the EC Seventh Framework Programme theme FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1 for the DEECON project (grant number 284745)


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    A research and development program to investigate the feasibility of eliminating vapor closure for the Pathfinder Reactor was conducted. The major inquiry under the feasibility study involved an analysis of the complex transient conditions occurring in the reactor cavity, the pump rooms, and the entire reactor building following a primary system rupture. To solve the simultaneous nonlinear set of equations evolving from the heat, mass, and force balances in the system, an IBM-704 digital computer program was developed. The program has a very general input and can therefore be used with other containment designs. Input parameters include: initial pressures in reactor and throughout the containment building, hent capacity of vessel, decay heat, feedwater flow rate, enthalpy of feedwater, and volume of primary coolant system. (auth

    Evolution of Li, Be and B in the Galaxy

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    In this paper we study the production of Li, Be and B nuclei by Galactic cosmic ray spallation processes. We include three kinds of processes: (i) spallation by light cosmic rays impinging on interstellar CNO nuclei (direct processes); (ii) spallation by CNO cosmic ray nuclei impinging on interstellar p and 4He (inverse processes); and (iii) alpha-alpha fusion reactions. The latter dominate the production of 6Li and 7Li. We calculate production rates for a closed-box Galactic model, verifying the quadratic dependence of the Be and B abundances for low values of Z. These are quite general results and are known to disagree with observations. We then show that the multi-zone multi-population model we used previously for other aspects of Galactic evolution produces quite good agreement with the linear trend observed at low metallicities without fine tuning. We argue that reported discrepancies between theory and observations do not represent a nucleosynthetic problem, but instead are the consequences of inaccurate treatments of Galactic evolution.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX. The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Three- and Four-Body Scattering Calculations including the Coulomb Force

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    The method of screening and renormalization for including the Coulomb interaction in the framework of momentum-space integral equations is applied to the three- and four-body nuclear reactions. The Coulomb effect on the observables and the ability of the present nuclear potential models to describe the experimental data is discussed.Comment: Proceedings of the Critical Stability workshop, Erice, Sicily, October 2008, to be published in Few-Body System

    Preferential uptake of polyunsaturated fatty acids by colorectal cancer cells

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    Although a growing body of evidence suggests that colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with alterations of fatty acid (FA) profiles in serum and tumor tissues, available data about polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content in CRC patients are inconclusive. Our study showed that CRC tissues contained more PUFAs than normal large intestinal mucosa. However, serum levels of PUFAs in CRC patients were lower than in healthy controls. To explain the mechanism of PUFA alterations in CRC, we measured FA uptake by the colon cancer cells and normal colon cells. The levels of PUFAs in colon cancer cell culture medium decreased significantly with incubation time, while no changes were observed in the medium in which normal colon cells were incubated. Our findings suggest that the alterations in tumor and serum PUFA profiles result from preferential uptake of these FAs by cancer cells; indeed, PUFAs are essential for formation of cell membrane phospholipids during rapid proliferation of cancer cells. This observation puts into question potential benefits of PUFA supplementation in CRC patients

    Viscosities of the Gay-Berne nematic liquid crystal

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    We present molecular dynamics simulation measurements of the viscosities of the Gay-Berne phenomenological model of liquid crystals in the nematic and isotropic phases. The temperature dependence of the rotational and shear viscosities, including the nonmonotonic behavior of one shear viscosity are in good agreement with experimental data. The bulk viscosities are significantly larger than the shear viscosities, again in agreement with experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Postscript figures, Revte

    Evidence of the Coulomb force effects in the cross sections of the deuteron-proton breakup at 130 MeV

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    High precision cross-section data of the deuteron-proton breakup reaction at 130 MeV deuteron energy are compared with the theoretical predictions obtained with a coupled-channel extension of the CD Bonn potential with virtual Delta-isobar excitation, without and with inclusion of the long-range Coulomb force. The Coulomb effect is studied on the basis of the cross-section data set, extended in this work to about 1500 data points by including breakup geometries characterized by small polar angles of the two protons. The experimental data clearly prefer predictions obtained with the Coulomb interaction included. The strongest effects are observed in regions in which the relative energy of the two protons is the smallest.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    The phenology of winter rye in Poland: an analysis of long-term experimental data

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    The study of the phenology of crops, although quite popular, has limitations, mainly because of frequent changes to crop varieties and management practices. Here, we present data on the phenology and yield of winter rye in western Poland collected between 1957 and 2012 from a long-term field experiment. Data were examined for trends through time and compared to climatological factors using regression analysis. Both annual air temperature and precipitation increased during the study period, equivalent to 2 °C and 186 mm, respectively, over the 52-year period for which met data were available. We detected significant delays in sowing date and recently in emergence, but significant advances were apparent in full flowering date equivalent to 4 days/decade. Yield and plant density experienced a step like change in 1986; yield increasing by ca. 70 % and plant density increasing by ca. 50 %, almost coinciding with a similar change in annual mean temperature, but most likely caused by a changed seed rate and use of herbicides. Future climate change is expected to have a greater impact on this crop, but farmers may be able to adapt to these changes by modifying water regimes, using new machinery and sowing new rye varieties

    High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the Transiting Planet Host Star TrES-1

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    We report on a spectroscopic determination of the stellar parameters and chemical abundances for the parent star of the transiting planet TrES-1. Based on a detailed analysis of iron lines in our Keck and HET spectra we derive Teff=5250±75T_\mathrm{eff} = 5250\pm 75 K, logg=4.6±0.2\log g = 4.6\pm 0.2, and [Fe/H] =0.00±0.09= 0.00\pm 0.09. By measuring the \ion{Ca}{2} activity indicator and by putting useful upper limits on the Li abundance we constrain the age of TrES-1 to be 2.5±1.52.5\pm 1.5 Gyr. By comparing theoretical stellar evolution models with the observational parameters we obtain M=0.89±0.05M_\star = 0.89\pm 0.05 MM_\odot, and R=0.83±0.05R_\star = 0.83\pm 0.05 RR_\odot. Our improved estimates of the stellar parameters are utilized in a new analysis of the transit photometry of TrES-1 to derive a mass Mp=0.76±0.05M_p = 0.76\pm 0.05 MJM_\mathrm{J}, a radius Rp=1.040.05+0.08R_p = 1.04^{+0.08}_{-0.05} RJR_\mathrm{J}, and an inclination i=89.51.3+0.5i = 89^\circ.5^{+0.5}_{-1.3}. The improved planetary mass and radius estimates provide the grounds for new crucial tests of theoretical models of evolution and evaporation of irradiated extrasolar giant planets.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Astrophysical Journal Letters, accepte

    Investigation of the Exclusive 3He(e,e'pp)n Reaction

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    Cross sections for the 3He(e,e'pp)n reaction were measured over a wide range of energy and three- momentum transfer. At a momentum transfer q=375 MeV/c, data were taken at transferred energies omega ranging from 170 to 290 MeV. At omega=220 MeV, measurements were performed at three q values (305, 375, and 445 MeV/c). The results are presented as a function of the neutron momentum in the final-state, as a function of the energy and momentum transfer, and as a function of the relative momentum of the two-proton system. The data at neutron momenta below 100 MeV/c, obtained for two values of the momentum transfer at omega=220 MeV, are well described by the results of continuum-Faddeev calculations. These calculations indicate that the cross section in this domain is dominated by direct two-proton emission induced by a one-body hadronic current. Cross section distributions determined as a function of the relative momentum of the two protons are fairly well reproduced by continuum-Faddeev calculations based on various realistic nucleon-nucleon potential models. At higher neutron momentum and at higher energy transfer, deviations between data and calculations are observed that may be due to contributions of isobar currents.Comment: 14 pages, 1 table, 17 figure