19,889 research outputs found
Topological Phases in Neuberger-Dirac operator
The response of the Neuberger-Dirac fermion operator D=\Id + V in the
topologically nontrivial background gauge field depends on the negative mass
parameter in the Wilson-Dirac fermion operator which enters
through the unitary operator . We classify
the topological phases of by comparing its index to the topological charge
of the smooth background gauge field. An exact discrete symmetry in the
topological phase diagram is proved for any gauge configurations. A formula for
the index of D in each topological phase is derived by obtaining the total
chiral charge of the zero modes in the exact solution of the free fermion
propagator.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, 3 figures, appendix A has been revise
Heat metering: socio-technical challenges in district-heated social housing
Individual heat metering and charging (IMC) are seen as promising methods to reduce domestic heating and hot water use through the provision of financial incentives. The heat consumption measured by meters is influenced by both the dwelling characteristics and the behaviour of the occupant, but heating charges would ideally relate to occupant behaviour only. This dilemma can be especially relevant under two circumstances: if the thermal performance of the dwelling is poor and/or if heating costs represent a substantial part of the occupants’ income, i.e. in social housing. The case of a district-heated council block in London is presented where the installation of individual heat meters was planned in 2010 but had to be suspended due to concerns about implications for occupant heating costs in light of the thermal performance of the building. It illustrates a technically and socially complex environment where fairness in allocating heating costs is an important concern. The case also shows how lack of funding or other issues on the infrastructure side can hinder behaviour-orientated measures such as IMC. A holistic energy conservation strategy addressing both physical building properties and occupant behaviour is therefore essential and should be supported by policy
Ridge And Transverse Correlation Without Long-Range Longitudinal Correlation
A simple phenomenological relationship between the ridge distribution in Delta eta and the single-particle distribution in eta can be established from the PHOBOS data on both distributions. The implication points to the possibility that it is not necessary to have long-range longitudinal correlation to explain the data. An interpretation of the relationship is then developed, based on the recognition that longitudinal uncertainty of the initial configuration allows for non-Hubble-like expansion at early time. It is shown that the main features of the ridge structure can be explained in a model where transverse correlation stimulated by semihard partons is the principal mechanism. This work is related to the azimuthal anisotropy generated by minijets in Au-Au collisions at 0.2 TeV on the one hand and to the ridge structure seen in pp collisions at 7 TeV on the other hand.Physic
Kinetic response of ionospheric ions to onset of auroral electric fields
Examination of the exact analytic solution of a kinetic model of collisional interaction of ionospheric fions with atmospheric neutrals in the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook approximation, shows that the onset of intense auroral electric fields in the topside ionosphere can produce the following kinetic effects: (1) heat the bulk ionospheric ions to approximately 2 eV, thus driving them up to higher altitudes where they can be subjected to collisionless plasma processes; (2) produce a nonMaxwellian superthermal tail in the distribution function; and (3) cause the ion distribution function to be anisotropic with respect to the magnetic field with the perpendicular average thermal energy exceeding the parallel thermal energy
Operator improvement for Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
The improvement of fermionic operators for Ginsparg-Wilson fermions is
investigated. We present explicit formulae for improved Green's functions,
which apply both on-shell and off-shell.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figure
Perturbation Calculation of the Axial Anomaly of a Ginsparg-Wilson lattice Dirac operator
A recent proposal suggests that even if a Ginsparg-Wilson lattice Dirac
operator does not possess any topological zero modes in
topologically-nontrivial gauge backgrounds, it can reproduce correct axial
anomaly for sufficiently smooth gauge configurations, provided that it is
exponentially-local, doublers-free, and has correct continuum behavior. In this
paper, we calculate the axial anomaly of this lattice Dirac operator in weak
coupling perturbation theory, and show that it recovers the topological charge
density in the continuum limit.Comment: 25 pages, v2: calculation up to O(g^4) for nonabelian gauge
Quenched chiral logarithms in lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry
We examine quenched chiral logarithms in lattice QCD with overlap Dirac
quark. For 100 gauge configurations generated with the Wilson gauge action at on the lattice, we compute quenched quark
propagators for 12 bare quark masses. The pion decay constant is extracted from
the pion propagator, and from which the lattice spacing is determined to be
0.147 fm. The presence of quenched chiral logarithm in the pion mass is
confirmed, and its coefficient is determined to be , in agreement with the theoretical estimate in quenched chiral perturbation
theory. Further, we obtain the topological susceptibility of these 100 gauge
configurations by measuring the index of the overlap Dirac operator. Using a
formula due to exact chiral symmetry, we obtain the mass in quenched
chiral perturbation theory, Mev, and an estimate
of , which is in good agreement with that
determined from the pion mass.Comment: 24 pages, 6 EPS figures; v2: some clarifications added, to appear in
Physical Review
Sintered silicon nitrode recuperator fabrication
The preliminary design and a demonstration of the feasibility of fabricating submodules of an automotive Stirling engine recuperator for waste heat recovery at 370 C are described. Sinterable silicon nitride (Sialon) tubing and plates were fabricated by extrusion and hydrostatic pressing, respectively, suitable for demonstrating a potential method of constructing ceramic recuperator-type heat exchangers. These components were fired in nitrogen atmosphere to 1800 C without significant scale formation so that they can be used in the as-fired condition. A refractory glass composition (Al2O3 x 4.5 CaO.MgO x 11SiO2) was used to join and seal component parts by a brazing technique which formed strong recuperator submodules capable of withstanding repeated thermal cycling to 1370 C. The corrosion resistance of these materials to Na2SO4 + NaCl carbon mixtures was also assessed in atmospheres of air, hydrogen and CO2-N2-H2O mixtures at both 870 C and 1370 C for times to 1000 hours. No significant reaction was observed under any of these test conditions
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