25 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Protectionist Politics over the Increase of Foreign Commerce

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    This article presents the evolution of foreign commerce between 1865 up to First World War. After 1863 until the first World War, the foreign trade of Romania increases its volume permanently (between 1863-1913 - 6,5 times, from a 72,1 million gold lei import and 120,9 million export, to an import of 590 million and an export of 670,7 million gold lei). Romania reduced already the gap between prices, but its predominant agrarian economy, its poor industrial development exposed it still to the effects of uneven exchange with stronger partners better economically developed.foreign trade, agrarian economy, customs duties

    The Impact of the Protectionist Politics over the Increase of Foreign Commerce

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    This article presents the evolution of foreign commerce between 1865 up to First World War. After 1863 until the first World War, the foreign trade of Romania increases its volume permanently (between 1863-1913 - 6,5 times, from a 72,1 million gold lei import and 120,9 million export, to an import of 590 million and an export of 670,7 million gold lei). Romania reduced already the gap between prices, but its predominant agrarian economy, its poor industrial development exposed it still to the effects of uneven exchange with stronger partners better economically developed

    Romania’s Foreign Trade. The Role of Braila City in its Progress

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    If the period at the end of XVIII century and the beginning of sec. nineteenth century can be considered as "adolescence" economy and contemporary society, the period 1850-1914 should be seen as "youth" of today's economy. During this period no great changes occurred in the economic system, it was rather a period of growth, invigorate, expand and close to maturity

    Logistical stock management methods - organizational performance evaluation means

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    Numerous approaches have been proposed in recent years, which lead to the improvement of the organizational performance. Three stock management methods, Just in Time, Lean Management and Six Sigma were considered in this study and they represent alternative approaches for the improvement of business efficacy and efficiency. Even if they were differently presented without any links, conclusions show that they can be used at the same time in an integrated system. The study shows that there are correlations between the three working methods, as they influence the performance of the business, both from the operational and strategic perspective

    Balanced Scorecard: Organizational performance management instrument

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    In order to have a successful strategy,  a company must set clear strategic objectives, such as: the desired financial performances, a description of its customers, of the internal processes within the company, and of the employees’ abilities, knowledge and competences. To outline a general image of the organizational performance evaluation, we proposed the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard model, which includes five development directions. By implementing this management model within one organization, we can test the effect of some decisions before their implementation by managing some performance and risk key indicators. All these indicators categories pursue the integrated feature through the insurance the companies’ long-term success, both at global and individual level, which supposes both the vertical and horizontal integration

    Impact of Thyroid Disease on Heart Failure

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    The modern vision concerning the physiological actions and pathological relevance of endocrine cardiac system is a very complex one. Decreased or increased action of thyroid hormone (hypo‐ or hyperthyroidism) on different cellular and molecular pathways in the heart plays an important role in the development and progression of myocardial remodelling and heart failure. Cardiovascular signs and symptoms that accompany both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are presented, highlighting that correction of thyroid dysfunction most often reverses the abnormal cardiovascular hemodynamics

    The Impact of the Protectionist Politics over the Increase of Foreign Commerce

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    This article presents the evolution of foreign commerce between 1865 up to First World War. After 1863 until the first World War, theforeign trade of Romania increases its volume permanently (between 1863-1913 - 6,5 times, from a 72,1 million gold lei import and 120,9 millionexport, to an import of 590 million and an export of 670,7 million gold lei). Romania reduced already the gap between prices, but its predominantagrarian economy, its poor industrial development exposed it still to the effects of uneven exchange with stronger partners better economicallydeveloped


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    Mecanismele fiziopatologice ale hipertrofiei adenoizilor şi amigdalelor rămân incomplet elucidate, dar numeroasele studii clinice au demonstrat că procesele proliferative din cadrul amigdalitelor hipertrofice obstructive comparativ cu cele din amigdalitele cu recurenţe infecţioase sunt reglate diferit, sugerând procese fiziopatogenice diferite. Studierea aspectelor imunologice ne permite desluşirea etiopatogeniei şi, implicit, abordarea prin intermediul unor căi terapeutice specifice a afecţiunilor acestor organe limfoide cu impact important atât asupra funcţiilor cardiovasculare şi neurologice, cât şi asupra comportamentului copilului