13 research outputs found

    Удержание несовершеннолетних от повторных преступлений

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    In this article social and psychological problems of resocialization and rehabilitation of persons condemned for criminal offenses at minor age are considered. The factors strengthening and reducing further criminalization of minors are analyzed. Statistical data of conditionally condemned teenager groups who subsequently appeared in jail are given. Various forms of socially focused and psychological work with teenagers who are in conflict with law and are at different stages of contact with law-enforcement organizations are analyzed. Experience of various non-governmental organizations on implementation of positive concepts of work with condemned in places of imprisonment and after release is presented. Basis of the analysis of Russian psychologist’s works and achievements of juvenile system of Germany the justification of need for creation of institute of support of process of post-penitentiary adaptation of persons condemned to imprisonment at minor age is given.В статье рассматриваются социально-психологические проблемы ресоциализации и реабилитации лиц, осужденных за уголовные преступления в несовершеннолетнем возрасте. Анализируются факторы, усиливающие и снижающие дальнейшую криминализацию несовершеннолетних. Приводятся данные исследования группы условно осужденных подростков, впоследствии оказавшихся за решеткой. Анализируются различные формы социально ориентированной и психологической работы с подростками в конфликте с законом на разных этапах контакта с правоохранительной системой. Представлен опыт общественных организаций по реализации ресурсных, позитивных концепций работы с личностью в местах лишения свободы и после освобождения. На основании анализа работы российских психологов и достижений ювенальной системы Германии дается обоснование необходимости создания института сопровождения процесса постпенитенциарной адаптации лиц, осужденных к лишению свободы в несовершеннолетнем возрасте

    Оценка профилактического потенциала технологии «Умелый класс» в формировании социально значимых навыков у детей

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    Programs and technologies for the prevention of social risks in the education system are concidered from the standpoint of an evidence-based approach. The article presents the results of approbation and analysis of the «Skillful class»-method effectiveness. This is a Russian adaptation of the Finnish Skilful Class solution-oriented program, which implements a creative and positive approach to teaching children with emotional and behavioral difficulties in the class / group. It was based on the Kids' Skills method of Ben Furman, his 15-step-program for developing children social skills. The technology has been tested at more than 20 regions platforms. Statistically significant indicators of the formation and dynamics of skills mastered by children were termed as well as other parameters that are significant for reducing risk factors of the deviant behavior. This method can serve as a tool for early prevention of social risks that appear in preschool and primary school age (school maladaptation, emotional and behavioral problems, deviations, ostracism, school bullying, conflicts)

    Evaluation of the project making culture of the students learning the social engineering technics

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    During the university course the future legal psychologists have to master a wide range of professional competencies, among them are those that can be classified as management, with an emphasis on project making competencies and their relationship with the project making professional culture. The article presents the results of students' self-evaluation competencies. This research was a part of the monitoring of learning outcomes in a number of disciplines in the Faculty of Legal Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. The author raises the problem of defining the concepts of "project culture" and "psychological culture of project making", which still do not have a clear definition inspite of the intensive development of the socio-cultural, innovative and other forms of project making. For legal psychologists project making culture involves the acquisition of psychologically correct approaches to the development, evaluation, promotion and institutionalization of the ideas, so they can provide the solution of professional problems

    Developing the System of Child Protection and Child-friendly Justice: Models of Analysis, Research Approaches and Successful Practices

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    One of the main objectives of National Strategies on developing the system of children safeguarding and child-friendly justice is the establishment an effective system of prevention of offenses committed against minors and minor offences, as well as child-friendly justice and penal system. The article describes the issue of performing the task of creating a child-friendly justice, analyzes approaches to accomplish the tasks that can be implemented only in cooperation with different departments and agencies. Author considers the successful practices developing National Strategy provisions throughout the country, and provides analysis models of prevention of child delinquent behavior and neglect. The paper focuses on system analysis as a method of forecasting and overcoming dysfunctionality and system links irregularities in the field of minors social problems solving. Article proposals on development of the missing elements in the system of prevention and the implementation of the National Strategy provisions

    Socialization resources in children and adolescents from Russian speaking migrants in Germany

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    We discuss the problems of Russian-speaking families with children who live in Germany, on the language of communication and identification based on nationality, self-esteem of children and assessment of their qualities by parents, the key events before and after the move to Germany, the capacity to address these issues, the relationship to the native country, satisfaction with various aspects of life, prospects of the future, the relationship to the new socio-cultural norms, etc. We present the results of interviews with parents and children, the analysis of family stories, on the example of which the different strategies of socialization and identification of adolescents with behavior problems were followed. We revealed a special significance that the respondents attribute to variability, availability, and multiplicity of different educational programs as part of an integrated system of family and child protection. Along with high level of social protection, the leading factor of socialization of migrants is education

    Offender risk assessment in delinquent minors and probation service in the USA

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    The article presents the review of American researchers concerning the application of the method of offender risk assessment in delinquent minors and techniques, which can be qualified as Structured Decision Making – SDM. The last can be introduced as a specific standardized procedure, distinguishing certain criteria, which are necessary in discussing and taking the most just and effective decision about the offenses of law committed by minor delinquents

    Theoretical Framework of Advanced Training in the Field of Conflict Management in Organization

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    In this paper, we consider the theoretical framework for creating an advanced training course for professionals working in various organizations whose functional duties include activities aimed at managing conflict situations occurring within the organization. The article also considers such problem concepts as: essence and causes of conflicts, types of conflicts in the organization; organizational, psychological, sociological and cultural ways of managing conflicts in the organization. The proposed theoretical model of advanced professional training is constructed within the framework of the competence approach which, in this case, is based on the notion that a participant in the program should master a certain set of special competencies that include knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective process management of various conflict situations

    Analysis of the interest of educational institutions of the city of Moscow in the implementation of school services reconciliation and restorative mediation

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    Introduction of innovative models and technologies, regulatory system of relations and give new opportunities to manage situations of social risk - always an easy process, followed by a new resistance for different reasons and motives. Not always these reasons and motives directly related to the proposed innovation. Often becomes the basis for countering the lack of awareness of target groups about the essence of innovation, or have developed in these stereotypes reactions. To reconcile the contradictions, the new models to correlate with traditional social practices, to prepare the target groups to the perception of the values that are new technologies - that's the problem, the solution of which will make the introduction of new technologies more productive. For the realization of these objectives and directed study attitudes of participants of educational relations to the values of mediation and the use of new methods of conflict resolution in school. The article also describes the main conceptual provisions of restorative justice, in which the model is based "school of conciliation.

    Analysis of the situation in conflict management and social risks in the educational complex Moscow at different stages reorganization

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    The article analyzes the problems of management of the educational complex, including on the basis of subjective perceptions about teachers, parents, students from a variety of subjects integration. The results of a pilot study conducted in 2013 by employees of juvenile technologies NIL 6 educational institutions in Moscow, at different stages of reorganization in the educational complexes. The study answers the question: what are the risks for the educational institutions and participants of educational relations accompany the process of reorganization, how to identify and prevent conflicts, ensure the normal school students and teachers to work (this watchdog function is important in any organizational changes as they themselves are disconcerting in relation to the same organization, stressful and conflict factor). Based on the results of the study was to develop a draft model "Organization of prevention and resolution of conflicts and other social risks in educational complexes", which includes guidelines for the heads of educational facilities, teaching aids for professionals schools, PMSS centers and other institutions of prevention, as well as collections materials for implementation in educational complex models with conflicts and the formation of competencies konfliktologicheskih participants in the educational process, including on the basis of restorative mediation (on the model of the School and the Territorial service of reconciliation)