4 research outputs found

    Additional file 20: Table S19. of DNA methylation analysis of paediatric low-grade astrocytomas identifies a tumour-specific hypomethylation signature in pilocytic astrocytomas

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    Differentially methylated CpG sites identified between diffuse astrocytomas and cerebral cortex controls. 1_ MethLAB analysis identified 90,249 CpG sites that are significantly differentially methylated in supratentorial pilocytic astrocytomas, diffuse astrocytomas, glial component of the cerebral cortex, neuronal component of the cerebral cortex, adult cerebral cortex and foetal cerebral cortex (Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p-value <0.05). The adult cerebral cortex controls (including the glial and neuronal components) were taken from [Guintivano et al, Epigenetics 8:290-302, 2013]. The number of differentially methylated sites (averaged beta values with a difference of δβ ≥ 0.3, Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p-value <0.05) identified in tumour and all controls was 58 CpG sites for the diffuse astrocytomas. 2_ CpG sites hypermethylated and 3_ hypomethylated in diffuse astrocytomas compared to controls. 4_ Expression analysis for the genes that show differentially methylated CpG sites. Highlighted genes show ≤ 2 fold change in expression compared to controls. (XLSX 37720 kb

    Additional file 13: Table S12. of DNA methylation analysis of paediatric low-grade astrocytomas identifies a tumour-specific hypomethylation signature in pilocytic astrocytomas

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    Comparison of methylation and expression for genes associated with 315 differentially methylated sites in pilocytic and diffuse astrocytomas. Correlation coefficients are shown for differentially methylated CpG sites that show a difference of ≥2-fold in expression of the associated gene. Expression probes were only assessed if they were located within the mRNA transcript. A) CpG sites located within the promoter of the gene. B) CpG sites located within the gene body, 3’UTR and intergenic regions. As the CpG is not within a promoter, correlation was also calculated for a CpG site within the promoter (where possible within the TSS200; brown panel). For each correlation p-values and Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p-values are shown. The table is ordered by FDR-corrected p-values (sites with a p-value <0.05 are shown in blue). Positive correlation is highlighted in yellow. Up-regulated genes in diffuse astrocytomas are highlighted in green. When the expression probe was located in an exon, the probe for the full transcript was used for the correlation (indicated by the asterisk). (XLSX 85 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of DNA methylation analysis of paediatric low-grade astrocytomas identifies a tumour-specific hypomethylation signature in pilocytic astrocytomas

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    Peak-corrected Infinium 450K methylation beta values for the test tumour set. Beta values are the ratios between the unmethylated (0) and methylated (1) signal intensities for the individual probes (ordered by Illumina probe ID). Normal brain controls: Foetal cerebellum, Foetal brain, Foetal frontal lobe, adult brain, human neural stem cells. Supratentorial pilocytic astrocytomas: PA1-PA6. Infratentorial pilocytic astrocytomas: PA7-PA17. Diffuse astrocytomas: DA1-DA10. (XLSX 173351 kb