112 research outputs found

    Uv-Vis investigations on ion beam irradiated polycarbonate

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    UV-VIS investigations on polycarbonate irradiated with accelerated U ions are reported. The experimental data are consistent with the decrease of the energy gap due to irradiation and indicate the formation of isolated conjugated structures. The relatively weak decrease of the energy gap and the shape of the electron spin resonance lines indicate that the conjugated structures are isolated within the polymeric matrix. published: 8 November, 2008

    Raman investigations of the radiation-induced modifications in iPP-VGCNF nanocomposites: The nanofillers’ tale

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    Nanocomposites of isotactic polypropylene loaded by various amounts of vapor-grown carbon nanotubes ranging from 0 to 20% wt. were obtained by extrusion. Raman investigations on these nanocomposites are reported. The nanocomposites were irradiated using a 60Co, with an integral dose of 1 kGy/h up to integral doses of 9 kGy, 18 kGy, and 27 kGy, in air, at room temperature. Raman measurements were performed by using a Bruker Senterra confocal Raman spectrometer operating at 785 nm. The research is focused on the information contained within the D and G Raman lines of these nanocomposites as a function of nanotube loading for various integral doses. The experimental data revealed the graduate silencing of the molecular motions assigned to the polymeric matrix due to the nanofiller and ionizing radiation. Based on experimental data, it is concluded that the positions of the D and G lines exhibit faint shifts due to the irradiation and that (on average) these shifts are consistent with the changes of the positions of D and G lines upon the increase of the loading with vapor-grown carbon nanofibers. Raman data suggest that the irradiation relaxes the pressure exerted on the nanofiller by the polymeric matrix, indicating a path to improve the physical features of polymer-carbon nanostructure nanocomposites. The research demonstrates the capability of Raman spectroscopy to sense the modifications of molecular vibrations in polymer-based nanocomposites, for both the polymeric matrix and the nanofiller

    Raman investigations on gamma irradiated iPP-VGCNF nanocomposites: The polymer\u27s tale

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    Raman investigations on nanocomposites obtained by loading various amounts of vapor grown carbon nanofibers within an isotactic polypropylene matrix, and gamma irradiated in air, at various integral doses ranging between 0 and 27 kGy, are reported. The analysis is focused on the polymer\u27s answers as revealed by Raman spectroscopy and investigate in detail the effect of ionizing radiation on the position of the Raman line originating from the polymer. The as-obtained data are correlated to the elastic features of the nanocomposites. A competition between gamma irradiation and loading by carbon nanofiber, resulting in the stretching of the polymeric matrix and revealed as a displacement of Raman lines towards smaller wavenumber is reported. It is concluded that side groups (CH3) are less affected by the loading with carbon nanofibers

    Polyethylene oxide—fullerene nanocomposites

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    Polyethylene oxide – fullerene nanocomposites have been prepared by using the solution path with water as solvent (only for the polymer). The dispersion of C60 within the polymer solution was achieved by high power sonication. The study aims to a better understanding on the effect of C60 nanoparticles on the macromolecular chains. Raman Wide Angle X Ray spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, and Thermogravimetric Analysis were used to inspect the interactions between the nanofiller and macromolecular chains. The experimental results revealed a completely different behavior of fullerene dispersed within polymeric matrices than using carbon nanotubes or nanofibers as nanofiller. The observed behavior was explained by the low aspect ratio of C60 compared to nanotubes and by the low thermal conductivity of C60 compared to the thermal conductivity of others carbon nanostructures

    Adding Autonomic Healing Capabilities to Polyethylene Oxide

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    The addition of autonomic healing (frequently defined as self-healing) capabilities to a water-soluble polymer (polyethylene oxide, PEO) is for the first time reported. The self-healing system consists of urea-formaldehyde microcapsules filled with dicyclopentadiene and first-generation Grubbs catalyst, dispersed within polyethylene oxide. Raman spectroscopy, optical microscopy, electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis were used to characterize this autonomic healing system. Self-healing capabilities were confirmed by mechanical testing (load–displacement, engineering stress–engineering strain, and true stress–true strain dependences) recorded at very slow elongation rates (0.01 mm/s). The testing fate was chosen to allow for the complete consumption of the monomer before fracture (the polymerization kinetics of PEO was estimated from Raman measurements)

    Spectroscopic investigations on PVDF-Fe2O3 nanocomposites

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    Polyvinylidene fluoride-iron oxide (PVDF-Fe2O3) nanocomposites have been obtained my melt mixing of PVDF with Fe2O3 nanoparticles. The interactions between the polymeric matrix and the nanofiller have been investigated by wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy, using both red and green excitations (lasers). WAXS, FTIR, and Raman spectra confirm that all samples contain α PVDF as the major crystalline form of the polymeric matrix. Experimental data revealed small changes in the positions of X-ray lines as well as modifications of the width of X-ray lines upon loading by Fe2O3 nanoparticles. FTIR and Raman spectra are dominated by the lines of the polymeric matrix. Within the experimental errors, the positions of Raman lines are not affected by the wavelength of the incoming electromagnetic radiation, although they are sensitive to the strain of the polymeric matrix induced by addition of the nanofiller. The loading of the polymeric matrix with nanoparticles stretches the macromolecular chains, affecting their vibrational spectra (FTIR and Raman). A complex dependence of the positions of some Raman and FTIR lines on the loading with Fe2O3 is reported. The manuscript provides a detailed analysis of the effects of nanofiller on the position of WAXS, FTIR, and Raman lines

    On orientation memory in high density polyethylene - Carbon nanofibers composites

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    An orientation memory effect in high density polyethylene (HDPE) filled with vapor grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) is reported. Two-dimensional X-ray (2DXR) confirmed the reorientation of HDPE crystallites upon the uniaxial stretching of HDPE and HDPE filled by VGCNFs. This anisotropy of 2DXR spectra was decreased by heating all stretched samples (loaded or not loaded by VGCNFs) from room to the melting temperature of HDPE. Upon cooling these samples to room temperature, it was noticed that only the nanocomposite retained a weak partial (uniaxial) order, while HDPE showed a completely isotropic 2DXR spectrum. It was concluded that during the stretching of nanocomposites the crystallites and VGCNFs were aligned along the uniaxial stress. Upon heating, the crystalline phase was melted, while the orientation of the VGCNFs was not significantly disturbed. The recrystallization of the polymer started preferentially from the VGCNF - polymer interphase, resulting into an anisotropic crystalline structure

    On the thermogravimetric analysis of polymers: Polyethylene oxide powder and nanofibers

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    Thermogravimetric analysis of polyethylene oxide (powder and nanofibers obtained by force spinning water or chloroform solutions of polyethylene oxide) was studied using different theoretical models such as Friedman and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa. A semiempirical approach for estimating the “sigmoid activation energy” from the thermal degradation was suggested and confirmed by the experimental data on PEO powder and nanofibers\u27 mats. The equation allowed for calculating a “sigmoid activation energy” from a single thermogram using a single heating rate without requiring any model for the actual complex set of chemical reactions involved in the thermal degradation process. For PEO (powder and nanofibers obtained from water solutions), the “sigmoid activation energy” increased as the heating rate was increased. The sigmoid activation energy for PEO mats obtained from chloroform solutions exhibited a small decrease as the heating rate was increased. Thermograms\u27 derivatives were fitted to determine the coordinates of the inflection points. The “sigmoid activation energy” was compared to the activation energy determined from the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa model. Similarities between the thermal degradation of polyethylene oxide powder and of the nanofibers obtained from water solutions were discussed. Significant differences between the sigmoid activation energies of the mats obtained from water and chloroform solutions were reported

    Controlled self-assembly of chemical gardens enables fabrication of heterogeneous chemobrionic materials

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    Chemical gardens are an example of a chemobrionic system that typically result in abiotic macro-, micro- and nano- material architectures, with formation driven by complex out-of-equilibrium reaction mechanisms. From a technological perspective, controlling chemobrionic processes may hold great promise for the creation of novel, compositionally diverse and ultimately, useful materials and devices. In this work, we engineer an innovative custom-built liquid exchange unit that enables us to control the formation of tubular chemical garden structures grown from the interface between calcium loaded hydrogel and phosphate solution. We show that systematic displacement of phosphate solution with water (H2O) can halt self-assembly, precisely control tube height and purify structures in situ. Furthermore, we demonstrate the fabrication of a heterogeneous chemobrionic composite material composed of aligned, high-aspect ratio calcium phosphate channels running through an otherwise dense matrix of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA). Given that the principles we derive can be broadly applied to potentially control various chemobrionic systems, this work paves the way for fabricating multifunctional materials that may hold great potential in a variety of application areas, such as regenerative medicine, catalysis and microfluidics.</p

    ESR investigations on Ca perovskite

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    Electron spin resonance studies on fine powders of La0.65Ca0.35MnO3, performed in the X band, are reported. The coexistence of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases, in a narrow temperature range close to the Curie temperature, is observed. The electron spin resonance measurements do not support the presence of bipolarons above the Curie temperature. Temperature dependence of the ESR linewidth is governed by the hopping of polarons and the corresponding activation energy is about 150 meV above Tc
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