16 research outputs found

    Influence of early antioxidant supplements on clinical evolution and organ function in critically ill cardiac surgery, major trauma, and subarachnoid hemorrhage patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Oxidative stress is involved in the development of secondary tissue damage and organ failure. Micronutrients contributing to the antioxidant (AOX) defense exhibit low plasma levels during critical illness. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of early AOX micronutrients on clinical outcome in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with conditions characterized by oxidative stress. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-center trial in patients admitted to a university hospital ICU with organ failure after complicated cardiac surgery, major trauma, or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stratification by diagnosis was performed before randomization. The intervention was intravenous supplements for 5 days (selenium 270 microg, zinc 30 mg, vitamin C 1.1 g, and vitamin B1 100 mg) with a double-loading dose on days 1 and 2 or placebo. RESULTS: Two hundred patients were included (102 AOX and 98 placebo). While age and gender did not differ, brain injury was more severe in the AOX trauma group (P = 0.019). Organ function endpoints did not differ: incidence of acute kidney failure and sequential organ failure assessment score decrease were similar (-3.2 +/- 3.2 versus -4.2 +/- 2.3 over the course of 5 days). Plasma concentrations of selenium, zinc, and glutathione peroxidase, low on admission, increased significantly to within normal values in the AOX group. C-reactive protein decreased faster in the AOX group (P = 0.039). Infectious complications did not differ. Length of hospital stay did not differ (16.5 versus 20 days), being shorter only in surviving AOX trauma patients (-10 days; P = 0.045). CONCLUSION: The AOX intervention did not reduce early organ dysfunction but significantly reduced the inflammatory response in cardiac surgery and trauma patients, which may prove beneficial in conditions with an intense inflammation. TRIALS REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials.gov RCT Register: NCT00515736

    Reduction of nosocomial pneumonia after major burns by trace element supplementation: aggregation of two randomised trials

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    INTRODUCTION: Nosocomial pneumonia is a major source of morbidity and mortality after severe burns. Burned patients suffer trace element deficiencies and depressed antioxidant and immune defences. This study aimed at determining the effect of trace element supplementation on nosocomial or intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired pneumonia. METHODS: Two consecutive, randomised, double-blinded, supplementation studies including two homogeneous groups of 41 severely burned patients (20 placebo and 21 intervention) admitted to the burn centre of a university hospital were combined. Intervention consisted of intravenous trace element supplements (copper 2.5 to 3.1 mg/day, selenium 315 to 380 μg/day, and zinc 26.2 to 31.4 mg/day) for 8 to 21 days versus placebo. Endpoints were infections during the first 30 days (predefined criteria for pneumonia, bacteraemia, wound, urine, and other), wound healing, and length of ICU stay. Plasma and skin (study 2) concentrations of selenium and zinc were determined on days 3, 10, and 20. RESULTS: The patients, 42 ± 15 years old, were burned on 46% ± 19% of body surface: the combined characteristics of the patients did not differ between the groups. Plasma trace element concentrations and antioxidative capacity were significantly enhanced with normalisation of plasma selenium, zinc, and glutathione peroxidase concentrations in plasma and skin in the trace element-supplemented group. A significant reduction in number of infections was observed in the supplemented patients, which decreased from 3.5 ± 1.2 to 2.0 ± 1.0 episodes per patient in placebo group (p < 0.001). This was related to a reduction of nosocomial pneumonia, which occurred in 16 (80%) patients versus seven (33%) patients, respectively (p < 0.001), and of ventilator-associated pneumonia from 13 to six episodes, respectively (p = 0.023). CONCLUSION: Enhancing trace element status and antioxidant defences by selenium, zinc, and copper supplementation was associated with a decrease of nosocomial pneumonia in critically ill, severely burned patients

    Effects of endotoxin on lactate metabolism in humans.

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Hyperlactatemia represents one prominent component of the metabolic response to sepsis. In critically ill patients, hyperlactatemia is related to the severity of the underlying condition. Both an increased production and a decreased utilization and clearance might be involved in this process, but their relative contribution remains unknown. The present study aimed at assessing systemic and muscle lactate production and systemic lactate clearance in healthy human volunteers, using intravenous endotoxin (LPS) challenge. METHODS: Fourteen healthy male volunteers were enrolled in 2 consecutive studies (n = 6 in trial 1 and n = 8 in trial 2). Each subject took part in one of two investigation days (LPS-day with endotoxin injection and placebo-day with saline injection) separated by one week at least and in a random order. In trial 1, their muscle lactate metabolism was monitored using microdialysis. In trial 2, their systemic lactate metabolism was monitored by means of a constant infusion of exogenous lactate. Energy metabolism was monitored by indirect calorimetry and glucose kinetics was measured with 6,6-H2 glucose. RESULTS: In both trials, LPS increased energy expenditure (p = 0.011), lipid oxidation (p&lt;0.0001), and plasma lactate concentration (p = 0.016). In trial 1, lactate concentration in the muscle microdialysate was higher than in blood, indicating lactate production by muscles. This was, however, similar with and without LPS. In trial 2, calculated systemic lactate production increased after LPS (p = 0.031), while lactate clearance remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: LPS administration increases lactatemia by increasing lactate production rather than by decreasing lactate clearance. Muscle is, however, unlikely to be a major contributor to this increase in lactate production. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01647997

    Blunting the response to endotoxin in healthy subjects: effects of various doses of intravenous fish oil

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    Abstract Objective: To test the dose response effect of infused fish oil (FO) rich in n-3 PUFAs on the inflammatory response to endotoxin (LPS) and on membrane incorporation of fatty acids in healthy subjects. Design: Prospective, sequential investigation comparing three different FO doses. Subjects: Three groups of male subjects aged 26.8 ± 3.2 years (BMI 22.5 ± 2.1). Intervention: One of three FO doses (Omegaven Ò 10%) as a slow infusion before LPS: 0.5 g/kg 1 day before LPS, 0.2 g/kg 1 day before, or 0.2 g/kg 2 h before. Measurements and results: Temperature, hemodynamic variables, indirect calorimetry and blood samples (TNF-a, stress hormones) were collected. After LPS temperature, ACTH and TNF-a concentrations increased in the three groups: the responses were significantly blunted (p \ 0.0001) compared with the control group of the Pluess et al. trial. Cortisol was unchanged. Lowest plasma ACTH, TNF-a and temperature AUC values were observed after a single 0.2 g/kg dose of FO. EPA incorporation into platelet membranes was dose-dependent. Conclusions: Having previously shown that the response to LPS was reproducible, this study shows that three FO doses blunted it to various degrees. The 0.2 g/kg perfusion immediately before LPS was the most efficient in blunting the responses, suggesting LPS capture in addition to the systemic and membrane effects

    The role of energy and nutritional support in the intensive care unit.

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    Malnutrition is common in critically ill, hospitalized patients and so represents a major problem for intensive care. Nutritional support can be beneficial in such cases and may help preserve vital organ and immune function. Energy requirements, route of delivery and potential complications of nutritional support are discussed in this paper