245 research outputs found

    Convex Passivity Enforcement of Linear Macromodels via Alternate Subgradient Iterations

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    This paper introduces a new algorithm for passivity enforcement of linear lumped macromodels in scattering form. As typical in most state of the art passivity enforcement methods, we start with an initial non-passive macromodel obtained by a Vector Fitting process, and we perturb its parameters to make it passive. The proposed scheme is based on a convex formulation of both passivity constraints and objective function for accuracy preservation, thus allowing a formal proof of convergence to the unique optimal passive macromodel. This is a distinctive feature that differentiates the new scheme with respect to most state of the art methods, which either do not guarantee convergence or are not able to provide the most accurate solution. The presented algorithm can thus be safely used for those cases for which existing techniques fail. We illustrate the advantages of proposed method on a few benchmarks

    Inhomogeneous String Cosmology Solutions with Regular Spacetime Curvature

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    In this work cosmological models are considered for the low energy string cosmological effective action (tree level) in the absence of dilaton potential. A two parametric non-diagonal family of analytic solutions is found. The curvature is non singular, however the string coupling diverges exponentially.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pge

    Magnetic Surfaces in Stationary Axisymmetric General Relativity

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    In this paper a new method is derived for constructing electromagnetic surface sources for stationary axisymmetric electrovac spacetimes endowed with non-smooth or even discontinuous Ernst potentials. This can be viewed as a generalization of some classical potential theory results, since lack of continuity of the potential is related to dipole density and lack of smoothness, to monopole density. In particular this approach is useful for constructing the dipole source for the magnetic field. This formalism involves solving a linear elliptic differential equation with boundary conditions at infinity. As an example, two different models of surface densities for the Kerr-Newman electrovac spacetime are derived.Comment: 15 page

    An iterative reweighting process for macromodel extraction of power distribution networks

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    This paper introduces a new algorithm for the generation of optimal time-domain macromodels of power distribution networks, starting from a set of tabulated scattering responses and given a nominal termination scheme for active blocks, decoupling capacitors, and voltage regulator module. The new concept being introduced is a modified metric to characterize and optimize the accuracy of the macromodel, which takes into account the operation conditions that will be applied to run transient simulations for power integrity assessment. This metric is applied through an iterative frequency-dependent reweighting scheme in a fully automated flow. Two examples illustrate the performance of the proposed algorith

    The odd side of torsion geometry

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    We introduce and study a notion of `Sasaki with torsion structure' (ST) as an odd-dimensional analogue of K\"ahler with torsion geometry (KT). These are normal almost contact metric manifolds that admit a unique compatible connection with 3-form torsion. Any odd-dimensional compact Lie group is shown to admit such a structure; in this case the structure is left-invariant and has closed torsion form. We illustrate the relation between ST structures and other generalizations of Sasaki geometry, and explain how some standard constructions in Sasaki geometry can be adapted to this setting. In particular, we relate the ST structure to a KT structure on the space of leaves, and show that both the cylinder and the cone over an ST manifold are KT, although only the cylinder behaves well with respect to closedness of the torsion form. Finally, we introduce a notion of `G-moment map'. We provide criteria based on equivariant cohomology ensuring the existence of these maps, and then apply them as a tool for reducing ST structures.Comment: 34 pages; v2: added a small generalization (Proposition 3.6) of the cone construction; two references added. To appear on Ann. Mat. Pura App

    Tuning the accuracy of rational macromodels to nominal load conditions

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    We address the generation of broadband macromodels of complex linear systems via rational curve fitting. We show that standard approaches may not ensure that the macromodel accuracy is preserved in system-level simulations, under loading conditions that are different from the adopted identification settings. Our main contribution is an automated procedure for the definition of a frequency-dependent norm weighting strategy that tunes the macromodel accuracy for a specific nominal termination network, thus improving model robustness under realistic operation

    Exterior Differential System for Cosmological G2 Perfect Fluids and Geodesic Completeness

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    In this paper a new formalism based on exterior differential systems is derived for perfect-fluid spacetimes endowed with an abelian orthogonally transitive G2 group of motions acting on spacelike surfaces. This formulation allows simplifications of Einstein equations and it can be applied for different purposes. As an example a singularity-free metric is rederived in this framework. A sufficient condition for a diagonal metric to be geodesically complete is also provided.Comment: 27 pages, 0 figures, LaTeX2e, to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    New Techniques for Analysing Axisymmetric Gravitational Systems. 1. Vacuum Fields

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    A new framework for analysing the gravitational fields in a stationary, axisymmetric configuration is introduced. The method is used to construct a complete set of field equations for the vacuum region outside a rotating source. These equations are under-determined. Restricting the Weyl tensor to type D produces a set of equations which can be solved, and a range of new techniques are introduced to simplify the problem. Imposing the further condition that the solution is asymptotically flat yields the Kerr solution uniquely. The implications of this result for the no-hair theorem are discussed. The techniques developed here have many other applications, which are described in the conclusions.Comment: 30 pages, no figure

    New Non-Diagonal Singularity-Free Cosmological Perfect-Fluid Solution

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    We present a new non-diagonal G2 inhomogeneous perfect-fluid solution with barotropic equation of state p=rho and positive density everywhere. It satisfies the global hyperbolicity condition and has no curvature singularity anywhere. This solution is very simple in form and has two arbitrary constants.Comment: Latex, no figure