388 research outputs found

    Participation in Transition(s):Reconceiving Public Engagements in Energy Transitions as Co-Produced, Emergent and Diverse

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    This paper brings the transitions literature into conversation with constructivist Science and Technology Studies (STS) perspectives on participation for the first time. In doing so we put forward a conception of public and civil society engagement in sustainability transitions as co-produced, relational, and emergent. Through paying close attention to the ways in which the subjects, objects, and procedural formats of public engagement are constructed through the performance of participatory collectives, our approach offers a framework to open up to and symmetrically compare diverse and interconnected forms of participation that make up wider socio-technical systems. We apply this framework in a comparative analysis of four diverse cases of civil society involvement in UK low carbon energy transitions. This highlights similarities and differences in how these distinct participatory collectives are orchestrated, mediated, and subject to exclusions, as well as their effects in producing particular visions of the issue at stake and implicit models of participation and ‘the public’. In conclusion we reflect on the value of this approach for opening up the politics of societal engagement in transitions, building systemic perspectives of interconnected ‘ecologies of participation’, and better accounting for the emergence, inherent uncertainties, and indeterminacies of all forms of participation in transitions

    Attitudes and impressions of participants in a study of the causes of childhood cancer

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    Researchers and ethics committees are increasingly concerned about the perceived emotional impact on individuals following participation in epidemiologic studies. This attitudinal survey was designed to investigate this issue among 751 of the parents who had already given an interview in the UK Childhood Cancer Study (UKCCS), one of the largest case-control studies ever undertaken to investigate the aetiology of cancer in children. Information was collected by postal questionnaire on their reasons for agreeing to take part in the UKCCS, on whether questions had caused distress or difficulty and what their feelings were immediately after the interview and at the time of this survey. Parents were asked if they felt they had benefited in any way by taking part and control parents were asked if they would have taken part without prior consent of their doctor. 90% of both cases and controls felt glad to have taken part immediately after the interview and few reported any anxiety at having done so; 95% of both cases and controls felt satisfied that they had made a worthwhile contribution. Although 18% of cases felt tense and 14% felt unhappy after the interview, over 90% of them felt glad that they had taken part a few weeks later. Of particular interest is that 38% of cases and 24% of controls said they had positively benefited from taking part in the UKCCS and 96% of control mothers did not mind their family doctor giving permission for them to be contacted. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    A case-control study of cryptorchidism and maternal hormone concentrations in early pregnancy.

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    Serum samples taken between 6 and 20 weeks of gestation were obtained from 28 mothers who gave birth to cryptorchid sons (cases) and from 108 control mothers. In comparison with controls the cases had 10% higher geometric mean oestradiol (95% CI -13% to +39%: P=0.42) and 10% lower geometric mean testosterone (95% CI -27% to +10%: P=0.30). Among the samples collected between 6 and 14 weeks of gestation geometric mean concentrations of oestradiol and testosterone were 5% lower (95% CI -32% to +31%: P=0.74) and 25% lower (95% CI -45% to +1%: P=0.06) respectively in cases than in controls. Among the samples collected between 15 and 20 weeks of gestation geometric mean concentrations of oestradiol and testosterone were 29% higher (95% CI -8% to +79%: P=0.14) and 21% higher (95% CI -8% to +60%: P=0.18) respectively in cases than in controls. The results do not support the hypothesis that cryptorchidism may be caused by high concentrations of oestradiol in the maternal blood during the first phase of testicular descent, but suggest that the possible association of cryptorchidism with low maternal testosterone during early gestation should be further investigated
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