53 research outputs found

    Curriculum management at a special support school by the School Management Council : Analysis of planning and management utilizing facilitation skills

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    特別支援学校小学部・中学部学習指導要領(文部科学省,2017)(以下,新学習指導要領とする。)では、未来の創り手である子供たちに必要な資質・能力を育成するため、学校と社会が連携・協働していくことや、社会に開かれた教育課程の実施が示された。また、教育課程の改善を軸とした学校教育の改善・充実の循環を生み出すカリキュラム・マネジメントの重要性も示された。一方、広島県においては、平成31(2019)年4月より、すべての県立学校が社会と連携・協働していくために、学校運営協議会を設置したコミュニティ・スクールとなった。 本報告では、広島県立呉南特別支援学校のカリキュラム・マネジメントの取組の現状やファシリテーションのスキルを活用した学校運営協議会の企画・運営による学校教育の改善・充実を目指した実践について報告する。The revised elementary and lower secondary Courses of Study for special support schools (2017) calls for cooperation and collaboration between schools and their communities, and the implementation of curriculums that are open to society, with an aim to cultivate necessary qualities and abilities in children who are creators of the future. In addition, the documents indicate the pivotal importance of curriculum management, which creates a virtuous circle of improvement and enhancement of education in schools. In this regard, as of April 2019, “community schools” were established in Hiroshima Prefecture by the School Management Council to promote collaboration and cooperation between all prefectural-run schools and their communities. This report describes the current state of curriculum management initiatives at Hiroshima Prefectural Kure-Minami Special Support School and the practices aimed at enhancing and improving education via planning and operations of the School Management Council, utilizing facilitation skills

    Lifestyle Unit-based Learning to Encourage Independent Behaviors in Children with Intellectual Disabilities: Examination of Event Units (Creating a Drama)

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    生活単元学習を実践する上での今日的課題を整理し、単元を児童の主体性をもとに進めることとキャリア教育の視点を重視することの必要性を再確認した。この考え方に基づき、見通しの立ちやすさから形式的な展開になりやすい行事単元のうち劇づくりの単元学習について検討・考察した。検討の結果、児童の主体性をもとにして、児童自らが行動する単元学習の展開には「児童の考えが反映され可変性のある展開」「単元の目的や活動の対象を意識できる展開」「支援者としての教師の立ち位置」等が重要であることを見出した。This study involved a review of the current issues arising in relation to the use of lifestyle unit-based learning and reaffirmed the necessity of proceeding with this mode of teaching, which was founded on children’s independence and from the perspective of emphasizing career-oriented education. Based on this concept, a unit of study involving creating a drama, one of several event units that tends to develop formally due to its predictable nature, was examined and discussed. As a result of this examination, it was found that factors such as “development in which students’ ideas are reflected and whose content can be changed,” “development where students can be aware of the purpose of the unit and the target of the activity,” and “the teacher’s role as a supporter” are critical for the development of a learning unit founded on students’ agency and in which the students themselves take action

    Special Needs Education Coordinator’s Practice Utilizing Facilitation: Based on the Practices of a School’s In-house Committee on Special Needs Education (Case Discussion), Consultation, and Training Activities

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    特別支援教育に携わる教師の専門性の1つとして、「組織的、協働的に課題の解決のために取り組む専門的な力」が必要とされている。ファシリテーションの能力はその1つであると考えられる。本報告では、中学校におけるファシリテーションを活かした校内委員会の会議(ケース会議)の実践、特別支援学校の地域支援を担当する特別支援教育コーディネーターのファシリテーションを活かした相談・研修の実践について、それぞれの概要、成果と課題を報告するとともに、教師のファシリテーションの能力を高めるための方策を検討する。Teachers involved in special needs education require the ability to resolve issues organizationally and cooperatively. The ability to facilitate can be considered a key skill in this regard. In this report, we will look at a school committee meeting at a junior high school (case discussion), and consultation and training requiring facilitation by the special needs education coordinator in charge of regional support for special needs education schools. We will then report an overview, performance summary, and issues for each, and consider ways to improve teachers’ abilities to facilitate

    The Current Status of Learning Activities within the Topic of Community Contribution in Special Needs Schools for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

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    知的障害特別支援学校における地域貢献をテーマとする学習活動の歴史的経緯と意義、および地域と協働して展開していくための手立てを明らかにすることを目的とした。知的障害特別支援学校2校を訪問調査し、勤務校の教育実践を検討した。地域貢献をテーマとする学習活動は、学校で既に実施してきた教育活動や地域にある制度等を活用すると円滑に開始しやすいことが明らかになった。また、開始する際は、学校の教育目標を実現するために必要な資源を検討し、探究していくことも必要だと考えられた。一方、地域の施設や団体等とのコミュニケーションを密にすることで、より多くの資源を活用できる可能性があり、教師の負担の軽減も期待できると考えられた。さらに、学習活動を発展・持続させていくためには、成果の共有、地域資源の見直し、年間指導計画での授業時数確保等のカリキュラム・マネジメントが不可欠であると考えられた。The aim of this paper is to clarify i) the history and significance of learning activities within the topic of community contribution in special support schools for students with intellectual disabilities, and ii) the ways in which such activities are developed in cooperation with the local community. Two special support schools for students with intellectual disabilities were visited, and relevant education delivery in the researcher’s school was investigated. Utilization of educational activities already ongoing in the school, and of existing systems in the community, were found to facilitate smooth commencement of such community contribution learning activities. When starting these activities, it is also necessary to identify and explore the resources required to realize the school’s educational objectives. Meanwhile, improved communication with local facilities and groups will broaden the pool of available resources and ease the burden on teaching staff. In addition, if such learning activities are to be developed and maintained, it is essential to share outcomes, review community resources, and engage in curriculum management, including with the allocation of sufficient lesson time within annual planning

    An Examination of the Duties of the Elementary School Teacher for Special Needs Education with a Focus on Teamwork and Cooperation

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    特別支援学級担任者(以下、担任者とする。)の専門性の担保について、これまで様々な課題が指摘されている。本研究では、担任者の日々の教育実践を基に担任者の職務を整理し、担任者の職務を担任者の属する組織の「同僚性」、「協働性」の観点から検討することを目的した。担任者の教育実践の参与観察記録について、修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した。その結果図から、担任者の職務は「学習指導に関する職務」と「学習指導を充実させるための職務」の2点で整理できると考えられた。また、担任者の職務遂行は、同僚性、協働性のある学校組織づくりに貢献することができる可能性があると考えられる。Various issues have been identified with regard to ways of ensuring the expertise of the special needs education teacher (hereinafter referred to as“ teacher”). In this study, we aimed to summarize the duties of such teachers based on daily teaching practices, and examine it from the perspective of teamwork and cooperation at the organization they belong to. The observation records on the teacher’s teaching practice were analyzed by using a modified version of the Grounded Theory Approach (M-GTA). Based on the results diagram, it seemed that the duties of the teacher can be summed up in two ways: duties related to learning guidance, and duties to enhance learning guidance. In addition, it seems that the teachers’ execution of these duties may contribute to the creation of teamwork and cooperation within a school organization.本論文は、広島大学大学院平成28年度修士論文「小学校特別支援学級担任者の職務と専門性に関する研究―担任者の成長を支える組織のあり方―」の一部を加筆修正したものである

    Development of lesson plans to enable diversity and collaboration: Framing musical activities from the viewpoint of inclusive education

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    本研究は,インクルーシブな視点に立ち,子どもたちが相互に関わりつながり合う活動を生み出し,多様性と協働を保障する授業を開発することを目的とする。その背景には,多様性のある人それぞれの力が発揮される社会を目指す,インクルーシブ教育システム構築の必要性が存在する。ここでは,編制方式の異なる学級(単式学級・複式学級・特別支援学級)において,困難さの把握と対応,環境の調整を図り,得意な学び方を活かして協働を仕組んだ授業づくりを行った。その結果,事例1 では,特別支援学級に在籍する児童の困難さを捉えつつ意欲を引き出し,各自の製作した手作り楽器を用いて1つの音楽をつくる仕掛けが有効に働いた。事例2 では,第4 学年の児童による掛け声,唱歌の使用,模倣による習得を通して一体感のある学びが有効に機能し,児童自ら和太鼓の表現を生成・変化させていった。事例3 では,複式低学年において,1つの楽器から多様な音色,奏法を発見するための自由な発想と拡散的な思考を促して認め合うことによって,技能習得の苦手意識を乗り越えて,互いの意見を尊重できる学習が実現した。This study aims to develop lessons in which diversity and collaboration are assured through children’s cooperative involvement. Today we should build a system of inclusive education against the background of the social need for all students to exercise their abilities. We framed teaching plans according to children’s difficulties, accommodated their learning environments, and encouraged them to cooperate with each other via their strengths. We then performed activities in different class types: (1) a special needs class for students with diverse disabilities, (2) classes of 4th graders, and (3) a combined class of lower graders in the primary school. We found that (1) creating a piece of music with their own handmade instruments, (2) learning by following others, and the use of kakegoe and shoga, and (3) the opportunity for the creation of students’ own ideas for playing an instrument, reduced the students’ difficulties and helped them to accept each other

    The Development of Lesson Plans to Enable Diversity and Collaboration (II): Focusing on Ways to Elicit Unique Modes of Expression of Each Student

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    In this study, the authors aimed to develop lessons in which diversity and collaboration were ensured through children's cooperative involvement in a special class for students with intellectual disabilities. To bring out unique modes of expression for each student, the authors framed two practices and analyzed, as a lesson study, children's activities and the teacher's support in an unformulated communicative learning process. The authors found three key results. First, children's expressions deepen through a combination of both imitation and exploration, and collaboration emerged through this deepening process. Second, the pursuit of a teaching practice oriented toward diversity and collaboration contributes to the growth and development of both children and teachers, through discussing the learning environment, the teacher's actions, and the processes through which children explore their expressions. Third, children's motives for expression can be encouraged through intellectual curiosity and interest in musical instruments, the creation of an atmosphere where children can feel comfortable and the creation of positive relationships and a sense of partnership among the children and teacher. Their need for competence, then, can be stimulated by activities such as imitating each other's expression

    The Development of Lesson Plans to Enable Diversity and Authentic Learning using Music and Body Movement

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    In this study, the authors aimed to develop lessons in which diversity, collaboration , and authentic learning are ensured through children’s cooperative involvement in a special class for students with intellectual disabilities. The authors framed three practices and analyzed children’s activities and the teachers’ environment setting , including music and body movements. The authors found three key results. First, the ability to recognize the diversity of body movements and expression in different contexts was improved in the practices which caused authentic learning. Second, collaborativeness promote s and nurture s cooperation (sharing roles) when children and teachers work together to achieve collaboration (creation by synergistic effect), finally realizing authentic learning. Third, music and body movements have the power to communicate what words are often unable to-the ability to make others feel that they are wanted and valued. Music and body movements served as the medium and catalyst for deepening authentic dialog

    Things to Change College Students’ Consciousness by Stories from Family Members of People with Intellectual Disabilities: From the Questionnaire Analysis in Classes Targeting Students at Faculty of Education

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    本稿では,本学教育学部1年次生を対象とした教養ゼミ(講義型)において,障害のある子どもの保護者による当事者参加型授業を実施し,その効果について検討した。障害(者)に対する理解を測る質問紙を用いた分析の結果では,[保護者の思い]を聞くことで,障害(者)理解への新たな視点を得られたことが明らかになった。受講学生に対して「今あるいはこれから自分にできると思う取り組み」について質問し,質的分析を行った。結果から,[障害者とのかかわり方][障害(者)についての認識][持続的探求]が抽出された。障害のある子どもの保護者による教育学部1年次生への授業は,将来,教育に携わろうとする学生にとっては,障害(者)の理解に加え,自分が今後取り組むべきことがより教育と結びついた形で明確になったと推察された。In this study, a lecture with active participation of parents of children with disabilities was held in a lecture-type educational seminar for the freshmen of the department of education and its effectiveness was examined. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire designed to measure the degree of understanding of disabilities and people with disabilities revealed that students had acquired a new perspective for understanding disabilities and people with disabilities by listening to the parents’ thoughts and feelings. The students who attended the class were asked about what they thought they could do at present or in the future, and the results were qualitatively analyzed. “How to interact with people with disabilities,” “recognition of disabilities and people with disabilities,” and “sustainable exploration” were extracted from the results. It was speculated that the class with active participation of parents with children with disabilities helped the students planning to be engaged in education in the future to clarify what they should do in the future in relation to education as well as understand disabilities and people with disabilities

    The Development of Lesson Plans to Enable Diversity and Authentic Learning using Music and Body Movement.

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    In this study, the authors aimed to develop lessons in which diversity, collaboration, and authentic learning are ensured through children’s cooperative involvement in a special class for students with intellectual disabilities. The authors framed three practices and analyzed children’s activities and the teacher’s environment setting, including music and body movements. The authors found three key results. First, the ability to recognize the diversity of body movements and expression in different contexts was improved in the practices which caused authentic learning. Second, collaborativeness promotes and nurtures cooperation (sharing roles) when children and teachers work together to achieve collaboration (creation by synergistic effect), finally realizing authentic learning. Third, music and body movements have the power to communicate what words are often unable to-the ability to make others feel that they are wanted and valued. Music and body movements served as the medium and catalyst for deepening authentic dialog