171 research outputs found

    Orbitally-driven Behavior: Mott Transition, Quantum Oscillations and Colossal Magnetoresistance in Bilayered Ca3Ru2O7

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    We report recent transport and thermodynamic experiments over a wide range of temperatures for the Mott-like system Ca3Ru2O7 at high magnetic fields, B, up to 30 T. This work reveals a rich and highly anisotropic phase diagram, where applying B along the a-, b-, and c-axis leads to vastly different behavior. A fully spin-polarized state via a first order metamagnetic transition is obtained for B||a, and colossal magnetoresistance is seen for B||b, and quantum oscillations in the resistivity are observed for B||c, respectively. The interplay of the lattice, orbital and spin degrees of freedom are believed to give rise to this strongly anisotropic behavior.Comment: 26 pages and 8 figure

    Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in nearly ferromagnetic metallic SrIrO3 single crystals

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    We report transport and thermodynamic properties of single-crystal SrIrO3 as a function of temperature T and applied magnetic field H. We find that SrIrO3 is a non-Fermi-liquid metal near a ferromagnetic instability, as characterized by the following properties: (1) small ordered moment but no evidence for long-range order down to 1.7 K; (2) strongly enhanced magnetic susceptibility that diverges as T or T1/2 at low temperatures, depending on the applied field; (3) heat capacity C(T,H) ~ -Tlog T that is readily amplified by low applied fields; (4) a strikingly large Wilson ratio at T< 4K; and (5) a T3/2-dependence of electrical resistivity over the range 1.7 < T < 120 K. A phase diagram based on the data implies SrIrO3 is a rare example of a stoichiometric oxide compound that exhibits non-Fermi-liquid behavior near a quantum critical point (T = 0 and H = 0.23 T)

    Pressure-Induced Insulating State in Ba1-xRExIrO3 (RE = Gd, Eu) Single Crystals

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    BaIrO3 is a novel insulator with coexistent weak ferromagnetism, charge and spin density wave. Dilute RE doping for Ba induces a metallic state, whereas application of modest pressure readily restores an insulating state characterized by a three-order-of-magnitude increase of resistivity. Since pressure generally increases orbital overlap and broadens energy bands, a pressure-induced insulating state is not commonplace. The profoundly dissimilar responses of the ground state to light doping and low hydrostatic pressures signal an unusual, delicate interplay between structural and electronic degrees of freedom in BaIrO3

    Decoupling of the Antiferromagnetic and Insulating States in Tb doped Sr2IrO4

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    Sr2IrO4 is a spin-orbit coupled insulator with an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at TN=240 K. We report results of a comprehensive study of single-crystal Sr2Ir1-xTbxO4. This study found that mere 3% (x=0.03) tetravalent Tb4+(4f7) substituting for Ir4+ (rather than Sr2+) completely suppresses the long-range collinear AFM transition but retains the insulating state, leading to a phase diagram featuring a decoupling of magnetic interactions and charge gap. The insulating state at x=0.03 is characterized by an unusually large specific heat at low temperatures and an incommensurate magnetic state having magnetic peaks at (0.95, 0, 0) and (0, 0.95, 0) in the neutron diffraction, suggesting a spiral or spin density wave order. It is apparent that Tb doping effectively changes the relative strength of the SOI and the tetragonal CEF and enhances the Hund's rule coupling that competes with the SOI, and destabilizes the AFM state. However, the disappearance of the AFM accompanies no metallic state chiefly because an energy level mismatch for the Ir and Tb sites weakens charge carrier hopping and renders a persistent insulating state. This work highlights an unconventional correlation between the AFM and insulating states in which the magnetic transition plays no critical role in the formation of the charge gap in the iridate.Comment: 8 figure

    High-temperature weak ferromagnetism on the verge of a metallic state: Impact of dilute Sr-doping on BaIrO3

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    The 5d-electron based BaIrO3 is a nonmetallic weak ferromagnet with a Curie temperature at Tc=175 K. Its largely extended orbitals generate strong electron-lattice coupling, and magnetism and electronic structure are thus critically linked to the lattice degree of freedom. Here we report results of our transport and magnetic study on slightly Sr doped BaIrO3. It is found that dilute Sr-doping drastically suppresses Tc, and instantaneously leads to a nonmetal-metal transition at high temperatures. All results highlight the instability of the ground state and the subtle relation between magnetic ordering and electron mobility. It is clear that BaIrO3 along with very few other systems represents a class of materials where the magnetic and transport properties can effectively be tuned by slight alterations in lattice parameters

    Anomalous itinerant magnetism in single crystal Sr4Ru3O10: A thermodynamic and transport investigation

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    A thermodynamic and transport study of Sr4Ru3O10 as a function of temperature and magnetic field is presented. The central results include a growing specific heat C with increasing field B, a magnetic contribution to C/T at low temperatures proportional to -log(T), an abrupt jump and a peak in C/T at 2.90 T and 7 T for B||ab-plane and B||c-axis, respectively, and corresponding changes in the low T power laws of the resistivity. The novelty of this work lies in the fact that this system is strongly anisotropic displaying spontaneous ferromagnetism along the c-axis and an intralayer metamagnetic transition with a possibility of a nearby quantum critical point. The exotic behavior reflects new physics that is yet to be understood