31 research outputs found

    Nursing Practicum Based on the Philosophy of Seirei Held at Seirei-related Welfare Facilities in the Spring Semester of the First Year at Seirei Christopher University

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    P(論文)聖隷看護基盤実習は、入学直後の1 年次生春セメスターに聖隷ゆかりの福祉施設などに赴き、看護を学ぶ上で基盤となる対人援助職としてのあり方を、建学の精神や聖隷の理念を礎に、学生自身の体験を振り返りながら学ぶ実習である。聖隷ゆかりの施設における臨地実習では、創設期からの歴史的な変遷や活動を知り、キリスト教精神を基盤とした建学の精神や聖隷の理念について考え、施設での出会いや語りから、対人援助職としてのあり方を、聖隷の理念と関連させて意味づけていく。  本報告では、聖隷クリストファー大学看護基礎教育における2022 年度の聖隷看護基盤実習の創設について、①聖隷看護基盤実習の構築(看護学部学位授与方針、カリキュラムポリシー)、②単位、セメスター履修者数、③科目概要、④実習目標、⑤実習展開、⑥学内委員会・授業との連携、⑦実習記録の構成をふまえ報告する。紀要委員会企画Special Articlesdepartmental bulletin pape

    Cubisme, décor et tradition vers 1912

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    Cubism, decoration and tradition around 1912. The generation of artists who were active in France during the 1880s was particularly interested in promoting the value of the decorative arts and several painters were involved in the creation of decorative ensembles. The influence of William Morris and of Ruskin was strong, and the aesthetics of the new style were linked to the idea of a social art. Towards 1900, Germany’s new industrial power had an influence on the decorative aesthetics of this country. In France, from the time of the Universal Exhibition of 1900, anti-German nationalism grew more marked. German success seemed all the more threatening since the French decorative arts were still unable to forge links with industry. The quest for a new style is marked by the ideology of French tradition. The decorative style seen as modern by the new generation of artists-decorators around 1910 tends towards geometric simplicity, but the dominant ideology remains hostile to any notion of volume production. The cubist house presented at the 1912 Paris Salon d’ Automne provides a good example of the contradictions and ambiguities of modernism. The notion of a French tradition still inspires a certain number of artists-decorators and cubist painters at the very moment when Picasso and Braque, on the one hand, and Marcel Duchamp, on the other, were raising the question of the materials of art.Amano Chika. Cubisme, décor et tradition vers 1912. In: Histoire de l'art, N°16, 1991. Les arts décoratifs. pp. 81-96

    Annual Report 2006(AMANO Chika)

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    Annual Report 2010(AMANO Chika)

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    Preface 1. Focusing on F-GENS activities

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    Annual Report 2010(AMANO Chika)

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    Annual Report 2008(AMANO Chika)

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