128 research outputs found

    Intravitreal bevacizumab for delayed radiation maculopathy and papillopathy after irradiation for maxillary sinus cancer

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    Miki Gondo1, Tsutomu Sakai1, Hiroshi Tsuneoka1, Chihiro Kanehira21Department of Ophthalmology, Jikei University School of Medicine, 2Division of Radiology, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanBackground: The evaluation of intravitreal bevacizumab treatment for delayed radiation maculopathy and papillopathy after irradiation for maxillary sinus cancer.Case report: A patient with radiation maculopathy and papillopathy was treated with intravitreal bevacizumab (1.25 mg). Main outcome measures included fundus photography, angiography, and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Two weeks after intravitreal bevacizumab, visual acuity improved from 0.4 to 1.2. Fundus examination revealed decreased disc swelling, peripapillary hemorrhage, and macular edema. OCT demonstrated complete resolution of serous retinal detachment. At the 12-month follow-up, there was no exudation recurrence. No ocular or systemic side effects were observed.Conclusion: Intravitreal bevacizumab can be used to treat radiation maculopathy and papillopathy. Antivascular endothelial growth factor therapy may decrease tissue injury associated with radiation vasculopathy.Keywords: bevacizumab, radiation, maculopathy, papillopath

    Universal Automatic Phonetic Transcription into the International Phonetic Alphabet

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    This paper presents a state-of-the-art model for transcribing speech in any language into the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Transcription of spoken languages into IPA is an essential yet time-consuming process in language documentation, and even partially automating this process has the potential to drastically speed up the documentation of endangered languages. Like the previous best speech-to-IPA model (Wav2Vec2Phoneme), our model is based on wav2vec 2.0 and is fine-tuned to predict IPA from audio input. We use training data from seven languages from CommonVoice 11.0, transcribed into IPA semi-automatically. Although this training dataset is much smaller than Wav2Vec2Phoneme's, its higher quality lets our model achieve comparable or better results. Furthermore, we show that the quality of our universal speech-to-IPA models is close to that of human annotators.Comment: 5 pages, 7 table

    Metastable Precipitates and Their Misfit Strains

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科機能創成システムThe precipitation processes from GP. zones to γ\u27 in a Cu-0.9wt%Be alloy single crystal containing only the G.P. zones parallel to the matrix (001)α plane are investigated by high-resolution electron microscopy. The precipitate phases follow a G.P. zone → γ″ → γ1+ γ\u27 sequence. The G.P. zone to γI phase transformation occurs successively via γ″ during aging, while the γ\u27 phase heterogeneously precipitates on the γ\u27 phase. From length-change measurements during aging, the misfit strains of γ\u27 precipitates in directions perpendicular and parallel to [001] α are estimated as ε11 = ε22 = -0.03 and ε33 =-0.09, respectively. The observation that the estimated absolute value of ε33 is much smaller than that of ε33=-0.25 calculated using lattice parameters of the γ\u27 phase and Cu matrix is understood in terms of the relaxation of ε33 by interfacial misfit dislocations

    Bulk Density Effects on Soil Hydrologic and Thermal Characteristics: a Numerical Investigation

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    Soil bulk density (ρb) is commonly treated as static in studies of land surface dynamics. Magnitudes of errors associated with this assumption are largely unknown. Our objectives were to: i) quantify ρb effects on soil hydrologic and thermal properties, and ii) evaluate effects of ρb on surface energy balance and heat and water transfer. We evaluated six soil properties, volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, soil thermal diffusivity, water retention characteristics, hydraulic conductivity, and vapor diffusivity, over a range of ρb, using a combination of six models. Thermal conductivity, water retention, hydraulic conductivity, and vapor diffusivity were most sensitive to ρb, each changing by fractions greater than the associated fractional changes in ρb. A 10% change in ρb led to 10-11% change in thermal conductivity, 6-11% change in saturated and residual water content, 49-54% change in saturated hydraulic conductivity, and 80% change in vapor diffusivity. Subsequently, three field seasons were simulated with a numerical model (HYDRUS-1D) for a range of ρb values. When ρb increased from 1.2 to 1.5 Mg m-3; 25% increase, soil temperature variation decreased by 2.1°C in shallow layers and increased by 1°C in subsurface layers. Surface water content differed by 0.02 m3 m-3 for various ρb values during drying events but differences mostly disappeared in the subsurface. Matric potential varied by \u3e100 m of water. Surface energy balance showed clear trends with ρb. Latent heat flux decreased 6%, sensible heat flux increased 9%, and magnitude of ground heat flux varied by 18% with a 25% ρb increase). Transient ρb impacted surface conditions and fluxes, and clearly it warrants consideration in field and modeling investigations

    Prediction of pharmacological activities from chemical structures with graph convolutional neural networks

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    化合物の薬理作用を予測する技術を開発 --薬理作用ビッグデータを用いて--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-01-13.Many therapeutic drugs are compounds that can be represented by simple chemical structures, which contain important determinants of affinity at the site of action. Recently, graph convolutional neural network (GCN) models have exhibited excellent results in classifying the activity of such compounds. For models that make quantitative predictions of activity, more complex information has been utilized, such as the three-dimensional structures of compounds and the amino acid sequences of their respective target proteins. As another approach, we hypothesized that if sufficient experimental data were available and there were enough nodes in hidden layers, a simple compound representation would quantitatively predict activity with satisfactory accuracy. In this study, we report that GCN models constructed solely from the two-dimensional structural information of compounds demonstrated a high degree of activity predictability against 127 diverse targets from the ChEMBL database. Using the information entropy as a metric, we also show that the structural diversity had less effect on the prediction performance. Finally, we report that virtual screening using the constructed model identified a new serotonin transporter inhibitor with activity comparable to that of a marketed drug in vitro and exhibited antidepressant effects in behavioural studies

    Factors Influencing Medicine Use Behavior in Adolescents in Japan Using a Bayesian Network Analysis

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    Background: Medicine education in Japan was introduced to junior high schools in 2012. However, the effectiveness of existing education programs is limited. In order to develop more effective programs for high school students, the present study investigated the variables that directly influence medicine use behavior and the magnitude of their influence, using a Bayesian network analysis.Methods: A national cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2017. Eighty-three public high schools across Japan were randomly selected, and questionnaires were administered to 15–16 years old 10th grade students. The number of valid responses was 17,437 (effective response rate was 98.46%). Responses were analyzed to measure students’ behavior toward, attitudes regarding, and knowledge of medicines, and awareness of their prior medicine education.Results: Students’ “attitude score” and “awareness of a class” directly influenced their “behavior score.” The “score on attitude,” which had a large influence on “score on behavior,” was directly influenced by “score on knowledge of proper use” and “awareness of class.”Conclusion: The present study argues that acquiring knowledge of appropriate medicine use leads to the acquisition of favorable attitudes, which may result in behavioral change. Therefore, for medicine education, it is expected that incorporating content related to knowledge acquisition for changing attitudes will be important for promoting behavioral change