56 research outputs found

    Proof Certificates for Equality Reasoning

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    International audienceThe kinds of inference rules and decision procedures that one writes for proofs involving equality and rewriting are rather different from proofs that one might write in first-order logic using, say, sequent calculus or natural deduction. For example, equational logic proofs are often chains of replacements or applications of oriented rewriting and normal forms. In contrast, proofs involving logical connectives are trees of introduction and elimination rules. We shall illustrate here how it is possible to check various equality-based proof systems with a programmable proof checker (the kernel checker) for first-order logic. Our proof checker's design is based on the implementation of focused proof search and on making calls to (user-supplied) clerks and experts predicates that are tied to the two phases found in focused proofs. It is the specification of these clerks and experts that provide a formal definition of the structure of proof evidence. As we shall show, such formal definitions work just as well in the equational setting as in the logic setting where this scheme for proof checking was originally developed. Additionally, executing such a formal definition on top of a kernel provides an actual proof checker that can also do a degree of proof reconstruction. We shall illustrate the flexibility of this approach by showing how to formally define (and check) rewriting proofs of a variety of designs

    Classical polarizations yield double-negation translations

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    Double-negation translations map formulas to formulas in such a way that if a formula is a classical theorem then its translation is an intuitionistic theorem. We shall go beyond just examining provability by looking at correspondences between inference rules in classical proofs and in intuitionistic proofs of translated formulas. In order to make this comparison interesting and precise, we will examine focused versions of proofs in classical and intuitionistic logics using the LKF and LJF proof systems. We shall show that for a number of known double-negation translations, one can get essentially identical (focused) intuitionistic proofs as (focused) classical proofs. Thus the choice of a common double-negation translation is really the same choice as a polarization of classical logic (of which there are many)

    A Semantic Framework for Proof Evidence

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    International audienceTheorem provers produce evidence of proof in many different formats, such as proof scripts, natural deductions, resolution refutations, Herbrand expansions, and equational rewritings. In implemented provers, numerous variants of such formats are actually used: consider, for example, such variants of or restrictions to resolution refu-tations as binary resolution, hyper-resolution, ordered-resolution, paramodulation, etc. We propose the foundational proof certificates (FPC) framework for defining the semantics of a broad range of proof evidence. This framework allows both producers of proof certificates and the checkers of those certificates to have a clear formal definition of the semantics of a wide variety of proof evidence. Employing the FPC framework will allow one to separate a proof from its provenance and to allow anyone to construct their own proof checker for a given style of proof evidence. The foundation on which FPC relies is that of proof theory, particularly recent work into focused proof systems: such proof systems provide protocols by which a checker extracts information from the certificate (mediated by the so called clerks and experts) as well as performs various deterministic and non-deterministic computations. While we shall limit ourselves to first-order logic in this paper, we shall not limit ourselves in many other ways. The FPC framework is described for both classical and intuitionistic logics and for proof structures as diverse as resolution refutations, natural deduction, Frege proofs, and equality proofs

    The Proof Certifier Checkers

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    International audienceDifferent theorem provers work within different formalisms and paradigms, and therefore produce various incompatible proof objects. Currently there is a big effort to establish foundational proof certificates (FPC), which would serve as a common " specification language " for all these formats. Such framework enables the uniform checking of proof objects from many different theorem provers while relying on a small and trusted kernel to do so. Checkers is an implementation of a proof checker using foundational proof certificates. By trusting a small kernel based on (focused) sequent calculus on the one hand and by supporting FPC specifications in a prolog-like language on the other hand, it can be used for checking proofs of a wide range of theorem provers. The focus of this paper is on the output of equational resolution theorem provers and for this end, we specify the paramodulation rule. We describe the architecture of Checkers and demonstrate how it can be used to check proof objects by supplying the FPC specification for a subset of the inferences used by E-prover and checking proofs using these inferences

    Sanity checks and improvements for patch visualisation in prototype-based image classification

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    In this work, we perform an in-depth analysis of the visualisation methods implemented in two popular self-explaining models for visual classification based on prototypes - ProtoPNet and ProtoTree. Using two fine-grained datasets (CUB-200-2011 and Stanford Cars), we first show that such methods do not correctly identify the regions of interest inside of the images, and therefore do not reflect the model behaviour. Secondly, using a deletion metric, we demonstrate quantitatively that saliency methods such as Smoothgrads or PRP provide more faithful image patches. We also propose a new relevance metric based on the segmentation of the object provided in some datasets (e.g. CUB-200-2011) and show that the imprecise patch visualisations generated by ProtoPNet and ProtoTree can create a false sense of bias that can be mitigated by the use of more faithful methods. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for other prototype-based models sharing the same visualisation method

    Sanity checks for patch visualisation in prototype-based image classification

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    In this work, we perform an analysis of the visualisation methods implemented in ProtoPNet and ProtoTree, two self-explaining visual classifiers based on prototypes. We show that such methods do not correctly identify the regions of interest inside of the images, and therefore do not reflect the model behaviour, which can create a false sense of bias in the model. We also demonstrate quantitatively that this issue can be mitigated by using other saliency methods that provide more faithful image patches.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2302.0850

    ReCIPH: Relational Coefficients for Input Partitioning Heuristic

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    International audienceWith the rapidly advancing improvements to the already successful Deep Learning artifacts, Neural Networks (NN) are poised to permeate a growing number of everyday applications, including ones where safety is paramount and, therefore, formal guarantees are a precious commodity. To this end, Formal Methods, a long-standing, mathematically-inspired field of research saw an effervescent outgrowth targeting NN and advancing almost as rapidly as AI itself. Without a doubt, the most challenging problem facing this new research direction is the scalability to the evergrowing NN models. This paper stems from this need and introduces Relational Coefficients for Input partitioning Heuristic (ReCIPH), accelerating NN analysis. Extensive experimentation is supplied to assert the added value to two different solvers handling several models and properties (coming, in part, from two industrial use-cases)

    Partitionnement en régions linéaires pour la vérification formelle de réseaux de neurones

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    National audienceLa grande polyvalence et les résultats impressionnants des réseaux de neurones modernes viennent en partie de leur non-linéarité. Cette propriété fondamentale rend malheureusement très difficile leur vérification formelle, et ce, même si on se restreint à une structure linéaire par morceaux. Cependant, chacune de ces régions linéaires prise indépendamment est simple à analyser. Nous proposons dans cet article une méthode permettant de simplifier le problème de vérification en opérant une séparation en multiples sous-problèmes linéaires. Nous présentons également des résultats concernant la structure de ces régions linéaires ainsi que leur similarité. Ce travail en cours démontre déjà la faisabilité de l'approche sur des problèmes simples ainsi que quelques expériences face à l'état de l'art

    Formal Methods for AI: Lessons from the past, promisses of the future

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    International audienceThe field of Formal Methods may very well be one of the oldest fields in Computer Science, but it has been brought back to its infancy with the recent advances in Machine Learning. As more and more research teams strive to explore the safety assurance in this newly (re)discovered field, it is essential to seek insights in the history of Formal Methods, with aim of finding guidance in the current endaveour. This position paper delves into the past and offers a brief analysis of relevant similarities, in the modest hope of shedding a complementary light to the already numerous surveys

    An interactive assistant for the definition of proof certificates

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    The Foundational Proof Certificate (FPC) approach to proof evidence offers a flexible framework for the formal definition of proof semantics, described through its relationship to focused proof systems. The certificates thus produced by tools are executable when interpreted on top of a suitable logic engine, and can therefore be independently verified by trusted proof checkers. The fundamental obstacle encountered here lies in translating the proof evidence produced by a tool in the terms of a formal definition in the system. These formal definitions are akin to domain-specific languages (in which proofs can be written) programmed in the assembly language of the underlying proof systems: a delicate task for which both expert knowledge and great care are needed. To facilitate broader adoption, we begin to explore techniques that abstract away part of this complexity and bring the FPC framework closer to a user-friendly, programmable platform in which a wide range of high-level certificate definitions can be easily encoded