101 research outputs found

    Density Fluctuations in an Electrolyte from Generalized Debye-Hueckel Theory

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    Near-critical thermodynamics in the hard-sphere (1,1) electrolyte is well described, at a classical level, by Debye-Hueckel (DH) theory with (+,-) ion pairing and dipolar-pair-ionic-fluid coupling. But DH-based theories do not address density fluctuations. Here density correlations are obtained by functional differentiation of DH theory generalized to {\it non}-uniform densities of various species. The correlation length Ο\xi diverges universally at low density ρ\rho as (Tρ)−1/4(T\rho)^{-1/4} (correcting GMSA theory). When ρ=ρc\rho=\rho_c one has Ο≈Ο0+/t1/2\xi\approx\xi_0^+/t^{1/2} as t≡(T−Tc)/Tc→0+t\equiv(T-T_c)/T_c\to 0+ where the amplitudes Ο0+\xi_0^+ compare informatively with experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX, 1 ps figure included with epsf. Minor changes, references added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Collective dynamics of liquid aluminum probed by Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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    An inelastic X-ray scattering experiment has been performed in liquid aluminum with the purpose of studying the collective excitations at wavevectors below the first sharp diffraction peak. The high instrumental resolution (up to 1.5 meV) allows an accurate investigation of the dynamical processes in this liquid metal on the basis of a generalized hydrodynamics framework. The outcoming results confirm the presence of a viscosity relaxation scenario ruled by a two timescale mechanism, as recently found in liquid lithium.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Evidence of two viscous relaxation processes in the collective dynamics of liquid lithium

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    New inelastic X-ray scattering experiments have been performed on liquid lithium in a wide wavevector range. With respect to the previous measurements, the instrumental resolution, improved up to 1.5 meV, allows to accurately investigate the dynamical processes determining the observed shape of the the dynamic structure factor, S(Q,ω)S(Q,\omega). A detailed analysis of the lineshapes shows the co-existence of relaxation processes with both a slow and a fast characteristic timescales, and therefore that pictures of the relaxation mechanisms based on a simple viscoelastic model must be abandoned.Comment: 5 pages, 4 .PS figure

    Ginzburg Criterion for Coulombic Criticality

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    To understand the range of close-to-classical critical behavior seen in various electrolytes, generalized Debye-Hueckel theories (that yield density correlation functions) are applied to the restricted primitive model of equisized hard spheres. The results yield a Landau-Ginzburg free-energy functional for which the Ginzburg criterion can be explicitly evaluated. The predicted scale of crossover from classical to Ising character is found to be similar in magnitude to that derived for simple fluids in comparable fashion. The consequences in relation to experiments are discussed briefly.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 tables (latex2.09 required due to revtex's incompatibility with latex2e tables

    Evidence of short time dynamical correlations in simple liquids

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    We report a molecular dynamics (MD) study of the collective dynamics of a simple monatomic liquid -interacting through a two body potential that mimics that of lithium- across the liquid-glass transition. In the glassy phase we find evidences of a fast relaxation process similar to that recently found in Lennard-Jones glasses. The origin of this process is ascribed to the topological disorder, i.e. to the dephasing of the different momentum QQ Fourier components of the actual normal modes of vibration of the disordered structure. More important, we find that the fast relaxation persists in the liquid phase with almost no temperature dependence of its characteristic parameters (strength and relaxation time). We conclude, therefore, that in the liquid phase well above the melting point, at variance with the usual assumption of {\it un-correlated} binary collisions, the short time particles motion is strongly {\it correlated} and can be described via a normal mode expansion of the atomic dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 7 .eps figs. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Inelastic X-ray scattering study of the collective dynamics in liquid sodium

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    Inelastic X-ray scattering data have been collected for liquid sodium at T=390 K, i.e. slightly above the melting point. Owing to the very high instrumental resolution, pushed up to 1.5 meV, it has been possible to determine accurately the dynamic structure factor, S(Q,ω)S(Q,\omega), in a wide wavevector range, 1.5Ă·151.5 \div 15 nm−1^{-1}, and to investigate on the dynamical processes underlying the collective dynamics. A detailed analysis of the lineshape of S(Q,ω)S(Q,\omega), similarly to other liquid metals, reveals the co-existence of two different relaxation processes with slow and fast characteristic timescales respectively. The present data lead to the conclusion that: i) the picture of the relaxation mechanism based on a simple viscoelastic model fails; ii) although the comparison with other liquid metals reveals similar behavior, the data do not exhibit an exact scaling law as the principle of corresponding state would predict.Comment: RevTex, 7 pages, 6 eps figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Microscopic dynamics in liquid metals: the experimental point of view

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    The experimental results relevant for the understanding of the microscopic dynamics in liquid metals are reviewed, with special regards to the ones achieved in the last two decades. Inelastic Neutron Scattering played a major role since the development of neutron facilities in the sixties. The last ten years, however, saw the development of third generation radiation sources, which opened the possibility of performing Inelastic Scattering with X rays, thus disclosing previously unaccessible energy-momentum regions. The purely coherent response of X rays, moreover, combined with the mixed coherent/incoherent response typical of neutron scattering, provides enormous potentialities to disentangle aspects related to the collectivity of motion from the single particle dynamics. If the last twenty years saw major experimental developments, on the theoretical side fresh ideas came up to the side of the most traditional and established theories. Beside the raw experimental results, therefore, we review models and theoretical approaches for the description of microscopic dynamics over different length-scales, from the hydrodynamic region down to the single particle regime, walking the perilous and sometimes uncharted path of the generalized hydrodynamics extension. Approaches peculiar of conductive systems, based on the ionic plasma theory, are also considered, as well as kinetic and mode coupling theory applied to hard sphere systems, which turn out to mimic with remarkable detail the atomic dynamics of liquid metals. Finally, cutting edges issues and open problems, such as the ultimate origin of the anomalous acoustic dispersion or the relevance of transport properties of a conductive systems in ruling the ionic dynamic structure factor are discussed.Comment: 53 pages, 41 figures, to appear in "The Review of Modern Physics". Tentatively scheduled for July issu


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    Les facteurs de structure globaux S(Q) et les fonctions de corrĂ©lation G(R) de l'alliage amorphe Mg.72 Zn.28 ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus par diffraction des rayons X et des neutrons. L'ordre chimique Ă  courte distance est discutĂ© dans le formalisme de Bhatia-Thornton et les nombres de coordination partiels sont extraits. La comparaison de l'amorphe et du cristal Mg51Zn20 indique une faible diffĂ©rence de l'ordre local due Ă  un nombre de premiers voisins de mĂȘme type supĂ©rieur dans la phase dĂ©sordonnĂ©e. L'Ă©volution structurale au cours de la cristallisation de l'amorphe et de la solidification du liquide surfondu a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e in situ par diffraction neutronique. Les variations de G(R) sont en accord avec les premiers rĂ©sultats. Les alliages amorphe ou liquide cristallisent dans la phase orthorhombique Mg51Zn20 ; l'arrangement atomique est obtenu en deux Ă©tapes successives.The total structure factors S(Q) and the total pair correlation functions G(R) of the amorphous alloy Mg.72Zn.28 have been investigated by X-ray and neutron diffraction. The chemical short range order is discussed in the Bhatia-Thornton formalism and the partial coordination numbers are extracted. Comparison with the structure of crystalline Mg51Zn20 shows a weak difference in the local order due to a preference for like type atoms at the first inter-atomic distances in the disordered phase. To confirm these results, new measurements were performed by neutron diffraction. The structural evolution during the crystallization of the amorphous phase or the solidification of the undercooled melt are observed in situ. The changes of G(R) are in good agreement with the previous results. Amorphous and liquid alloys crystallize to the single phase of crystal Mg51Zn20 ; the approach of the crystalline local atomic arrangement is obtained by two successive steps
