19 research outputs found

    Information Technology-Interoperability Issues: The Challenges of Bank Recapitalization and Consolidation

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    The recent recapitalization drive of the Central Bank Nigeria (CBN) is aimed at reshaping the Banking industry where customers and investors can build some degree of confidence in the system. Out of the eighty nine (89) banks in the country' only very few of them will be able to weather the storm. Lately there has been a number of recapitalization drives through the sales of securities while some took to the option of mergers and acquisitions. However recapitalization may not be without technological hitches resulting from the integration of various infrastructures of different banks coming together. This paper attempts to review the compatibility issues using the Simple object Access Protocol (SOAP) and the XML-based (Extended Markup language) integration layer with the aim of proffering solutions at reduced cost and complexit

    Soft Computing Stock Market Price Prediction for the Nigerian Stock Exchange

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    Forecasting the price movements in stock market has been a major challenge for common investors, businesses, brokers and speculators because Stock Prices are considered to be very dynamic and susceptible to quick changes. As more and more money is being invested, the investor get anxious of the future trends of the stock prices in the market and thus, creating a high desirable need for a more\u27 intelligent\u27 prediction model. Two soft computing models- Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Fuzzy Neuro hybrid model were used to forecast the next day\u27s closing price. The historical trading data was obtained from the Nigerian Stock Exchange for Dangote Sugar Refinery Plc . The results showed the power of Soft Computing techniques (SC) in stock Price Prediction


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    ABSTRACT: A review of the existing work on software complexity metrics shows the use of McCabe’