14 research outputs found

    The concept of the historical process in Karl Marx’s Formen

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    This essay analyses the concept of "historical process" formulated by Karl Marx in the work Formen, die der capitaleistischen Produktion vorhergehen. Marx emphasizes the way in which a real historical process can be revealed only when certain conditions arise which will be fully realized only in the capitalist mode of production. These conditions will lead to the emergence of the employee and modern individualis

    The problem of the relationshipbetweencontinuity and discontinuity in Formen die derkapitalistischenvorhergehnby Karl Marx

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    The essay examines the complex relationship between methodology and historiographic research in Marx's works. In particular, fundamental texts such as the Introduction to the Critique of political economy were considered and, especially, the Grundrisse; in the latter, particular attention was paid to Formen, die der Kapitalistischen Vorhergehn. The authors attempt to reconstruct the deep bonds that link the theme of continuity / discontinuity typical of historical processes with another considerably important theme, that of the abstract-concrete opposition proper to methodological reflectio

    Linguaggio e politica: Habermas e la complexio oppositorum

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    Il saggio è un’analisi del tentativo di Jürgen Habermas di connettere insieme libertà e sovranità, democrazia e apparato istituzionale, linguaggio e politica. Il linguaggio produce ordine politico poiché mette in-forma una comunità politica. Il merito di Habermas è quello di aver tradotto i problemi della politica, della democrazia e della libertà in termini di linguaggio. L’analisi procede attraverso un confronto, sui temi cruciali del dibattito filosofico-politico, tra il modello liberale, repubblicano e quello della politica deliberativa proposto e sostenuto da Haberma


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    Theory and history, in Machiavelli, are inextricably connected. They define the coordinates of the Florentine secretary's analysis. The aim of the essay is to schematize the epistemological context used by Machiavelli. The reflection is conducted, mainly, on the “Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio”, the most complex and mature work of Machiavelli


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