10 research outputs found

    精神看護学の授業展開 : 学生が「患者と出会う」体験の意味

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    0ne-day practical visit to a psychiatric ward is introduced so that students can realize the circumstances of mental hospitalization and deepen their understanding of mental patients. An attitude survey conducted using questionnaires before and after the visit revealed how the experience affected the students, and effective development of psychiatric nursing class was discussed. As a result of factor analysis, four factors : 1) vague anxiety, 2) active interest, 3) anxiety about patients, and 4) anxiety about learning, were abstracted. It became clear that vague anxiety about how to treat padents, how to commnicate and nursing itself was reduced. The result of this survey suggests that what is needed is the ingenious development of psychiatric nursing course which helps students to have the clear image of the patient and consider a good reladonship between nurses and patients

    精神疾患患者と接しての学生のイメージ変化と実習の学び : 精神看護学1日実習を体験して

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    Many students have negadve images of psychiatric patients due to reports by mass media and lack of direct experiences with them. We conducted an invesdgation on our students\u27 images of psychiatric patients before and after the one-day psychiatric nursing practice which is done in the students second year of the nursing college. We have found that the students have different images after they experienced the nursing practice and learned various things in the practice. We have proved the validity of the one-day psychiatric nursing practice. We have also found the things to be improved in the future


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    臨地実習における医療事故防止に向けての教育上の課題 : SHELモデルを用いたインシデントの分析から

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    We have analyzed incidents that our nursing students encountered during their practical training with the use of SHEL Model. Consequently, we were able to extract the factors of incidents that instructors and nurses tend to overlook. We have found out that lack of experience of the students is likely to lead to the incidents. We also have found out what we need to know in instructing students in practica1 training. In order to prevent the medical accidents by the students, we (instructors and nurses at the training institutions) need to not only raise the students\u27 consciousness to medical accidents but also educate and instruct with the common view points of "medical accident prevention.

    Organelle degradation in the lens by PLAAT phospholipases.

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    The eye lens of vertebrates is composed of fibre cells in which all membrane-bound organelles undergo degradation during terminal differentiation to form an organelle-free zone. The mechanism that underlies this large-scale organelle degradation remains largely unknown, although it has previously been shown to be independent of macroautophagy. Here we report that phospholipases in the PLAAT (phospholipase A/acyltransferase, also known as HRASLS) family-Plaat1 (also known as Hrasls) in zebrafish and PLAAT3 (also known as HRASLS3, PLA2G16, H-rev107 or AdPLA) in mice-are essential for the degradation of lens organelles such as mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes. Plaat1 and PLAAT3 translocate from the cytosol to various organelles immediately before organelle degradation, in a process that requires their C-terminal transmembrane domain. The translocation of Plaat1 to organelles depends on the differentiation of fibre cells and damage to organelle membranes, both of which are mediated by Hsf4. After the translocation of Plaat1 or PLAAT3 to membranes, the phospholipase induces extensive organelle rupture that is followed by complete degradation. Organelle degradation by PLAAT-family phospholipases is essential for achieving an optimal transparency and refractive function of the lens. These findings expand our understanding of intracellular organelle degradation and provide insights into the mechanism by which vertebrates acquired transparent lenses