17 research outputs found

    The effects of low enthalpy geothermal system on groundwater of the Cesine wetland

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    Cesine Wetland, Salento, low-enthalpy geothermal power plant, heat transport numerical model

    The Compatibility of Geothermal Power Plants with Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: The Case of the Cesine Wetland (Southern Italy)

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    The Cesine Wetland, located along the Adriatic coast, was recognized as a Wetland of International Interest and a National Natural Park. Managed by the "World Wide Fund for nature" (WWF), it is considered a groundwater dependent ecosystem which is affected by seawater intrusion. The site was selected to test the environmental compatibility of a low-enthalpy geothermal power plant (closed loop) operating in the aquifer saturated portion with purpose to improving the visitor centre. For this purpose, the long-lasting thermal impact on groundwater was assessed using a multi-methodological approach. The complex aquifer system was carefully studied with geological, hydrogeological and geochemical surveys, including chemical and isotopic laboratory analyses of surface water, groundwater and seawater. The isotopes δ18O, δD, δ11B, and 3H were useful to clarify the recharge contribution, the water mixing and the water age. All information was used to improve the conceptualization of the water system, including aquifers and the boundary conditions for a density driven numerical groundwater model. The purpose was to forecast anthropogenic thermal groundwater variations up to 10 years of plant working before the plant realization and to validate the solution after some working years. All results show the environmental compatibility notwithstanding the peculiar ecological environment

    Adherence issues related to sublingual immunotherapy as perceived by allergists

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    Objectives: Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is a viable alternative to subcutaneous immunotherapy to treat allergic rhinitis and asthma, and is widely used in clinical practice in many European countries. The clinical efficacy of SLIT has been established in a number of clinical trials and meta-analyses. However, because SLIT is self-administered by patients without medical supervision, the degree of patient adherence with treatment is still a concern. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception by allergists of issues related to SLIT adherence. Methods: We performed a questionnaire-based survey of 296 Italian allergists, based on the adherence issues known from previous studies. The perception of importance of each item was assessed by a VAS scale ranging from 0 to 10. Results: Patient perception of clinical efficacy was considered the most important factor (ranked 1 by 54% of allergists), followed by the possibility of reimbursement (ranked 1 by 34%), and by the absence of side effects (ranked 1 by 21%). Patient education, regular follow-up, and ease of use of SLIT were ranked first by less than 20% of allergists. Conclusion: These findings indicate that clinical efficacy, cost, and side effects are perceived as the major issues influencing patient adherence to SLIT, and that further improvement of adherence is likely to be achieved by improving the patient information provided by prescribers. © 2010 Scurati et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Heat exchange modeling in a multilayered karst aquifer affected by seawater intrusion

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    A Feflow thermohaline model has been implemented in order to study borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) activity in a coastal aquifer in the South of Italy (Province of Lecce, Puglia Region). The modeled closed-loop system consists of two double u-pipe heat exchangers, installed in 200 meters deep boreholes. The main purpose of numerical modeling was to forecast thermal plume extension in groundwater after a long period of heat exchange, calculating temperature trends in observation points during a 10 years transport simulation. The complex geological structure, including calcarenites, fractured limestones and a deep karst aquifer, has been translated into a multilayered model, with a depth-related parameter distribution, assigning different values of hydraulic, thermal and chemical properties to each layer. In particular saltwater concentration has been taken into account, considering the influence of seawater intrusion on the heat transport density-dependent model. Parameters assignment was based on experimental datasets collected during initial field investigations, including thermal characterization of soil samples and GRTs, together with historical hydrogeological and hydrochemical measures and previous groundwater surveys. After model structure configuration and aquifers parameterization, a sensitivity analysis on porosity and heat dispersivity has been conducted, to evaluate their influence on thermal transport phenomena with a multiple scenarios approach, considering in particular the uncertainty related to secondary porosity in karst systems. Feflow simulation represented the first step in environmental compatibility evaluation for the BHE plant, waiting for the necessary model calibration with groundwater temperature monitoring trends

    Nel segno della conoscenza. I docenti universitari nel Rotary Club Padova.

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    Nel segno della conoscenza è un dizionario biografico dei soci del Rotary Club Padova che sono mancati e sono stati docenti dell’Ateneo ad alti livelli di ricerca didattica e gestione, sempre nello spirito della Patavina libertas. Il libro è stato ideato e realizzato con l’obiettivo di mantenerne vivo il ricordo e nel contempo vuole essere un omaggio all’Università nella ricorrenza dei suoi 800 anni di storia. Vi sono ritratti 74 profili biografici, frutto di accurate ricerche documentarie, condotte secondo un disegno unitario. Insieme formano una sorta di “mosaico”, in cui le diverse “tessere” danno vita a un’opera da consultare o leggere a più livelli. L’alto profilo delle personalità ritratte, il peso delle vicende e degli eventi ad esse collegato, sono una testimonianza dell’importanza del ruolo rivestito da tanti soci-docenti del Club (fondato nel 1949) nella vita dell’Ateneo in oltre settanta anni e del legame “storico” consolidatosi con l’Università di Padova

    Underground Geosites and Caving Speleotourism: Some Considerations, From a Case Study in Southern Italy

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    Small-size karst landforms may potentially provide very useful information to fully understand the behavior of karst systems and their dynamics. “Inghiottitoio della Masseria Rotolo,” located in a remarkable karst area of southeastern Italy, was originally a very small swallow hole, able to collect huge amount of water during rainstorms. After works of excavations, and the later caving explorations, it has become the deepest cave in Apulia, reaching the water table at depth of −264 m, with further exploration underwater that brought the depth to 324 m below the ground surface, for a total development of the system greater than 1800 m. This cave is described in the context of the possibility to define underground geosites and to promote speleotourism, with the main goal to spread among the great public information about karst processes and landscape evolution in Apulia. At this aim, the main historical and morphological features of the area where the cave is located (the Canale di Pirro polje) are also described. The karst system of the “Inghiottitoio della Masseria Rotolo” is being studied through a scientific project funded by the regional authority, and a great number of data is being collected, which could be extremely useful to reconstruct the different phases of cave development and to put this cave within the overall context of karst evolution in this sector of central Apulia. Transferring the scientific outcomes to the high number of tourists and visitors would be essential to spreading the main information about karst and to improve the level of knowledge on this remarkable karst system

    First Outcomes of a Project Dedicated to Monitoring Groundwater Resources in Apulia, Southern Italy

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    The deepest cave in Apulia, an almost entirely karst region in southeastern Italy, has recently been the object of a project aimed at evaluating the quality and quantity of the groundwater resources. The cave system, located in one of the most remarkable karst landforms in the region (Canale di Pirro polje), reaches the water table at a depth of −264 m. Diving explorations brought the total depth of the cave down to −324 m. This contribution illustrates the preliminary activities carried out during the project, with a particular focus on geology, morphology and structural geology of the cave system and surrounding areas, together with hydrogeological research and chemical analyses of the groundwater

    Naturally functionalized silk as useful material for photonic applications

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    none15noSilk is a natural fibre obtained from the Bombyx mori silkworm cocoons that can be used in a wide range of fields thanks to its inherent multifunctionality. Post-production steps are necessary to impart colour to the fibres to employ the material for optics and photonic applications, such as in fluorescence-based optofluidic devices in lab-on-a-chip realization. Here we present an intrinsically greener dyeing approach for fabricating naturally functionalized silk, where highly-fluorescent organic dyes with lasing properties are in vivo up-taken by silkworms once introduced in the artificial diet. A detailed photoluminescence spectroscopy investigation is implemented to test whether the dyes are effectively incorporated within the silk proteins, in correlation with the silkworm gland positions where proteins extraction is held. Light amplification characteristics are demonstrated in silk extracted from glands of silkworm fed with artificial diet doped with Rhodamine B dye.mixedSusanna Cavallini; Stefano Toffanin; Camilla Chieco; Anna Sagnella; Francesco Formaggio;Assunta Pistone ; Tamara Posati d; Marco Natali; Marco Caprini; Valentina Benfenati;Nicola Di Virgilio; Giampiero Ruani; Michele Muccini; Roberto Zamboni; Federica RossiSusanna Cavallini; Stefano Toffanin; Camilla Chieco; Anna Sagnella; Francesco Formaggio;Assunta Pistone ; Tamara Posati d; Marco Natali; Marco Caprini; Valentina Benfenati;Nicola Di Virgilio; Giampiero Ruani; Michele Muccini; Roberto Zamboni; Federica Ross

    Ground Source Heat Pumps. An overview on the potential in Adriatic area and the Balkans

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    The Handbook resumes all the activities developed within LEGEND Project in the framework of low enthalpy geothermal applications to existent public buildings in the Adriatic area. The activities have focused on many different aspects, such as geological and geotheraml potential, awareness raising, supply chain, environmental life cycle aspects and administrative barriers. The volume has been presented at LEGEND Final Conference, held in Ferrara on December 12th, 2014