3 research outputs found

    Collection, genotyping and virus elimination of cassava landraces from Tanzania and documentation of farmer knowledge

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 17 Aug 2021Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) has been a vital staple and food security crop in Tanzania for several centuries, and it is likely that its resilience will play a key role in mitigating livelihood insecurities arising from climate change. The sector is dominated by smallholder farmers growing traditional landrace varieties. A recent surge in virus diseases and awareness in the commercial potential of cassava has prompted a drive to disseminate improved varieties in the country. These factors however also threaten the existence of landraces and associated farmer knowledge. It is important that the landraces are conserved and utilized as the adaptive gene complexes they harbor can drive breeding for improved varieties that meet agro-ecological adaptation as well as farmer and consumer needs, thereby improving adoption rates. Here we report on cassava germplasm collection missions and documentation of farmer knowledge in seven zones of Tanzania. A total of 277 unique landraces are identified through high-density genotyping. The large number of landraces is attributable to a mixed clonal/sexual reproductive system in which the soil seed bank and incorporation of seedlings plays an important role. A striking divergence in genetic relationships between the coastal regions and western regions is evident and explained by (i) independent introductions of cassava into the country, (ii) adaptation to prevailing agro-ecological conditions and (iii) farmer selections according to the intended use or market demands. The main uses of cassava with different product profiles are evident, including fresh consumption, flour production, dual purpose incorporating both these uses and longer-term food security. Each of these products have different trait requirements. Individual landraces were not widely distributed across the country with limited farmer-to-farmer diffusion with implications for seed systems

    Nested association mapping-based GWAS for grain yield and related traits in wheat grown under diverse Australian environments

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    Published online: 7 October 2022Key message: Utilising a nested association mapping (NAM) population-based GWAS, 98 stable marker-trait associations with 127 alleles unique to the exotic parents were detected for grain yield and related traits in wheat. Abstract Grain yield, thousand-grain weight, screenings and hectolitre weight are important wheat yield traits. An understanding of their genetic basis is crucial for improving grain yield in breeding programmes. Nested association mapping (NAM) populations are useful resources for the dissection of the genetic basis of complex traits such as grain yield and related traits in wheat. Coupled with phenotypic data collected from multiple environments, NAM populations have the power to detect quantitative trait loci and their multiple alleles, providing germplasm that can be incorporated into breeding programmes. In this study, we evaluated a large-scale wheat NAM population with two recurrent parents in unbalanced trials in nine diverse Australian field environments over three years. By applying a single-stage factor analytical linear mixed model (FALMM) to the NAM multi-environment trials (MET) data and conducting a genome-wide association study (GWAS), we detected 98 stable marker-trait associations (MTAs) with their multiple alleles. 74 MTAs had 127 alleles that were derived from the exotic parents and were absent in either of the two recurrent parents. The exotic alleles had favourable effects on 46 MTAs of the 74 MTAs, for grain yield, thousand-grain weight, screenings and hectolitre weight. Two NAM RILs with consistently high yield in multiple environments were also identified, highlighting the potential of the NAM population in supporting plant breeding through provision of germplasm that can be readily incorporated into breeding programmes. The identified beneficial exotic alleles introgressed into the NAM population provide potential target alleles for the genetic improvement of wheat and further studies aimed at pinpointing the underlying genes.Charity Chidzanga, Daniel Mullan, Stuart Roy, Ute Baumann, Melissa Garci

    Genome-wide association mapping for component traits of drought tolerance in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Understanding the genetic basis of traits of economic importance under drought stressed and well-watered conditions is important in enhancing genetic gains in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). This research aims to: (i) identify markers associated with agronomic and physiological traits for drought tolerance and (ii) identify drought-related putative candidate genes within the mapped genomic regions. An andean and middle-american diversity panel (AMDP) comprising of 185 genotypes was screened in the field under drought stressed and well-watered conditions for two successive seasons. Agronomic and physiological traits, viz., days to 50% flowering (DFW), plant height (PH), days to physiological maturity (DPM), grain yield (GYD), 100-seed weight (SW), leaf temperature (LT), leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) and stomatal conductance (SC) were phenotyped. Principal component and association analysis were conducted using the filtered 9370 Diversity Arrays Technology sequencing (DArTseq) markers. The mean PH, GYD, SW, DPM, LCC and SC of the panel was reduced by 12.1, 29.6, 10.3, 12.6, 28.5 and 62.0%, respectively under drought stressed conditions. Population structure analysis revealed two sub-populations, which corresponded to the andean and middle-american gene pools. Markers explained 0.08-0.10, 0.22-0.23, 0.29-0.32, 0.43-0.44, 0.65-0.66 and 0.69-0.70 of the total phenotypic variability (R2) for SC, LT, PH, GYD, SW and DFW, respectively under drought stressed conditions. For well-watered conditions, R2 varied from 0.08 (LT) to 0.70 (DPM). Overall, 68 significant (p < 10-03) marker-trait associations (MTAs) and 22 putative candidate genes were identified across drought stressed and well-watered conditions. Most of the identified genes had known biological functions related to regulating the response to drought stress. The findings provide new insights into the genetic architecture of drought stress tolerance in common bean. The findings also provide potential candidate SNPs and putative genes that can be utilized in gene discovery and marker-assisted breeding for drought tolerance after validation.Bruce Mutari, Julia Sibiya, Admire Shayanowako, Charity Chidzanga, Prince M. Matova, Edmore Gasur