12 research outputs found

    Cytology Smears: An Enhanced Alternative Method for Colorectal Cancer pN Stage-A Multicentre Study

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    Stage II colorectal cancer (CRC) recurrence remains a clinical problem. Some of these patients are true stage III CRC with a pN0 pathology stage. This large prospective multicentre cohort study aimed at evaluating the diagnostic ability of lymph node (LN) cytology smears to perform the pN stage and compare it with the conventional haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) pathology pN stage. Additionally, we used the One-Step Nucleic Acid Amplification (OSNA), a high-sensitive molecular method of LN staging. A total of 3936 fresh LNs from 217 CRC surgical specimens were examined by three methods, H&E, LN cytology smears, and OSNA. H&E detected 29% of patients with positive LNs, cytology smears 35%, and OSNA 33.2% (p < 0.0001). H&E and cytology concordantly classified 92.2% of tumours, and 88.5% between OSNA and H&E. Cytology had 96.8% sensitivity and 90.3% specificity to discriminate positive/negative patients compared to H&E (p = 0.004), and 87.3% sensitivity and 89% specificity when compared to OSNA (p = 0.56). Patients with positive LNs detected by any of the three methods had significantly worse disease-free and overall survival. We conclude that pN stage accuracy for detecting positive LNs is superior with LN cytological smears than with conventional H&E, which would enable a better pN stage and management of early-stage CRC patients

    Significant Clinical Activity of Olaparib in a Somatic BRCA1-Mutated Triple-Negative Breast Cancer With Brain Metastasis

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    Breast cancer is a biologically and clinically heterogeneous disease, and patients with similar clinical stage have markedly different outcomes. Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is defined by the lack of expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2).1,2 This subtype represents 15% to 20% of all breast cancers and is associated with the worst outcome of all subtypes, with greater tendency to distant recurrence in general and visceral metastasis in particular, including brain metastasis.3,4 To date, chemotherapy remains the standard of care for TNB

    Budget Impact Analysis of Molecular Lymph Node Staging Versus Conventional Histopathology Staging in Colorectal Carcinoma

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    Background: The presence of lymph node (LN) metastasis is a critical prognostic factor in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and is also an indicator for adjuvant chemotherapy. The gold standard (GS) technique for LN diagnosis and staging is based on the analysis of haematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained slides, but its sensitivity is low. As a result, patients may not be properly diagnosed and some may have local recurrence or distant metastases after curative-intent surgery. Many of these diagnostic and treatment problems could be avoided if the one-step nucleic acid amplification assay (OSNA) was used rather than the GS technique. OSNA is a fast, automated, standardised, highly sensitive, quantitative technique for detecting LN metastases. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the budget impact of introducing OSNA LN analysis in early-stage CRC patients in the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Methods: A budget impact analysis comparing two scenarios (GS vs. OSNA) was developed within the Spanish NHS framework over a 3-year time frame (2017-2019). The patient population consisted of newly diagnosed CRC patients undergoing surgical treatment, and the following costs were included: initial surgery, pathological diagnosis, staging, follow-up expenses, systemic treatment and surgery after recurrence. One- and two-way sensitivity analyses were performed. Results: Using OSNA instead of the GS would have saved 1,509,182, 6,854,501 and 10,814,082 during the first, second and third years of the analysis, respectively, because patients incur additional costs in later years, leading to savings of more than 19 million for the NHS over the 3-year time horizon. Conclusions: Introducing OSNA in CRC LN analysis may represent not only an economic benefit for the NHS but also a clinical benefit for CRC patients since a more accurate staging could be performed, thus avoiding unnecessary treatments

    Frequency and spectrum of PIK3CA somatic mutations in breast cancer

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    Purpose: The therascreen PIK3CA mutation assay and the alpha-specific PI3K inhibitor alpelisib are FDA-approved for identifying and treating patients with advanced PIK3CA-mutated (PIK3CAmut) breast cancer (BC). However, it is currently unknown to what extend this assay detects most PIK3CA mutations in BC. This information is critical as patients and clinicians are using this and other genomic assays to indicate alpelisib. Methods: Data from 6338 patients with BC was explored across 10 publicly available studies. The primary objective was to evaluate the proportion and distribution of PIK3CA mutations in BC. Secondary objectives were (1) to evaluate in silico the spectrum of PIK3CA mutations in BC that would be captured by the therascreen panel; (2) to evaluate the proportion and distribution of PIK3CA mutations in hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative (HR+/HER2-), HER2+, and triple-negative BC (TNBC); and (3) to explore the identification of PIK3CA mutations in a cohort of 48 HR+/HER2- advanced BC patients by the Guardant B360 circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) assay. Results: Patients with PIK3CAmut tumors represented 35.7% (2261/6338). Five PIK3CA mutations comprised 73% of all PIK3CA mutations: H1047R (35%), E545K (17%), E542K (11%), N345K (6%), and H1047L (4%). Therascreen gene list would capture 72% of all PIK3CA mutations and 80% of patients with a known PIK3CAmut BC. Among patients with double PIK3CAmut tumors (12% of all PIK3CAmut), the therascreen panel would capture 78% as harboring 1 single PIK3CA mutation, 17% as PIK3CAmut undetected, and 5% as PIK3CA double-mut. PIK3CA mutation rates were lower in TNBC (16%) compared to HR+/HER2 (42%) and HER2+ (31%) BC; however, the distribution of the 4 main PIK3CA mutations across subtypes was similar. Finally, 28% of PIK3CA mutations identified in ctDNA in 48 patients with advanced HR+/HER2- BC were not part of the therascreen panel. Conclusion: PIK3CA mutations in BC are heterogenous and ~ 20% of patients with a known PIK3CA mutation, and 95% with a known double PIK3CAmut tumor, would not be captured by the therascreen panel. Finally, the clinical utility of PIK3CA mutations not present in the therascreen companion diagnostic assay or identified by other sequencing-based assays needs further investigation

    Immune microenvironment characterisation and dynamics during anti-HER2-based neoadjuvant treatment in HER2-positive breast cancer

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    Despite their recognised role in HER2-positive (HER2+) breast cancer (BC), the composition, localisation and functional orientation of immune cells within tumour microenvironment, as well as its dynamics during anti-HER2 treatment, is largely unknown. We here investigate changes in tumour-immune contexture, as assessed by stromal tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) and by multiplexed spatial cellular phenotyping, during treatment with lapatinib-trastuzumab in HER2+ BC patients (PAMELA trial). Moreover, we evaluate the relationship of tumour-immune contexture with hormone receptor status, intrinsic subtype and immune-related gene expression. sTIL levels increase after 2 weeks of HER2 blockade in HR-negative disease and HER2-enriched subtype. This is linked to a concomitant increase in cell density of all four immune subpopulations (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, Foxp3+). Moreover, immune contexture analysis showed that immune cells spatially interacting with tumour cells have the strongest association with response to anti-HER2 treatment. Subsequently, sTILs consistently decrease at the surgery in patients achieving pathologic complete response, whereas most residual tumours at surgery remain inflamed, possibly reflecting a progressive loss of function of T cells. Understanding the features of the resulting tumour immunosuppressive microenvironment has crucial implications for the design of new strategies to de-escalate or escalate systemic therapy in early-stage HER2+ BC

    Clinical, pathological and PAM50 gene expression features of HER2-low breast cancer

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    Novel antibody-drug conjugates against HER2 are showing high activity in HER2-negative breast cancer (BC) with low HER2 expression (i.e., 1+ or 2+ and lack of ERBB2 amplification). However, the clinical and molecular features of HER2-low BC are yet to be elucidated. Here, we collected retrospective clinicopathological and PAM50 data from 3,689 patients with HER2-negative disease and made the following observations. First, the proportion of HER2-low was higher in HR-positive disease (65.4%) than triple-negative BC (TNBC, 36.6%). Second, within HR-positive disease, ERBB2 and luminal-related genes were more expressed in HER2-low than HER2 0. In contrast, no gene was found differentially expressed in TNBC according to HER2 expression. Third, within HER2-low, ERBB2 levels were higher in HR-positive disease than TNBC. Fourth, HER2-low was not associated with overall survival in HR-positive disease and TNBC. Finally, the reproducibility of HER2-low among pathologists was suboptimal. This study emphasizes the large biological heterogeneity of HER2-low BC, and the need to implement reproducible and sensitive assays to measure low HER2 expression

    ERBB2mRNA expression and response to Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine (T-DM1) in HER2-positive breast cancer

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    Trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) is approved for the treatment of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive (HER2+) metastatic breast cancer (BC) and for residual disease after neoadjuvant therapy; however, not all patients benefit. Here, we hypothesized that the heterogeneity in the response seen in patients is partly explained by the levels of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 gene (ERBB2) mRNA.We analyzed ERBB2 expression using a clinically applicable assay in formalin-fixed para n-embedded (FFPE) tumors (primary or metastatic) from a retrospective series of 77 patients with advanced HER2+ BC treated with T-DM1. The association of ERBB2 levels and response was further validated in 161 baseline tumors from the West German Study (WGS) Group ADAPT phase II trial exploring neoadjuvant T-DM1 and 9 in vitro BC cell lines. Finally

    Identificación de biomarcadores y estrategias que eviten o reduzcan el uso de quimioterapia en cáncer de mama precoz

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    [spa] 1) HIPÓTESIS: En el cáncer de mama precoz, una reducción en el uso de la quimioterapia (neo)adyuvante, o incluso su completa eliminación, es posible para ciertos subgrupos de pacientes gracias a nuevos biomarcadores y a nuevas estrategias terapéuticas. Para esta tesis se han planteado 3 hipótesis específicas: 1. En pacientes con cáncer de mama precoz HER2-positivo, la combinación de la celularidad tumoral y los linfocitos infiltrantes de tumor (llamado CelTIL) tras terapia corta basada en fármacos anti- HER2 sin quimioterapia aporta información pronóstica. 2. En mujeres premenopáusicas con cáncer de mama RRHH-positivo/HER2-negativo, la actividad total o parcial de la quimioterapia se explica por un efecto anti-estrogénico indirecto mediante la supresión de la función ovárica. 3. En pacientes postmenopáusicas con cáncer de mama RRHH-positivo/HER2-negativo de alto riesgo, el estudio biológico de los tumores antes, durante y tras el tratamiento neoadyuvante con ribociclib en combinación con tratamiento endocrino podrá permitir identificar pacientes que no necesiten quimioterapia adyuvante. 2) OBJETIVO GENERAL Realizar una caracterización molecular mediante expresión génica, así como la determinación de linfocitos infiltrantes de tumor en diferentes cohortes de pacientes diagnosticadas de cáncer de mama precoz RRHH-positivo y/o HER2-positivo previo y posterior al tratamiento para identificar biomarcadores que puedan ayudar a la desescalada de tratamiento (neo)adyuvante. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 1. Determinar los linfocitos infiltrantes de tumor y la celularidad tumoral (así como cálculo del CelTIL score) en muestras de pacientes con cáncer de mama precoz HER2- positivo tratadas con doble bloqueo HER2 incluidas en el ensayo clínico NeoALTTO a día 0 y a día 14 (±2) del tratamiento. 2. Validar la capacidad del CelTIL score, medido en el día 14 (±2), de predecir respuesta patológica completa (pCR) en pacientes con cáncer de mama HER2-positivo tratadas en el estudio NeoALTTO. 3. Determinar la capacidad pronóstica del CelTIL score en el estudio NeoALTTO. 4. Identificar cambios de expresión génica asociados al efecto del tratamiento endocrino en pacientes postmenopáusicas con cáncer de mama Luminal B (por PAM50/Prosigna) que participaron en el ensayo clínico CORRALLEEN. 5. Validar la firma endocrina de expresión génica observada en el estudio CORALLEEN en líneas celulares de cáncer de mama RRHH-positivo/HER2-negativo. 6. Validar la firma endocrina de expresión génica observada en el estudio CORALLEEN en diferentes ensayos clínicos en pacientes menopáusicas tratadas con hormonoterapia. 7. Validar la firma endocrina de expresión génica en otras cohortes de pacientes premenopáusicas tratadas con quimioterapia. 8. Identificar alteraciones genómicas y/o vías de señalización asociadas con la resistencia al tratamiento después de letrozol más ribociclib o quimioterapia en pacientes con cáncer de mama Luminal B que participaron en el ensayo clínico CORALLEEN. 9. Definir las características genómicas, con especial atención al sistema inmunológico, en enfermedad residual en pacientes tratadas con ribociclib y tratamiento endocrino, versus quimioterapia. 10. Determinar los linfocitos infiltrantes de tumor en la enfermedad residual en muestras de cáncer de mama tratadas con ribociclib y tratamiento endocrino, en comparación con quimioterapia, y su relación con la respuesta anti-proliferativa en las células tumorales

    Phenotypic changes of HER2-positive breast cancer during and after dual HER2 blockade

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    The HER2-enriched (HER2-E) subtype within HER2-positive (HER2+) breast cancer is highly addicted to the HER2 pathway. However, ∼20-60% of HER2+/HER2-E tumors do not achieve a complete response following anti-HER2 therapies. Here we evaluate gene expression data before, during and after neoadjuvant treatment with lapatinib and trastu- zumab in HER2+/HER2-E tumors of the PAMELA trial and breast cancer cell lines. Our results reveal that dual HER2 blockade in HER2-E disease induces a low-proliferative Luminal A phenotype both in patient's tumors and in vitro models. These biological changes are more evident in hormone receptor-positive (HR+) disease compared to HR-negative disease. Interestingly, increasing the luminal phenotype with anti-HER2 therapy increased sensitivity to CDK4/6 inhibition. Finally, discontinuation of HER2-targeted therapy in vitro, or acquired resistance to anti-HER2 therapy, leads to restoration of the original HER2-E phenotype. Our findings support the use of maintenance anti-HER2 therapy and the therapeutic exploitation of subtype switching with CDK4/6 inhibition

    Development and validation of the new HER2DX assay for predicting pathological response and survival outcome in early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer

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    Background: Both clinical and genomic data independently predict survival and treatment response in early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer. Here we present the development and validation of a new HER2DX risk score, and a new HER2DX pathological complete response (pCR) score, both based on a 27-gene expression plus clinical feature-based classifier. Methods: HER2DX is a supervised learning algorithm incorporating tumour size, nodal staging, and 4 gene expression signatures tracking immune infiltration, tumour cell proliferation, luminal differentiation, and the expression of the HER2 amplicon, into a single score. 434 HER2-positive tumours from the Short-HER trial were used to train a prognostic risk model; 268 cases from an independent cohort were used to verify the accuracy of the HER2DX risk score. In addition, 116 cases treated with neoadjuvant anti-HER2-based chemotherapy were used to train a predictive model of pathological complete response (pCR); two independent cohorts of 91 and 67 cases were used to verify the accuracy of the HER2DX pCR likelihood score. Five publicly available independent datasets with >1,000 patients with early-stage HER2-positive disease were also analysed. Findings: In Short-HER, HER2DX variables were associated with good risk outcomes (i.e., immune, and luminal) and poor risk outcomes (i.e., proliferation, and tumour and nodal staging). In an independent cohort, continuous HER2DX risk score was significantly associated with disease-free survival (DFS) (p=0·002); the 5-year DFS in the low-risk group was 97·4% (94·4-100·0%). For the neoadjuvant pCR predictor training cohort, HER2DX variables were associated with pCR (i.e., immune, proliferation and HER2 amplicon) and non-pCR (i.e., luminal, and tumour and nodal staging). In both independent test set cohorts, continuous HER2DX pCR likelihood score was significantly associated with pCR (p<0·0001). A weak negative correlation was found between the HER2DX risk score versus the pCR score (correlation coefficient -0·19). Interpretation: The two HER2DX tests provide accurate estimates of the risk of recurrence, and the likelihood to achieve a pCR, in early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer. Funding: This study received funding from Reveal Genomics, IDIBAPS and the University of Padova