2 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the bioclimatic potential of agroecological zones of the Altai Territory in the conditions of modern climatic and anthropogenic changes

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    The steppe zone is characterized by high dynamism of environmental conditions including sharp climatic fluctuations that affect both the possibilities of agriculture and the state of steppe landscapes. Further development of agriculture without taking into account changing climatic and environmental factors increases risks both for steppe ecosystems and for the sustainability of agriculture. The field production of the agro-climatic zones of the Altai Territory is characterized by the high variability of gross yields associated with the dynamics of precipitation, air temperature, and soil fertility. Under the current conditions, the analysis of the temporal and spatial dynamics of bioclimatic potential is of high practical importance for the development and implementation of adaptive agricultural technologies. A retrospective analysis was carried out and a modern bio-climatic characteristic of model territories representing various agroecological zones was compiled for this purpose. The object of research was data on average daily, average monthly, and average annual air temperatures, the level of precipitation, the water vapor pressure, and relative humidity. Statistical processing of analytical data was carried out in Excel. Calculations revealed significant temporal and spatial dynamics of the BCP. Spatially, it is characterized by a significant decrease in a north-western orientation. The lowest average values, 1.71-1.81 units, were observed in the Kulunda and Rubtsovskaya agroecological zones, with a coefficient of variation of more than 20.0%. The Zarinskaya and Aleyskaya agroecological zones were characterized by the highest values of BCP, and the Predgornaya zone presented maximum values of BCP, at the level of 2.70 units with high stability. Temporally, the BCP of the Zarinskaya, Kulunda, and Priobskaya agroclimatic zones is characterized by a negative trend; in other zones, its almost zero balance is noted. A sufficiently expressed difference in the BCP of various agroecological zones has an impact on the realization of the biological potential of cultivated crops. Analysis of the level of development of the vegetative mass of spring wheat by determining NDVI confirmed this assumption. For a systematic assessment of the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the production process of field crops and the development of measures for the rational use of agricultural landscapes, it is advisable to determine the potential yield according to the BCP, determine the degree of its implementation in the economic harvest and justify techniques for leveling limiting factors in agrotechnology of individual agroecological zones

    Contemporary aeolian landforms and deposits in the Ural river basin (south Russia)

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    This paper presents main features of environment conditions of the steppe zone in southern Russia in Orenburg Region. These features make a background where contemporary aeolian landforms ot psammosteppes are discussed. Mechanical features of dune sediments (gram size distribution and sand abrasion) are also discussed and compared to the substratum sediments. The observations included the Iirtek river valley and the interfluve area of the IIek and Khobda rivers859