23 research outputs found

    Silicon and Silicon Carbide Recrystallization by Laser Annealing: A Review

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    Modifying material properties within a specific spatial region is a pivotal stage in the fabrication of microelectronic devices. Laser annealing emerges as a compelling technology, offering precise control over the crystalline structure of semiconductor materials and facilitating the activation of doping ions in localized regions. This obviates the necessity for annealing the entire wafer or device. The objective of this review is to comprehensively investigate laser annealing processes specifically targeting the crystallization of amorphous silicon (Si) and silicon carbide (SiC) samples. Silicon finds extensive use in diverse applications, including microelectronics and solar cells, while SiC serves as a crucial material for developing components designed to operate in challenging environments or high-power integrated devices. The review commences with an exploration of the underlying theory and fundamentals of laser annealing techniques. It then delves into an analysis of the most pertinent studies focused on the crystallization of these two semiconductor materials

    Targeting lysine-specific demethylase 1 (KDM1A/LSD1) impairs colorectal cancer tumorigenesis by affecting cancer cells stemness, motility, and differentiation

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    : Among all cancers, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the 3rd most common and the 2nd leading cause of death worldwide. New therapeutic strategies are required to target cancer stem cells (CSCs), a subset of tumor cells highly resistant to present-day therapy and responsible for tumor relapse. CSCs display dynamic genetic and epigenetic alterations that allow quick adaptations to perturbations. Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A (KDM1A also known as LSD1), a FAD-dependent H3K4me1/2 and H3K9me1/2 demethylase, was found to be upregulated in several tumors and associated with a poor prognosis due to its ability to maintain CSCs staminal features. Here, we explored the potential role of KDM1A targeting in CRC by characterizing the effect of KDM1A silencing in differentiated and CRC stem cells (CRC-SCs). In CRC samples, KDM1A overexpression was associated with a worse prognosis, confirming its role as an independent negative prognostic factor of CRC. Consistently, biological assays such as methylcellulose colony formation, invasion, and migration assays demonstrated a significantly decreased self-renewal potential, as well as migration and invasion potential upon KDM1A silencing. Our untargeted multi-omics approach (transcriptomic and proteomic) revealed the association of KDM1A silencing with CRC-SCs cytoskeletal and metabolism remodeling towards a differentiated phenotype, supporting the role of KDM1A in CRC cells stemness maintenance. Also, KDM1A silencing resulted in up-regulation of miR-506-3p, previously reported to play a tumor-suppressive role in CRC. Lastly, loss of KDM1A markedly reduced 53BP1 DNA repair foci, implying the involvement of KDM1A in the DNA damage response. Overall, our results indicate that KDM1A impacts CRC progression in several non-overlapping ways, and therefore it represents a promising epigenetic target to prevent tumor relapse

    Destroying the Shield of Cancer Stem Cells: Natural Compounds as Promising Players in Cancer Therapy

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    In a scenario where eco-sustainability and areduction in chemotherapeutic drug waste are certainly a prerogative to safeguard the biosphere, the use of natural products (NPs) represents an alternative therapeutic approach to counteract cancer diseases. The presence of a heterogeneous cancer stem cell (CSC) population within a tumor bulk is related to disease recurrence and therapy resistance. For this reason, CSC targeting presents a promising strategy for hampering cancer recurrence. Increasing evidence shows that NPs can inhibit crucial signaling pathways involved in the maintenance of CSC stemness and sensitize CSCs to standard chemotherapeutic treatments. Moreover, their limited toxicity and low costs for large-scale production could accelerate the use of NPs in clinical settings. In this review, we will summarize the most relevant studies regarding the effects of NPs derived from major natural sources, e.g., food, botanical, and marine species, on CSCs, elucidating their use in pre-clinical and clinical studies

    Enterococcal meningitis caused by Enterococcus casseliflavus. First case report

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    BACKGROUND: Enterococcal meningitis is an uncommon disease usually caused by Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium and is associated with a high mortality rate. Enterococcus casseliflavus has been implicated in a wide variety of infections in humans, but never in meningitis. CASE PRESENTATION: A 77-year-old Italian female presented for evaluation of fever, stupor, diarrhea and vomiting of 3 days duration. There was no history of head injury nor of previous surgical procedures. She had been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years, for which she was being treated with steroids and methotrexate. On admission, she was febrile, alert but not oriented to time and place. Her neck was stiff, and she had a positive Kernig's sign. The patient's cerebrospinal fluid was opalescent with a glucose concentration of 14 mg/dl, a protein level of 472 mg/dl, and a white cell count of 200/ÎĽL with 95% polymorphonuclear leukocytes and 5% lymphocytes. Gram staining of CSF revealed no organisms, culture yielded E. casseliflavus. The patient was successfully treated with meropenem and ampicillin-sulbactam. CONCLUSIONS: E. casseliflavus can be inserted among the etiologic agents of meningitis. Awareness of infection of central nervous system with Enterococcus species that possess an intrinsic vancomycin resistance should be increased

    Cancer cell targeting by CAR-T cells: A matter of stemness

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    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy represents one of the most innovative immunotherapy approaches. The encouraging results achieved by CAR-T cell therapy in hematological disorders paved the way for the employment of CAR engineered T cells in different types of solid tumors. This adoptive cell therapy represents a selective and efficacious approach to eradicate tumors through the recognition of tumor-associated antigens (TAAs). Binding of engineered CAR-T cells to TAAs provokes the release of several cytokines, granzyme, and perforin that ultimately lead to cancer cells elimination and patient’s immune system boosting. Within the tumor mass a subpopulation of cancer cells, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs), plays a crucial role in drug resistance, tumor progression, and metastasis. CAR-T cell therapy has indeed been exploited to target CSCs specific antigens as an effective strategy for tumor heterogeneity disruption. Nevertheless, a barrier to the efficacy of CAR-T cell-based therapy is represented by the poor persistence of CAR-T cells into the hostile milieu of the CSCs niche, the development of resistance to single targeting antigen, changes in tumor and T cell metabolism, and the onset of severe adverse effects. CSCs resistance is corroborated by the presence of an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME), which includes stromal cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), and immune cells. The relationship between TME components and CSCs dampens the efficacy of CAR-T cell therapy. To overcome this challenge, the double strategy based on the use of CAR-T cell therapy in combination with chemotherapy could be crucial to evade immunosuppressive TME. Here, we summarize challenges and limitations of CAR-T cell therapy targeting CSCs, with particular emphasis on the role of TME and T cell metabolic demands

    EBF1, MYO6 and CALR expression levels predict therapeutic response in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas

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    BackgroundDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a hematological malignancy representing one-third of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases. Notwithstanding immunotherapy in combination with chemotherapy (R-CHOP) is an effective therapeutic approach for DLBCL, a subset of patients encounters treatment resistance, leading to low survival rates. Thus, there is an urgent need to identify predictive biomarkers for DLBCL including the elderly population, which represents the fastest-growing segment of the population in Western countries.MethodsGene expression profiles of n=414 DLBCL biopsies were retrieved from the public dataset GSE10846. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (fold change >1.4, p-value <0.05, n=387) have been clustered in responder and non-responder patient cohorts. An enrichment analysis has been performed on the top 30 up-regulated genes of responder and non-responder patients to identify the signatures involved in gene ontology (MSigDB). The more significantly up-regulated DEGs have been validated in our independent collection of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) biopsy samples of elderly DLBCL patients, treated with R-CHOP as first-line therapy.ResultsFrom the analysis of two independent cohorts of DLBCL patients emerged a gene signature able to predict the response to R-CHOP therapy. In detail, expression levels of EBF1, MYO6, CALR are associated with a significant worse overall survival.ConclusionsThese results pave the way for a novel characterization of DLBCL biomarkers, aiding the stratification of responder versus non-responder patients

    Post-Mortem Investigations for the Diagnosis of Sepsis: A Review of Literature

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    To date, sepsis is still one of the most important causes of death due to the difficulties concerning the achievement of a correct diagnosis. As well as in a clinical context, also in a medico-legal setting the diagnosis of sepsis can reveal challenging due to the unspecificity of the signs detected during autopsies, especially when no ante-mortem clinical data, laboratory, and cultural results are available. Thus, a systematic review of literature was performed to provide an overview of the main available and updated forensic tools for the post-mortem diagnosis of sepsis. Moreover, the aim of this review was to evaluate whether a marker or a combination of markers exist, specific enough to allow a correct and definite post-mortem diagnosis. The review was conducted searching in PubMed and Scopus databases, and using variable combinations of the keywords “post mortem sepsis diagnosis”, “macroscopic signs”, “morphology”, “histology”, “immunohistochemical markers”, “biochemical markers”, and “forensic microbiology”. The article selection was carried out following specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 44 works was identified, providing data on morphological aspects of the organs examined, histological findings, immunohistochemical and biochemical markers, and cultural assays. The review findings suggested that the post-mortem diagnosis of sepsis can be achieved by a combination of data obtained from macroscopic and microscopic analysis and microbial investigations, associated with the increased levels of at least two of three biochemical and/or immunohistochemical markers evaluated simultaneously on blood samples

    An Overview on the Use of miRNAs as Possible Forensic Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Determining the cause of death is one of the main goals of forensic pathology. However, conditions can occur in which common approaches—external inspection, autopsy, histology, etc.—might not be conclusive. With the advancement of molecular biology, several investigative techniques have been developed over the years, and the application as approaches complementary to routine procedures has proved useful in these cases. In this context, microRNA (miRNA) profiling has attracted increasing interest due to these molecules’ ability to regulate physiological and pathological processes. The evidence of differential miRNA expression in both animal models and human samples of traumatic brain injury (TBI) has laid the basis for comprehension of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, thus allowing us to identify some of them as possible TBI diagnostic biomarkers. The present narrative review aims to explore the primary miRNAs involved in the mechanisms underlying TBI, which could be considered for future evaluation as possible markers in a post mortem setting

    Low-cost wearable measurement system for continuous real-time pedobarography

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    Pedobarography is fundamental for kinetic gait analysis and for diagnosis and investigation of a number of neurological and musculoskeletal diseases, such as peripheral neuropathy or Parkinson. Wearable plantar pressure sensing systems represent a powerful tool in this field. The continuous data they can provide are crucial for rehabilitation, sport applications, and to generate real-time alarms for foot ulceration prevention of neuropathic patients. Requirements of compactness, spatial resolution, range and power-consumption lead to the high cost of commercially available pedobarographic systems, which represents the major issue hindering their widespread use. Efforts of the authors' work are therefore aimed at the realization of a single system able to match all these requirements while overcoming the cost issue. This work presents a high-spatial-resolution, flexible system enabling wide-dynamic-range pressure measurements with different sensing materials, and suitable for both platforms and low-cost sensing insoles embeddable into normal shoes. Experimental tests and comparisons adopting an in-house developed piezoresistive substrate and a commercial sensing material are presented and discusse

    An Insight into the Role of Postmortem Immunohistochemistry in the Comprehension of the Inflammatory Pathophysiology of COVID-19 Disease and Vaccine-Related Thrombotic Adverse Events: A Narrative Review

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    On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic due to the spread of COVID-19 from Wuhan, China, causing high mortality rates all over the world. The related disease, which mainly affects the lungs, is responsible for the onset of Diffuse Alveolar Damage (DAD) and a hypercoagulability state, frequently leading to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and multiorgan failure, particularly in old and severe-critically ill patients. In order to find effective therapeutic strategies, many efforts have been made aiming to shed light on the pathophysiology of COVID-19 disease. Moreover, following the late advent of vaccination campaigns, the need for the comprehension of the pathophysiology of the fatal, although rare, thrombotic adverse events has become mandatory as well. The achievement of such purposes needs a multidisciplinary approach, depending on a correct interpretation of clinical, biochemical, biomolecular, and forensic findings. In this scenario, autopsies have helped in defining, on both gross and histologic examinations, the main changes to which the affected organs undergo and the role in assessing whether a patient is dead “from” or “with” COVID-19, not to mention whether the existence of a causal link exists between vaccination and thrombotic adverse events. In the present work, we explored the role of postmortem immunohistochemistry, and the increasingly used ancillary technique, in helping to understand the mechanism underlying the pathophysiology of both COVID-19 disease and COVID-19 vaccine-related adverse and rare effects